Selected Publications of Allison Kermode

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7. Guenin, S; Hardouin, J; Paynel, F; Muller, K; Mongelard, G; Driouich, A; Lerouge, P; Kermode, AR; Lehner, A; Mollet, JC; Pelloux, J; Gutierrez, L; Mareck, A.  (2017)   AtPME3, a ubiquitous cell wall pectin methylesterase of Arabidopsis thaliana, alters the metabolism of cruciferin seed storage proteins during post-germinative growth of seedlings.  Journal of Experimental Botany 68: 1083-1095 DOI
6. Pierce, OM; McNair, GR; He, X; Kajiura, H; Fujiyama, K; Kermode, AR.  (2017)   N-glycan structures and downstream mannose-phosphorylation of plant recombinant human alpha-l-iduronidase: toward development of enzyme replacement therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis I.  Plant Mol.Biol. 95: 593-606 DOI
5. Liu, Y; Muller, K; El-Kassaby, YA; Kermode, AR.  (2015)   Changes in hormone flux and signaling in white spruce (Picea glauca) seeds during the transition from dormancy to germination in response to temperature cues.  BMC Plant Biology 15 DOI
4. Muller, K; Levesque-Tremblay, G; Bartels, S; Weitbrecht, K; Wormit, A; Usadel, B; Haughn, G; Kermode, AR.  (2013)   Demethylesterification of Cell Wall Pectins in Arabidopsis Plays a Role in Seed Germination.  Plant Physiology 161: 305-316 DOI
3. Zeng, Y; Zhao, TH; Kermode, AR.  (2013)   A Conifer ABI3-Interacting Protein Plays Important Roles during Key Transitions of the Plant Life Cycle.  Plant Physiology 161: 179-195 DOI
2. He, X; Haselhorst, T; von Itzstein, M; Kolarich, D; Packer, NH; Gloster TM;Vocadlo, DJ; Clarke, LA; Qian, Y; Kermode, AR.  (2012)   Production of α-L-iduronidase in maize for the potential treatment of a human lysosomal storage disease.  Nature Communications 3: Article number: 1062 DOI  PubMed
1. Muller, K; Linkies, A; Leubner-Metzger, G; Kermode, AR.  (2012)   Role of a respiratory burst oxidase of Lepidium sativum (cress) seedlings in root development and auxin signalling.  Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 6325-6334 DOI
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