NAME Parmathyrites tonakkalensis
AGE Neogene (undiff.).   AGE span: 23.03...2.588 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Ascomycetes, Microthyriales.
Image of
FIGURE REFERENCE Patil BS, Ramanujam CGK. 1988. Fungal flora of the carbonaceous days from Tonakkal area, Kerala; Geological Survey of lndia, Special Publication, no. 11, vol. II, (Palaeontology Stratigraphy Symposium, Hyderabad, 1980), p. 261-270.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY P. tonakkalensis Patil & Ramanujam 1988, p. 264, pl. 1, fig. 6.
LOCATION Tonakkal area, Kerala, India.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Ascomata brownish to dark-brown, flattened, one-layered mostly, more or less rounded, 87 µm in diameter. Ostiolate, ostiole small, irregular, 5-8 µm, centric. Cells of ascomata angular (3-5 µm in diameter) towards ostiole, elongate (21-34 µm) [sic] and locally furcate towards [peripheral] margin. Each marginal cell drawn out into a robust, sharply pointed spine, marginal spines 11-17 µm long, often with bulbous bases.
COMMENTS* Jain (1974), while redefining the diagnosis of Parmathyrites, stressed that it was ostiolate. However, the ostiole is not always distinctly developed; rather, a central group of thin-walled cells is generally present, the breakdown or dissolution of which may result in an ostiole. The ostiole in P. tonakkalensis is small, inconspicuous and somewhat irregular in shape. P. robustus is differentiated by having more pronounced marginal spines and large, thick-walled central cells.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Patil BS, Ramanujam CGK. 1988. Fungal flora of the carbonaceous days from Tonakkal area, Kerala; Geological Survey of lndia, Special Publication, no. 11, vol. II, (Palaeontology Stratigraphy Symposium, Hyderabad, 1980), p. 261-270.
K&J REMARKS The authors did not compare their species with P. ramanujamii Singh et al. 1986, which Kalgutkar and Jansonius (2000) think may be a senior synonym. This may be because they proposed the name at a 1980 Symposium in Hyderabad, of which the proceedings were published only in 1988.

In the description there must be a typographic error: the radial rectangular cells surrounding the central isometric cells are subdivided by distinct septa (cross walls), and are no longer than about 6 µm. [From the lack of a range of dimensions for the diameter, it appears that the species may be based on a single specimen.]
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Parmathyrites tonakkalensis

 *For source, see Publication Reference.