NAME Diporicellaesporites mediocoloratus
AGE Late Paleocene-Early Eocene.   AGE span: 37.2...28.4 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae.
Image of
FIGURE REFERENCE Kalgutkar RM. 1993. Paleogene fungal palynomorphs from Bonnet Plume Formation, Yukon Territory; Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 444, p. 51-105.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY D. mediocoloratus Kalgutkar 1993, p. 75, pl. 4.1, fig. 23.
LOCATION Peel River, Yukon Territory, Canada.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Spores broadly ellipsoidal, five- to seven-celled, diporate, levigate, pigmented in the centre; end cells hyaline to pale brown. Cells unequal in size and shape; central cells larger than the end cells. Some spores distinctly asymmetrical with one side straight and the other side slightly convex in the middle (pl. 4.1, fig. 24). Cell wall thin, smooth, superficially indented at the septa; central septa conspicuously thicker than the terminal ones; septa with clear septal folds and pores. End cells porate; pores simple. Spore size 52-75 x 15-20 μm.
COMMENTS* This species resembles Diporicellaesporites reticulatus Elsik & Dilcher 1974 in general appearance and size, but differs in lacking a reticulate surface in the centre of the spores.

Etymology: From the Latin, medius, middle; coloratus, colored, referring to the middle cell pigment.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Kalgutkar RM. 1993. Paleogene fungal palynomorphs from Bonnet Plume Formation, Yukon Territory; Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 444, p. 51-105.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Diporicellaesporites mediocoloratus

 *For source, see Publication Reference.