NAME Milleromyces
AGE    AGE span:  mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Chytridiomycetes, Chytridiales.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY Milleromyces Taylor, Hass & Remy 1992, p. 902.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS: [combined description] Endobiotic smooth-walled zoosporangium, spherical to globose, up to 60 µm long with narrow, cylindrical discharge tube slightly thickened at orifice, tube always penetrating cell wall and up to 25 µm long and 4 µm in diameter; rhizoidal system arising from prominent, slightly lateral region on base; hyphae approximately 1 µm in diameter, near attachment point, becoming extensively branched and more delicate; encysted zoospores 4-6 µm in diameter with single refractive inclusion, and infection tube. Resting sporangium not known.
COMMENTS* The zoosporangium of Milleromyces is like that of several eucarpic chytrids, including some members of the Entophlyctaceae such as Endochytrium. Some species of this genus are parasitic on certain green algae, including Charophytes, as well as being saprophytic on cellulose. Several species share a number of features in common with Milleromyces including the general size and shape of the thallus and occasional lateral position of the rhizomycelium. One major difference between the two is the operculate nature of the zoosporangium in Endochytrium species. An even greater morphological similarity can be seen between Milleromyces and several species of Entophlyctis. These include the inoperculate nature of the zoosporangium and peripherally located rhizomycelium. Both living genera are reported as being weakly parasitic or saprophytic on green algae (Karling, 1977).

Etymology: The generic name Milleromyces is proposed in honor of the late Professor Charles E. Miller, Ohio University, friend, colleague and distinguished scholar of aquatic fungi; the specific epithet rhyniensis refers to the collecting locality.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Taylor TN, Hass H, Remy W. 1992. Devonian fungi: interaction with green alga Palaeonitella; Mycologia, v. 84, p. 901-910.
TYPE TYPE: Milleromyces rhyniensis Taylor, Hass & Remy 1992, p. 902, fig. 7.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Milleromyces;

 *For source, see Publication Reference.