Selected Publications of David Green

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5. Hepp, M; Palsson, E; Thomsen, SK; Green, DJ.  (2021)   Predicting the effects of reservoir water level management on the reproductive output of a riparian songbird.  PLoS One 16 DOI  PubMed
4. Macfarland, L; Mahony, NA; Harrison, M; Green, D.  (2019)   Habitat-mediated breeding performance of Lewis's Woodpeckers (Melanerpes lewis) in British Columbia.  PLoS One 14 DOI  PubMed
3. Thomsen, SK; Mazurkiewicz, DM; Stanley, TR; Green, DJ.  (2018)   El Nino/Southern Oscillation-driven rainfall pulse amplifies predation by owls on seabirds via apparent competition with mice.  Proc. R. Soc. B-Biol. Sci. 285 DOI  PubMed
2. van den Top, GG; Reynolds, JD; Prins, HHT; Mattsson, J; Green, DJ; Ydenberg, RC.  (2018)   From salmon to salmonberry: The effects of salmon-derived nutrients on the stomatal density of leaves of the nitriphilic shrub Rubus spectabilis.  Funct. Ecol. 32 DOI
1. Thomsen, SK; Green, DJ.  (2016)   Cascading effects of predation risk determine how marine predators become terrestrial prey on an oceanic island.  Ecology 97: 3530-3537 DOI
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