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CURRENT NAME AGE MYA range Click on Image to open in new Window Figure reference LOCATION K & J CLASSIFICATION Taxon Authority All Names TYPE SERIAL NUMBER
1. Graphiolites sabaleos Sparnacian (Early Eocene). 55.8...48.6
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Fritel PH. 1910. Étude sur les vegetaux fossiles de l'etage sparnacien du Bassin de Paris; Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, Paléontologie, no. 40, p. 5-37. Cessoy (Seine-et-Marne, France). Basidiomycetes, Ustilaginales?, or, Fungi Imperfecti, Amerosporae? G. sabaleos Fritel 1910, p. 12, pl. 1, fig. 12. Graphiolites sabaleos 660
2. Grilletia
Chytridiomycetes, Chytridiales. Grilletia Renault & Bertrand 1885, p. 1306 (fide ING). Grilletia; TYPE: G. sphaerospermi Renault & Bertrand 1885 (non vidimus). 661
3. Grilletia sphaerospermi Late Carboniferous. 318.1...299
France. Chytridiomycetes, Chytridiales. G. sphaerospermi Renault & Bertrand 1885 (non vidimus). Grilletia sphaerospermi 662
4. Guizhounema
Chytridiomycetes?, Chytridiales? Guizhounema Mu Xinan 1977, p. 153. Guizhounema; TYPE: Guizhounema endosporicum Mu Xinan 1977, p. 153, pl. 1, fig. 1. 663
5. Guizhounema endosporicum Late Permian. 260.4...251
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Mu X. 1977. Upper Permian fossil fungi from Anshun of Guizhou; Acta Palaeontologia Sinica, v. 16, p. 151-158. Guizhou Province, China. Chytridiomycetes?, Chytridiales? G. endosporicum Mu Xinan 1977, p. 153, pl. 1, fig. 1. Guizhounema endosporicum 664
6. Gunflintia Middle Pre-Cambrian. 1000...542
Barghoorn ES, Tyler SA. 1965. Microorganisms from the Gunflint Chert; Science, v. 147. no. 3658, p. 563-577. Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Canada. Fungi Imperfecti, Mycelia Sterilia. Gunflintia Barghoorn 1965 in Barghoorn & Tyler 1965, p. 576. Gunflintia; TYPE: Gunflintia minuta Barghoorn 1965, p. 576, fig. 4, part 8. 665
7. Gunflintia minuta Middle Pre-Cambrian. 1000...542
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Barghoorn ES, Tyler SA. 1965. Microorganisms from the Gunflint Chert; Science, v. 147. no. 3658, p. 563-577. Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Canada. Fungi Imperfecti, Mycelia Sterilia. G. minuta Barghoorn 1965 in Barghoorn & Tyler 1965, p. 576, fig. 4, part 8. Gunflintia minuta 666
8. Hapalophragmites
Basidiomycetes, Uredinales. Hapalophragmites Ramanujam & Ramachar 1980, p. 82. Hapalophragmites; TYPE: Hapalophragmites cumminsii Ramanujam & Ramachar 1980, p. 82, pl. 1, fig. 7. 667
9. Hapalophragmites cumminsii Miocene. 23.03...5.332
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Ramanujam CGK, Ramachar P. 1980. Recognizable spores of rust fungi (Uredinales) from Neyveli lignite, Tamil Nadu; Records of the Geological Survey of India, v. 113(5), p. 80-85. Neyveli lignite, Tamil Nadu, India. Basidiomycetes, Uredinales. H. cumminsii Ramanujam & Ramachar 1980, p. 82, pl. 1, fig. 7. Hapalophragmites cumminsii 668
10. Haplographites
Fungi Imperfecti, Amerosporae. Haplographites Felix 1894, p. 274. Haplographites; TYPE: Haplographites cateniger Felix 1894, p. 274, pl. 19, fig. 6 [lectotype designated by Jansonius & Hills (1976), card no. 1218]. 669
11. Haplographites cateniger Eocene. 55.8...33.9
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Felix J. 1894. Studien über fossile Pilze; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, v. 46, p. 269-280. Perekeschkul, near Baku, USSR. Fungi Imperfecti, Amerosporae. H. cateniger Felix 1894, p. 274, pl. 19, fig. 6. Haplographites cateniger H. cateniger Felix 1894, p. 274, pl. 19, fig. 6 [lectotype selected by Jansonius & Hills (1976), card no. 1218.]. 670
12. Haplographites xylophagus Tertiary. 65.5...2.588
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Felix J. 1894. Studien über fossile Pilze; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, v. 46, p. 269-280. Tarnow, Galicia. Fungi Imperfecti, Amerosporae. H. xylophagus Felix 1894, p. 276, pl. 19, fig. 7. Haplographites xylophagus 671
13. Haplopeltis
Ascomycetes, Microthyriales. Haplopeltis Theissen 1914. Haplopeltis; TYPE: Haplopeltis bakeriana (Rehm) Theissen 1914. 672
14. Haplopeltis mucoris Lower Eocene. 55.8...40.4
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Dilcher DL. 1965. Epiphyllous fungi from Eocene deposits in Western Tennessee, U.S.A.; Palaeontographica, Abt. B, v. 116, p. 1-54. Western Tennessee, USA. Ascomycetes, Microthyriales. H. mucoris Dilcher 1965, p. 26, pl. 15, fig. 117. Haplopeltis mucoris 673
15. Haplopeltis neyveliensis Miocene. 23.03...5.332
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Reddy PR, Ramanujam CGK, Srisailam K. 1982. Fungal fructifications from Neyveli lignite, Tamil Nadu--their stratigraphic and palaeoclimatic significance; Records of the Geological Survey of India, v. 114, p. 112-122. Neyveli, South Arcot district, Tamil Nadu, India. Ascomycetes, Microthyriales. H. neyveliensis Reddy, Ramanujam & Srisailam 1982, p. 118, pl. 2, fig. 9. Haplopeltis neyveliensis 674
16. Helicominites
Fungi Imperfecti, Helicosporae. Helicominites Barlinge & Paradkar 1982, p. 167. Helicominites; TYPE: Helicominites salvinites Barlinge & Paradkar 1982, p. 167, text-fig. V. 675
17. Helicominites salvinites Cretaceous (Maastrichtian). 70.6...65.5
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Barlinge SG, Paradkar SA. 1982. Record of the new fossil algal and fungal forms from the Deccan lntertrappean of Mohgaon-Kalan. M. P., India; The Botanique, v. 18 (1979), p. 163-175. Mohgaonkalan, Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh, India. Fungi Imperfecti, Helicosporae. H. salvinites Barlinge & Paradkar 1982, p. 167, text-fig. V [holotype designated as F2B, Dept. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur, India]. Helicominites salvinites 676
18. Helicoönites
Fungi Imperfecti, Helicosporae. Helicoönites goosii Kalgutkar & Sigler 1995, p. 519, fig. 16. Helicoönites; 677
19. Helicoönites goosii Early Eocene. 55.8...40.4
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Kalgutkar RM, Sigler L. 1995. Some fossil fungal form-taxa from the Maastrichtian and Palaeogene ages; Mycological Research, v. 99, p. 513-522. Iceberg Bay Formation at Strand Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. H. goosii Kalgutkar & Sigler 1995, p. 520, fig. 16. Helicoönites goosii 678
20. Helicosporiates
Fungi Imperfecti, Helicosporae. Helicosporiates Kalgutkar & Sigler 1995, p. 520. Helicosporiates; TYPE: Helicosporiates pirozynskii Kalgutkar & Sigler 1995, p. 520, fig. 18. 679
21. Helicosporiates pirozynskii Early Eocene. 55.8...40.4
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Kalgutkar RM, Sigler L. 1995. Some fossil fungal form-taxa from the Maastrichtian and Palaeogene ages; Mycological Research, v. 99, p. 513-522. Iceberg Bay Formation at Strand Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Fungi Imperfecti, Helicosporae. H. pirozynskii Kalgutkar & Sigler 1995, p. 520, fig. 18. Helicosporiates pirozynskii 680
22. Helminthosporites
Helminthosporites Chitaley & Sheikh 1971, p. 141 (nom. nud.). Helminthosporites; TYPE: Helminthosporites mohgaoensis Chitaley & Sheikh 1971, p. 141 (nom. nud.); holotype: 2 Dn/Sh, Dept. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur [not illustrated]. 681
23. Helminthosporites mohgaoensis Late Cretaceous-Maastrichtian. 70.6...65.5
Mohgaon Kalan, Madhya Pradesh, India. H. mohgaoensis Chitaley & Sheikh 1971, p. 141 (nom. nud.); holotype: 2 Dn/Sh, Dept. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur; [not illustrated]. Helminthosporites mohgaoensis 682
24. Hendersonula
Fungi Imperfecti, Sphaeropsidales Hendersonula Spegazzini 1880. Hendersonula; TYPE: Hendersonula australis Spegazzini 1880. 683
25. Hendersonula mohgaoensis Cretaceous, Intertrappean beds. 99.6...65.5
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Singh RB, Patil GV. 1980. On remains of Coelomycetes in Mohgaonkalan lntertraps, M.P., India; The Botanique, v. 9, p. 13-20. Mohgaonkalan, Chindwara district, M.P., India. Fungi Imperfecti, Sphaeropsidales H. mohgaoensis R.B. Singh & Patil 1980, p. 18, pl. 1, figs. 3-4; text-figs. 5-6. Hendersonula mohgaoensis 684
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