NAME Rabenhorstinidium intertrappeum
AGE Cretaceous, Intertrappean beds.   AGE span: 99.6...65.5 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Sphaeropsidales.
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FIGURE REFERENCE Singh RB, Patil GV. 1980. On remains of Coelomycetes in Mohgaonkalan lntertraps, M.P., India; The Botanique, v. 9, p. 13-20.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY R. intertrappeum R.B. Singh & Patil 1980, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 5, 8.
LOCATION Mohgaonkalan, Chindwara district, M.P., India.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Pycnidium isolated, black, thin-walled, circumscissile, 100 x 110 µm in size, ostiole covered by sterile stroma; wall pseudoparenchymatous, inner wall distinct; conidiophore unbranched, 5-7 µm long; conidia spherical, 1-5 µm [sic; on p. 16 given as 1.5 µm] diameter, in chains of 2-4; mycelium branched, septate, intercellular. Host: dicotyledonous wood.
COMMENTS* [Description of material as 'Fungus 2', l.c., p. 13]: [Silicified] disintegrating wood showed dark pseudoparenchymatous mass or stroma of oval, thin-walled and loosely arranged cells. Below the stroma, in the wood, branched septate hyphae are present. Pycnidia are isolated, circumscissile, with a beak-like opening, and are partly covered by sterile tissue (Pl. 1, fig. 5; text-fig. 7). Pycnidial wall is 3-4 cells thick, thicker than those of surrounding cells of stroma [sic]. On the inner definite wall of pycnidium are present non-septate, unbranched conidiophores. Conidia are oval, aseptate, hyaline, present in chains of 2-4 or more, on the tip of the conidiophores (Pl. 1, fig. 8; text-fig. 8).

(Discussion and comparisons; l.c., p. 16:) Fungus 2: Rabenhorstinidium intertrappeum differs from the known fossil fungi from these beds. In Mohgaonidium deccani Singhai the pycnidium is globose, thick-walled, 55-100 x 50-75 µm in size, while the spores are 3-4 x 5-6 µm in size and ovoid or elliptical in size.

[In many respects the fossil form] is more comparable to modern Rabenhorstia than any other fossil fungus, but the conidiophores of the fossil are shorter. For that reason, the new genus Rabenhorstinidium is proposed.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Singh RB, Patil GV. 1980. On remains of Coelomycetes in Mohgaonkalan lntertraps, M.P., India; The Botanique, v. 9, p. 13-20.
K&J REMARKS Kalgutkar and Jansonius (2000) only had access to a (poor) xerox copy of the protologue, in which the (poorly printed) plate lost any informative value. As it could not be used in making their own illustrations, they relied on the published text-figures.

Singh and Patil (1980) used a strange format for describing the new taxon, as the text is scattered, under three headings, over several pages.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Rabenhorstinidium intertrappeum

 *For source, see Publication Reference.