Authors: | Chapman, TW; Crespi, BJ; Kranz, BD; Schwarz, MP |
Year: | 2000 |
Journal: | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97: 1648-1650 |
Title: | High relatedness and inbreeding at the origin of eusociality in gall-inducing thrips |
Abstract: | Within the haplodiploid eusocial gall-inducing thrips, a species-level phylogeny combined with genetic data for five eusocial species enables an inference of levels of relatedness and inbreeding values for lineages at the origin of eusociality. Character optimization using data from five eusocial species indicates that the lineage or lineages where eusociality is inferred to have originated exhibit relatedness of 0.64-0.92, and F-IS of 0.33-0.64, The high inbreeding coefficients found in these eusocial thrips have increased relatedness among and within both sexes and have reduced the haplodiploidy-induced relatedness asymmetries [Hamilton, W. D. (1964) J. Theor, Biol, 7. 1-52]. These results indicate that unusually high relatedness is associated with the origin of eusociality, and they suggest a role for inbreeding in the evolution of bisexual helping. |
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