NAME Uncinulites
AGE    AGE span:  mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti?, Amerosporae?
SPECIES, AUTHORITY Uncinulites Pampaloni 1902, p. 125; emend. Salmon 1903.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS: (combined description): Thin-walled, dark, astomate, subglobose perithecia 30-35 µm; with 18-25 simple appendages with hooked tips; appendages nearly equal to perithecium, undivided, black at their base, dark-colored at the tip. [Jansonius & Hills (1977), card no. 3427.]

EMENDED DIAGNOSIS (Salmon 1903, p. 128, figs. 1-2, studied a type-slide on loan from Pampaloni, and redescribed Uncinulites as follows): These are small globose bodies measuring 20-22 µm in diameter, covered when ripe, on the outside with straight or curved filiform or spine-like projections -- the so-called "appendages" -- that attain sometimes to half the diameter of the globose body (figs. 1-2). Both the central globose body and the projections are brownish in color. These globose bodies, which are termed "perithecia" by Pampaloni (1902) in the diagnosis, are in the majority of instances so darkly colored as to be rendered opaque (fig. 1); in a few cases, however, individuals -- evidently in a younger stage of development, as is shown by the almost complete absence of projections -- occur that are more transparent, and in these, under high power with a strong illumination, it can be seen that each globose body is not a compound mass of cells, but a single cell (fig. 2). It seems clear, therefore, that each is to be regarded, not as a perithecium with appendages, but as a single spore with spinous epispore. On the precise determination of these spores I am not able at present to throw any light. It may be pointed out further that neither in the small size of the supposed "perithecium" nor in the nature of the "appendages" do the present objects bear the slightest resemblance to any of the species of the genus Uncinula of the Erysiphaceae.
COMMENTS* (Pampaloni): As for the type species.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Pampaloni L. 1902. I resti organici nel disodile di Melilli in Sicilia; Palaeontographica Italica, v. 8, p. 121-130.

Jansonius J, Hills LV. 1977. Genera file of fossil spores - supplement 2; Special Publication, Department of Geology, University of Calgary, cards 3288-3431.

Salmon ES. 1903. Cercosporites sp., a new fossil fungus; Journal of Botany, v. 41, p. 127-130.
K&J REMARKS As for the type species.
TYPE TYPE: Uncinulites baccarinii Pampaloni 1902, p. 125, pl. 10, fig. 7.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Graamspora Salard-Cheboldaeff & Locquin 1980. ; Uncinulites;

 *For source, see Publication Reference.