NAME Parmathyrites ramanujamii
AGE Early Miocene.   AGE span: 23.03...15.97 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Ascomycetes, Microthyriales.
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FIGURE REFERENCE Singh HP, Saxena RK, Rao MR. 1986. Palynology of the Barail (Oligocene) and Surma (Lower Miocene) sediments exposed along Sonapur-Badarpur Road section, Jaintia Hills (Meghalaya) and Cachar (Assam). Part II. Fungal remains; The Palaeobotanist, v. 35, p. 93-105.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY P. ramanujamii Singh, Saxena & Rao 1986, p. 96, pl. 1, fig. 9.
LOCATION Surma group, Sonapur-Badarpur Road section, Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya and Cachar, Assam, India.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Ascomata circular to subcircular, non-ostiolate, size 80-90 µm in diameter. Hyphae radially arranged, interconnected, forming pseudoparenchymatous non-porate cells. Central and marginal cells being squarish and rectangular, respectively. Outer peripheral cells prominent with thickened radial walls, each peripheral cell developing into a spine-like process; spines unequal, 5-15 µm long, pointed at the apex and broader at the base, about 40 in number; wall thick, radially fused at the base forming a continuous peripheral sheath around ascomata. Ascospores unknown.
COMMENTS* Parmathyrites ramanujamii closely compares to P. indicus Jain & Gupta 1970 in shape and the presence of spines along the margin, but the former can be distinguished in having continuous arrangement of spines. Moreover, spines in the present species are smaller (5-15 µm long) than those in P. indicus (20-50 µm long). Parmathyrites turaensis Kar et al. 1972 differs in possessing ostiolate ascomata. Parmathyrites robustus Jain & Kar 1979 possesses thickened cells in the central region and strongly built spines, hence is not comparable.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Singh HP, Saxena RK, Rao MR. 1986. Palynology of the Barail (Oligocene) and Surma (Lower Miocene) sediments exposed along Sonapur-Badarpur Road section, Jaintia Hills (Meghalaya) and Cachar (Assam). Part II. Fungal remains; The Palaeobotanist, v. 35, p. 93-105.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Parmathyrites ramanujamii

 *For source, see Publication Reference.