NAME Reticellites houstonii
AGE Late Eocene.   AGE span: 40.4...33.9 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae.
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FIGURE REFERENCE Ethridge Glass DL, Brown DD, Elsik WC. 1986. Fungal Spores from the Upper Eocene Manning Formation, Jackson Group, east and south-central Texas, U.S.A.; Pollen et Spores, v. 28, p. 403-420.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY R. houstonii Ethridge Glass, Brown & Elsik 1986, p. 416, pl. 4, figs. 1-5.
LOCATION Manning Formation, south-central Texas, USA.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Dicellate to tricellate fungal spores with overall outline ovate, but outline generally (but not always) indented at the septa; each cell is more or less equidimensional. Aperture a large pore; in occasional specimens very obscure or apparently lacking. The pore is at the end of the spore on the smallest cell, or offset, i.e. the axis is straight to sharply curved through the smallest porate cell. Sculpture a reticulum, muri incomplete or with complete base beneath a ridge of mixed granules, baculae and pilae. The smallest cell is rarely reticulate, but tends to have densely crowded granules, baculae and pilae. Spore wall of two layers, the outer thicker than the inner; inner layer light to dark brown, outer layer light brownish yellow to yellow. Both layers of the smaller cell wall can lack brown pigment. Septa are of two layers; the septal pore is an irregular sized circular opening in the septum. Overall size 22.5 x 27 (dicellate specimens) to 3243 x 42-55 µm. The pore when evident is 4-5 µm wide. Spore wall is 1.5-5 µm over the smallest cell to 5-8 µm thick over the largest cell; lumina 1-8 µm, of various shapes. Sculptural elements over the smallest cell 0.25 x 0.5-3.5 µm. The holotype is 33 x 47.5 µm and most specimens appear to be about that size.

Named in memory of Sam Houston, on the occasion of the Texas sesquicentennial.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Ethridge Glass DL, Brown DD, Elsik WC. 1986. Fungal Spores from the Upper Eocene Manning Formation, Jackson Group, east and south-central Texas, U.S.A.; Pollen et Spores, v. 28, p. 403-420.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Reticellites houstonii

 *For source, see Publication Reference.