NAME Hilidicellites indicus
AGE Late Quaternary.   AGE span: 0.781...0 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Didymosporae.
Image of
FIGURE REFERENCE Chandra A, Saxena RK, Setty MGAP. 1984. Palynological investigation of the sediment cores from the Arabian Sea: I. Fungal spores; Biovigyanam, v. 10, p. 41-58.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY H. indicus (Chandra et al.) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
LOCATION Cores from the Arabian Sea, type locality Core no. 1.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Spindle-shaped fungal spore, size 35 x 15 µm; dicellate, both cells almost equal in size, uniseptate; monoporate, pore on the apex of one cell, pore margin not thickened, wall 0.5 µm thick, punctate.
COMMENTS* Didymoporisporonites normalis Sheffy & Dilcher 1971 resembles the present species in shape but can be differentiated by its smaller size and psilate spore wall. Didymoporisporonites obtectus Sheffy & Dilcher 1971 is heavily punctate and smaller in size. Didymoporisporonites psilatus and D. inaequalis of Sheffy & Dilcher (1971) differ in having unequal cells, psilate spore wall and smaller size.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Chandra A, Saxena RK, Setty MGAP. 1984. Palynological investigation of the sediment cores from the Arabian Sea: I. Fungal spores; Biovigyanam, v. 10, p. 41-58.
K&J REMARKS A lapse at the printshop caused the name of this species to be deleted above its description; the name was, however, given in the plate description. Kalgutkar and Jansonius (2000) consider that the name has been validly published.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Didymoporisporonites indicus Chandra, Saxena & Setty 1984, p. 51, pl. 2, fig. 31.; Hilidicellites indicus

 *For source, see Publication Reference.