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CURRENT NAME AGE MYA range Click on Image to open in new Window Figure reference LOCATION K & J CLASSIFICATION Taxon Authority All Names TYPE SERIAL NUMBER
1. Diporicellaesporites acuminatus Middle Eocene. 48.6...37.2
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Sheffy MV, Dilcher DL. 1971. Morphology and taxonomy of fungal spores; Palaeontographica, Abt. B, v. 133 p. 34-51. Puryear clay pit, one-half mile south of Puryear, Henry County, Tennessee, USA. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. acuminatus Sheffy & Dilcher 1971, p. 47, pl. 16, fig. 66. Diporicellaesporites acuminatus 351
2. Dyadosporites acutus (Rouse & Mustard) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
D. acutus Rouse & Mustard 1997, p. 208.
Diporicellaesporites acutus Mustard & Rouse 1994, p. 143, pl. 8, fig. 25 (nom. nud.).
Diporicellaesporites acutus; Dyadosporites acutus (Rouse & Mustard) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000; 352
3. Diporicellaesporites aequabilis Late Paleocene-Early Eocene. 58.7...40.4
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Kalgutkar RM. 1993. Paleogene fungal palynomorphs from Bonnet Plume Formation, Yukon Territory; Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 444, p. 51-105. Peel River, Yukon Territory, Canada. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. aequabilis Kalgutkar 1993, p. 74, pl. 4.2, fig. 2. Diporicellaesporites aequabilis 353
4. Diporicellaesporites anisosporus Late Eocene-Oligocene. 37.2...23.03
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Salard-Cheboldaeff M, Locquin MV. 1980. Champignons présents au Tertiaire le long du littoral de l' Afrique équatoriale: 105e Congrès National des Sociétée savantes, Caen, 1980, Sciences, fascicule 1, p. 183-195. Coast of Equatorial Africa, Gulf of Guinea, Cameroon. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. anisosporus Salard-Cheboldaeff & Locquin 1980, p. 190. pl. 3, fig. 7 Diporicellaesporites anisosporus D. anisosporus Salard-Cheboldaeff & Locquin 1980, p. 190. pl. 3, fig. 7 (type confirmed by Salard-Cheboldaeff, e-mail to JJ, 99 02 23). 354
5. Diporicellaesporites antarcticus Late Cretaceous. 99.6...65.5
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Song Z, Cao L. 1994. Late Cretaceous fungal spores from King George Island, Antarctica; Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of Fides Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica, Monograph 3, p. 47-49. King George Island, Antarctica. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. antarcticus Song Zhichen & Cao Liu 1994, p. 42, pl. 1, fig. 12. Diporicellaesporites antarcticus 355
6. Quilonia attenuata (Ramanujam & Srisailam) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
D. attenuatus Ramanujam & Srisailam 1980, p. 127, pl. 2, fig. 21. Non Diporicellaesporites macellus Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
=Multicellaesporites attenuatus Sheffy & Dilcher 1971.
Diporicellaesporites attenuatus; Quilonia attenuata (Ramanujam & Srisailam) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000; 356
7. Biporipsilonites belluloides (Song) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
D. belluloides Song Zhichen 1985, p. 50, pl. 1, fig. 20. Diporicellaesporites belluloides; Biporipsilonites belluloides (Song) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000; 357
8. Biporipsilonites bellulus ex Kalgutkar & Jansonius.
D. bellulus Ke & Shi (nom. nud.). Diporicellaesporites bellulus; Biporipsilonites bellulus ex Kalgutkar & Jansonius.; 358
9. Diporicellaesporites chitaleyae Late Paleocene-Early Eocene. 58.7...40.4
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Kalgutkar RM. 1993. Paleogene fungal palynomorphs from Bonnet Plume Formation, Yukon Territory; Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 444, p. 51-105. Peel River, Yukon Territory, Canada. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. chitaleyae Kalgutkar 1993, p. 74, pl. 4.1, fig. 26. Diporicellaesporites chitaleyae 359
10. Diporicellaesporites concavus Early-Middle Miocene. 23.03...11.608
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Kumar P. 1990. Fungal remains from the Miocene Quilon beds of Kerala State, South India; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 63, p. 13-28. Padappakkara, Quilon District, Kerala State, South India. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. concavus Kumar 1990, p. 24, pl. 1, fig. 15. Diporicellaesporites concavus 360
11. Diporicellaesporites dilcheri Late Quaternary. 0.781...0
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Chandra A, Saxena RK, Setty MGAP. 1984. Palynological investigation of the sediment cores from the Arabian Sea: I. Fungal spores; Biovigyanam, v. 10, p. 41-58. Cores from the Arabian Sea, type locality Core no. 1. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. dilcheri (Chandra et al.) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000 Inapertisporites dilcheri Chandra, Saxena & Setty 1984, p. 44, pl. 2, fig. 4.; Diporicellaesporites dilcheri 361
12. Diporicellaesporites doliiformis Late Paleocene-Early Eocene. 58.7...40.4
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Kalgutkar RM. 1997. Fossil fungi from the lower Tertiary Iceberg Bay Formation, Eureka Sound Group, Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories, Canada; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 97, p. 197-226. Kanguk Peninsula, Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. doliiformis Kalgutkar 1997, p. 212, pl. 2, fig. 4. Diporicellaesporites doliiformis 362
13. Diporicellaesporites dolium Eocene-Oligocene. 55.8...23.03
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Ke, Shi. 1978. (pseudonym of Sung, Z.C., Tsao, L., Chou, H.I., Kwang, H.L. & Wang, K.T.) Early Tertiary spores and pollen grains from the coastal region of the Bohai (in Chinese); Academy of Petroleum Exploration, Development and Planning Research of the Ministry of Petroleum and Chemical Industries and the Nanjing Institute of Geology, and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kexue Chubanshe, Peking, 177 p. Panshan, Liaoning Province, Coastal region of Bohai, China. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. dolium Ke & Shi 1978, p. 49, pl. 5, fig. 21. Diporicellaesporites dolium 363
14. Diporicellaesporites elegans Late Eocene-Middle Oligocene. 37.2...28.4
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Song Z, Li G, Cao L, Luo H, Sun Z. 1989. Early Tertiary sporo-pollen assemblages from the Dongpu region; Edited by Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica. 192 p. Shahejie Formation: Shenxian county of Shandong Province, China. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. elegans Song & Luo, in Song Zhichen, Li Guangxing, Cao Liu, Luo Haicen & Sun Zihua 1989, p. 44, pl. 4, fig. 12. Diporicellaesporites elegans 364
15. Diporicellaesporites ellipticus Oligocene. 33.9...23.03
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Zhang Z. 1980. Lower Tertiary fungal spores from Lunpole Basin of Xizang, China (English summary); Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, v. 19, p. 296-301. Niubao Formation, Lunpola Basin, northern Xizang Plateau, Xizang, China. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. ellipticus Zhang Zhongying 1980, p. 299, pl. 1, fig. 13. Diporicellaesporites ellipticus 365
16. Diporicellaesporites elongatus Middle Eocene. 48.6...37.2
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Sheffy MV, Dilcher DL. 1971. Morphology and taxonomy of fungal spores; Palaeontographica, Abt. B, v. 133 p. 34-51. Puryear clay pit, one-half mile south of Puryear, Henry County, Tennessee, USA. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. elongatus (Sheffy & Dilcher) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000 Multicellaesporites elongatus Sheffy & Dilcher 1971, p. 44, pl. 16, fig. 46.; Diporicellaesporites elongatus 366
17. Diporicellaesporites elsikii Maastrichtian. 70.6...65.5
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Martínez-Hernández E, Tomasini-Ortiz AC. 1989. Spores, hyphae and other fungal remains from the Fuentes-Rio Escondino Carboniferous basin (Campanian-Maastrichtian), Coahuila State, Mexico; Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geologia, Revista, v. 8, p. 235-242. Piedras Negras, Coahuila State, Mexico. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. elsikii Martínez-Hernández & Tomasini-Ortiz 1989, p. 238, fig. 3,e. Diporicellaesporites elsikii 367
18. Foveodiporites endogranulosus (Kemp) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
D. endogranulosus Kemp 1978, p. 75, pl. 1, fig. 12. Diporicellaesporites endogranulosus; Foveodiporites endogranulosus (Kemp) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000; 368
19. Diporicellaesporites extensus Late Paleocene. 58.7...55.8
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Mustard PS, Rouse GE. 1994. Stratigraphy and evolution of Tertiary Georgia Basin and subjacent Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, southwestern British Columbia and northwestern Washington State; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 481, p. 97-169. Strait of Georgia, eastern Vancouver Island, the Fraser River lowlands of southwest British Columbia, Canada, and northwestern Washington State, USA. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. extensus Rouse & Mustard 1997, p. 208. Diporicellaesporites extendus Mustard & Rouse 1994, p. 142, pl. 5, fig. 7 (nom. nud.).; Diporicellaesporites extensus 369
20. Diporicellaesporites fusiformis Miocene. 23.03...5.332
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Ramanujam CGK, Srisailam K. 1980. Fossil fungal spores from the Neogene beds around Cannanore in Kerala state; The Botanique, v. 9 (1978), p. 119-133. Cannanore beach area, Palayangadi and Cheruvattur (southern side of Karingottu River), Kerala State, India. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. fusiformis Ramanujam & Srisailam 1980, p. 128, pl. 2, fig. 22. Diporicellaesporites fusiformis 370
21. D. minifusiformis Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
D. fusiformis Song & Luo, in Song Zhichen, Li Guangxing, Cao Liu, Luo Haicen & Sun Zihua 1989, p. 45, pl. 4, fig. 13. Non Diporicellaesporites fusiformis Ramanujam & Srisailam 1980. Diporicellaesporites fusiformis; D. minifusiformis Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000; 371
22. Diporicellaesporites fusoides Early Miocene. 23.03...15.97
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Salard-Cheboldaeff M, Locquin MV. 1980. Champignons présents au Tertiaire le long du littoral de l' Afrique équatoriale: 105e Congrès National des Sociétée savantes, Caen, 1980, Sciences, fascicule 1, p. 183-195. Coast of Equatorial Africa, Gulf of Guinea, Cameroon. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. fusoides Salard-Cheboldaeff & Locquin 1980, p. 190. pl. 3, fig. 10. Diporicellaesporites fusoides D. fusoides Salard-Cheboldaeff & Locquin 1980, p. 190. pl. 3, fig. 10 (type confirmed by Salard-Cheboldaeff, in e-mail to JJ, 99 02 23). 372
23. Diporicellaesporites giganteus Eocene-Oligocene. 55.8...23.03
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Ke, Shi. 1978. (pseudonym of Sung, Z.C., Tsao, L., Chou, H.I., Kwang, H.L. & Wang, K.T.) Early Tertiary spores and pollen grains from the coastal region of the Bohai (in Chinese); Academy of Petroleum Exploration, Development and Planning Research of the Ministry of Petroleum and Chemical Industries and the Nanjing Institute of Geology, and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kexue Chubanshe, Peking, 177 p. Huanghua, Hebei Province, Coastal region of Bohai, China. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. giganteus Ke & Shi 1978, p. 49, pl. 5, fig. 12. Diporicellaesporites giganteus 373
24. Quilonia hillsii (Kalgutkar) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000
D. hillsii Kalgutkar 1993, p. 74, pl. 4.2, fig. 8. Diporicellaesporites hillsii; Quilonia hillsii (Kalgutkar) Kalgutkar & Jansonius 2000; 374
25. Diporicellaesporites icebergi Late Palaeocene or Early Eocene. 58.7...40.4
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Kalgutkar RM, Sigler L. 1995. Some fossil fungal form-taxa from the Maastrichtian and Palaeogene ages; Mycological Research, v. 99, p. 513-522. Iceberg Bay Formation at Kanguk Peninsula, Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Fungi Imperfecti, Phragmosporae. D. icebergi Kalgutkar & Sigler 1995, p. 517, fig. 7 (four-celled spore on left). Diporicellaesporites icebergi 375
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