NAME Spegazzinites
AGE    AGE span:  mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Fungi Imperfecti, Staurosporae.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY Spegazzinites Felix 1894, p. 279.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS: [combined description] The remains are the conidia of a hyphomycete. Their shape and size varies more than is usually the case with such structures. However, the morphology is the same in all of them as far as the somewhat thick polished sections disclose: they consist of 4 partial cells. In the smaller conidia, these partial cells are of a slightly elongated shape, and their narrow sides are oriented towards a point in such a way that together they form a regular, equal-armed cross (figs. 8a-c). In the larger specimens, the individual cells are more roundish, the arms of the cross therefore shortened, so that the entire structure approaches the shape of a tightly tied, cube-shaped parcel, a shape found, for instance, in the body of the genus Sarcina. The size of the smaller conidia is 0.012-0.015 mm [12-15 µm], that of the larger ones 0.021-0.024 mm [21-24 µm]; in between occur numerous transitional forms. Some of the conidia are spinose, and not only the larger ones as was claimed by Hoffmann, but rather small conidia as well. The spines are of various length, in the larger conidia they are generally shorter than in the smaller specimens.

The dimensions specified above refer to asetose specimens. In addition to conidia, the respective polished sections also contain numerous mycelial remains. A connection between them and the conidia could not be definitely established, but there is one case where a conidium appears to sit at the end of a hyphal branch. The mycelium is sparsely ramified, septa were not observed. The thicker filaments are 0.003-0.006 mm [3-6 µm] in diameter. [Unedited translation from German; GSC Calgary Library, Translation No. 4047621.]
COMMENTS* As for the type species.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Felix J. 1894. Studien über fossile Pilze; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, v. 46, p. 269-280.
TYPE TYPE: Spegazzinites cruciformis Felix 1894, p. 279, pl. 19, fig. 8a [lectotype selected by Jansonius & Hills (1976), card no. 2630].
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Spegazzinites;

 *For source, see Publication Reference.