NAME Hilidicellites trivedii
AGE Eocene.   AGE span: 55.8...33.9 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Didymosporae.
Image of
FIGURE REFERENCE Trivedi BS, Verma CL. 1970. Fungal remains from Tertiary coal bed of Malaya; Journal of Palynology, v. 5 (1969), p. 68-73.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY H. trivedii Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
LOCATION Near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Fungal spores two-celled, spore broad in the middle, pointed at both ends, septal wall much thicker, dense, surface smooth, dark colored, spore wall 0.5 µm thick. Size: Spore 33 µm in length, 25-30 µm in breadth at middle.
COMMENTS* (Trivedi & Verma): T. ovatus differs from T. equalis and T. longus in having a characteristic oval shape and much thicker dark septa. Although the exact affinities of these spores are doubtful yet they come closest to the teleutospores of rusts. Trivedi & Verma cite Maaez & Simonesis (1956) as having described the spores of [i.e. growing on] Tiliaceae under the group Mycophyton; Potonié (1960) described them as Teleutosporen. Martin & Rouse (1966) reported some undefined fossil rust spores and compared these with the teleutospores of the existing rusts. However, the spores here described show closest resemblance with the teleutospores of rusts. The specific name ovatus is given because of the oval shape of the spores.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Trivedi BS, Verma CL. 1970. Fungal remains from Tertiary coal bed of Malaya; Journal of Palynology, v. 5 (1969), p. 68-73.
K&J REMARKS The species name T. ovatus was not validly published by Trivedi & Verma because it was not assigned to a validly published generic name (see REMARKS from Kalgutkar & Jansonius (2000) under Teleutospora).

The species name is here validated; however, the name Hilidicellites ovatus was preoccupied, necessitating a new specific epithet. The preparations are reportedly kept in the collection of Dr. B.S. Trivedi, University of Lucknow, India.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Teleutosporites ovatus Trivedi & Verma 1970, p. 71, pl. 1, fig. 10 (nom. nud.).
Non Hilidicellites ovatus (Ke & Shi) comb. nov.; Hilidicellites trivedii

 *For source, see Publication Reference.