NAME Palaeomycites acinus
AGE Maastrichtian.   AGE span: 70.6...65.5 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Chytridiomycetes, Chytridiales; or: Zygomycetes, Endogonales; or: Oomycetes, Peronosporales.
Image of
FIGURE REFERENCE Srivastava SK. 1968. Fungal elements from the Edmonton Formation (Maestrichtian), Alberta, Canada; Canadian Journal of Botany, v. 46, p. 1115-1118.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY P. acinus (Srivastava) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
LOCATION Cypress Hills locality, sec. 13, twp. 7, rge. 3, W 4 mer., Alberta, Canada.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Mycelia subdichotomously branched, many unilateral projections, tortuous, aseptate, uniform in thickness except at the base of vesicles and at the branching areas, diameter 4-8 µm; mycelia wall smooth, hyaline, single-layered, thickness irregular, thicker at the base of vesicles and at branching areas, thickness varies from 0.8 to 4 µm. Vesicles spherical to subspherical, sometimes pyriform; usually darker than mycelia; mycelia at the base of vesicles form its stalk, stalk diameter uniform, stalk wall thickens at the base of vesicles; vesicle wall about 3.5-4 µm thick, double-layered; outer layer smooth, continuous with the stalk wall, denser than stalk wall and mycelium, about 1.5-2 µm thick, inner layer 1.5-2 µm thick, baculate, continuous all around inside the vesicle, forms a plug-like structure at the contact of vesicle with the stalk; surface ornamentation infrareticulate, reticulum size less than 1 µm. Size range: Vesicle size 50-80 µm.
COMMENTS* Rhizophagites acinus can be distinguished from R. butleri Rosendahl 1943 and R. minnesotensis Rosendahl 1943 in having thinner mycelia, and different size range of vesicles. The vesicles of A. acinus show morphological similarity to those of Endogone fasciculata. Name derivation: Latin acinus = grape (noun in apposition).
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Srivastava SK. 1968. Fungal elements from the Edmonton Formation (Maestrichtian), Alberta, Canada; Canadian Journal of Botany, v. 46, p. 1115-1118.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Rhizophagites acinus Srivastava 1968, p. 1117, pl. 1, figs. 9-10.; Palaeomycites acinus

 *For source, see Publication Reference.