NAME Dicellaesporites septoconstrictus
AGE Late Paleocene-Early Eocene.   AGE span: 58.7...40.4 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Didymosporae.
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FIGURE REFERENCE Kalgutkar RM. 1993. Paleogene fungal palynomorphs from Bonnet Plume Formation, Yukon Territory; Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 444, p. 51-105.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY D. septoconstrictus Kalgutkar 1993, p. 72, pl. 4.1, fig. 18.
LOCATION Peel River, Yukon Territory, Canada.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Dicellate, aporate, dark brown, simple, smooth-walled spores; slightly tapering at both ends; noticeably constricted in the middle of the septum; septum about 3 µm thick. Both cells ellipsoidal to navicular. Spore size 20-28 x 7-10 µm.
COMMENTS* This species is somewhat similar to Dicellaesporites aculeolatus Sheffy & Dilcher 1971 but differs in being larger in size, and in having a thick wall without small irregular folds. However, the size range of D. aculeolatus was based on only two specimens.

Etymology: From the Latin, septum, wall; constrictus, contracted, referring to the spores being constricted at the septum.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Kalgutkar RM. 1993. Paleogene fungal palynomorphs from Bonnet Plume Formation, Yukon Territory; Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 444, p. 51-105.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Dicellaesporites septoconstrictus

 *For source, see Publication Reference.