NAME Diplodites
AGE    AGE span:  mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Sphaeropsidales.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY Diplodites Teterevnikova-Babaian & Taslakhchian 1973, ex Kalgutkar, Nambudiri & Tidwell 1993, p. 111.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS: (Kalgutkar, Nambudiri & Tidwell): Hyphae intercellular, in the pericarp, septate, branched, smooth, thick-walled. Pycnidia superficial or immersed, with no definite orientation; shape and size variable, globose to subglobose, ovate-oblong or pyriform; dark, thick-walled, wall tissue pseudoparenchymatous. Pycnidia generally ostiolate, astomous when immersed; solitary or aggregated in small groups; a subicle or stroma present. Stroma typically dark brown or black, composed of thick-walled cells, uniloculate. Immature pycnidia filled with thin-walled cells. Conidia 1-septate or aseptate, both kinds occurring in the same pycnidium, size variable, ellipsoidal-oblong to ovate, light to dark brown, septa twice as thick as spore walls; globose conidia 1-celled, lightly colored; two-celled conidia brown, with striations occasionally present. Conidiophores or their remnants not present.
COMMENTS* (Kalgutkar, Nambudiri & Tidwell): The name Diplodites was originally used by Teterevnikova-Babaian & Taslakhchian (1973) for spores similar to modern Diplodia from Tertiary strata of Armenia. The Armenian spores measured 7-12 x 3-5 µm in diameter. However, the name was not then formally published, as the original publication lacked a valid description and illustrations, and no type species or specimen was designated for the proposed genus. We prefer to retain the original name, and thereby establish Diplodites as a validly published form-genus by describing it and designating D. sweetii as its type.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Kalgutkar RM, Nambudiri EMV, Tidwell WD. 1993. Diplodites sweetii sp. nov. from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Deccan Intertrappean beds of India; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 77, p. 107-118.

Teterevnikova-Babaian DN, Taslakhchian MG. 1973. New data on fossil fungal spores in Armenia; Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Mycology and Phytology, v. 4, p. 159-164.
K&J REMARKS Kalgutkar, Nambudiri & Tidwell validated the name Diplodites to encompass fossil taxa that are morphologically similar to the extant fungi Diplodia, Botryodiplodia, and other related genera such as Dothiorella and Macrophoma.
TYPE TYPE: Diplodites sweetii Kalgutkar, Nambudiri & Tidwell 1993, p. 111, pl. 1, fig. 3.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Palaeodiplodites Watanabe, Nishida & Kobayashi 1999.; Diplodites;
PUBLIC COMMENTS Host: fruit of plant (?)
Classification: Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; saccharomyceta; Pezizomycotina; leotiomyceta; dothideomyceta; Dothideomycetes
Classification: Botryosphaeriaceae (?)

 *For source, see Publication Reference.