NAME Trichothyrites Rosendahl 1943.
AGE    AGE span:  mya
K&J CLASSIFICATION (2000) Ascomycetes, Microthyriales.
SPECIES, AUTHORITY Sphaerialites Venkatachala & Kar 1969, p. 181.
ORIG DESCRIPTION* ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS: Perithecium 60-150 µm, subcircular-circular, dark brown. Central part of perithecium comprises 4-5 more or less square-hexagonal cells, surrounded by an at least two-layer thick, darker, plate-like structure, with slightly undulating margin, remaining part one-layered and composed of unequally long, pseudoparenchymatous cells formed by radiating interconnected hyphae. Mycelium or ascospores not seen.

COMMENTS* The present genus can be distinguished from Asterothyrites Cookson 1947a by its plate-like thick two-layered structure surrounding the central part of the perithecium. Pseudosphaerialites is characterized by one-layered thick perithecium which is minutely setose at the periphery and some of the cells in the middle region of the perithecium producing one hypha in each stromatal cavity. Phragmothyrites Edwards 1922 is uniformly thick and the pseudoparenchymatous cells are also somewhat of the same size. In Notothyrites Cookson 1947a, the radiating hyphae produce small-sized pseudoparenchymatous cells and the thickened area around the ostiole is also proportionately smaller than the present genus. Plochmopeltinites Cookson 1947a has sinuous hyphae without distinct pseudoparenchymatous cells.
PUBLICATION REFERENCE Venkatachala BS, Kar RK. 1969. Palynology of the Tertiary sediments in Kutch-2. Epiphyllous fungal remains from the borehole no. 14; The Palaeobotanist, v. 17 (1968), p. 179-183.
K&J REMARKS Jain & Gupta (1970) included Sphaerialites under ostiolate ascomata with the ostiole surrounded by thick-walled specialized cells, along with Notothyrites Cookson 1947a. Elsik (1978) considered both Sphaerialites and Notothyrites synonymous with Trichothyrites Rosendahl 1943. Elsik indicated that the setaceous margin described for Sphaerialites should probably be considered a specific rather than generic character.
TYPE TYPE: Sphaerialites ovatus Venkatachala & Kar 1969, p. 181, pl. 1, fig. 11.
ALL NAMES (Including synonyms) Trichothyrites Rosendahl 1943.;

 *For source, see Publication Reference.