NAME Sarcophoma deccani
AGE Cretaceous, Intertrappean beds.   AGE span: 99.6...65.5 mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Sphaeropsidales.
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FIGURE REFERENCE Singh RB, Patil GV. 1980. On remains of Coelomycetes in Mohgaonkalan lntertraps, M.P., India; The Botanique, v. 9, p. 13-20.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY S. deccani R.B. Singh & Patil 1980, p. 18, pl. 1, figs. 6-7; text-figs. 9-10.
LOCATION Mohgaonkalan, Chindwara district, M.P., India.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* Pycnidium immersed in stroma, ostiolate, spherical to oval, 170-200 x 110-150 µm in size, wall thin, pseudoparenchymatous; conidiophore branched, septate, 1-celled or in chains of 3-4 or more.
COMMENTS* [Description of material as 'Fungus 4', l.c., p. 14]: The [silicified] fruiting body, the pycnidium, is spherical to oval in shape, with a distinct pseudoparenchymatous wall. They occur singly and are partly embedded in the host tissue (Pl. 1, fig. 7; text-fig. 9). In some cases a distinct ostiole is present. Conidiophores are distinct, branched, and occur on the inner wall of the pycnidium. The conidia are oval to spherical, 1-celled, and are produced in chains on the tip of branched conidiophores (Pl. 1, fig. 6; text-fig. 10).

(Discussion and comparisons; l.c., p. 17:) Fungus 4: Sarcophoma deccani differs from known fossil genera and species. It is placed under the modern genus Sarcophoma, with which it shares having immersed thin-walled ostiolate pycnidia, branched conidiophores, and oval, non-septate conidia.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Singh RB, Patil GV. 1980. On remains of Coelomycetes in Mohgaonkalan lntertraps, M.P., India; The Botanique, v. 9, p. 13-20.
K&J REMARKS Kalgutkar and Jansonius (2000) only had access to a (poor) xerox copy of the protologue, in which the (poorly printed) plate lost any informative value. As it could not be used in making their own illustrations, they relied on the published text-figures.

Singh and Patil (1980) used a strange format for describing the new taxon, as the text is scattered under three headings over several pages.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Sarcophoma deccani

 *For source, see Publication Reference.