NAME Hendersonula mohgaoensis
AGE Cretaceous, Intertrappean beds.   AGE span: 99.6...65.5 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Sphaeropsidales
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FIGURE REFERENCE Singh RB, Patil GV. 1980. On remains of Coelomycetes in Mohgaonkalan lntertraps, M.P., India; The Botanique, v. 9, p. 13-20.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY H. mohgaoensis R.B. Singh & Patil 1980, p. 18, pl. 1, figs. 3-4; text-figs. 5-6.
LOCATION Mohgaonkalan, Chindwara district, M.P., India.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Pycnidia in chains, embedded in stroma in host tissue, oval or irregular, each 126-145 x 85-140 µm in size, thin-walled; conidiogenous cells 4 µm long; conidia oval, 4 x 1.5 µm, bicelled, thin-walled. Host: dicotyledonous wood.
COMMENTS* [Description of material as 'Fungus 3', l.c., p. 14]: The [silicified] infected wood shows branched septate intercellular hyphae, at places, which form chlamydospores in chains of 2-3 (text-fig. 4). Chlamydospores occur more in number in the region above the secondary xylem where host tissue is disintegrated. In the cortical zone of the wood, embedded in pseudoparenchymatous tissue, occur many fruiting bodies in a chain (Pl. 1, fig. 3; text-fig. 6). Each fruiting body is oval or irregular in shape. Ostiole is not seen in the present fruiting bodies. From the inner wall of pycnidium arise conidiogenous cells which produce 2- to 3-celled thin-walled conidia at their tips (Pl. 1, fig. 4, text-fig. 5).

(Discussion and comparisons; l.c., p. 16:) Fungus 3: Hendersonula mohgaoensis resembles the known fossil species Diplodia rodei (Mahabalé) 1969 [Diplodites rodei (Mahabalé) Kalgutkar et al. 1993] and Diplodia sahnii Singhai 1974 [Diplodites sahnii (Singhai) Kalgutkar et al. 1993] in having dicellate spores. In D. rodei the characteristically striate spores are 17.5 x 7.5 µm, while those in D. sahnii are 9-14 x 6-8 in size. [These quoted sizes were widely different from those in the original paper. JJ.] The living genus resembles the fossil species in having nonostiolate pycnidia in the stroma, thin pseudoparenchymatous pycnidial wall and septate conidia. Furthermore, in both cases pycnidia occur below the epidermal tissue of the host. The present species differs from the living H. toruloidea in the absence of 3-celled conidia and smaller size of spores.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Singh RB, Patil GV. 1980. On remains of Coelomycetes in Mohgaonkalan lntertraps, M.P., India; The Botanique, v. 9, p. 13-20.
K&J REMARKS Kalgutkar and Jansonius (2000) only had access to a (poor) xerox copy of the protologue, in which the (poorly printed) plate lost any informative value. As it could not be used in making their own illustrations, Kalgutkar and Jansonius (2000) relied on the published text-figures. Singh and Patil (1980) used a strange format for describing the new taxon, as the text is scattered under three headings over several pages.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Hendersonula mohgaoensis

 *For source, see Publication Reference.