Incidence of Armillaria species in precommercial thinning stumps and spread of Armillaria ostoyae to adjacent Douglas-fir trees

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Authors: Cruickshank, MG; Morrison, DJ; Punja, ZK
Year: 1997
Journal: Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestiere 27: 481-490
Title: Incidence of Armillaria species in precommercial thinning stumps and spread of Armillaria ostoyae to adjacent Douglas-fir trees
Abstract: The frequency of Armillaria species in precommercial thinning stumps and the interaction at root contacts between Douglas-fir (Psendotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) France) crop trees and stumps colonized by Armillaria ostoyae (Romagn.) Herink were investigated at sites in four biogeoclimatic zones along a transect from the coast through the southern interior of British Columbia. The frequency of stumps colonized by A. ostoyae and Armillaria sinapina Berube & Dessureault varied among lower, mid, and upper slope transects. On coastal sites, A. sinapina dominated fresh hygrotopes and A. ostoyae dominated slightly dry hygrotopes, and the frequency of both fungi was low on moist hygrotopes. On interior sites, A. ostoyae was found over all hygrotopes, but with lower frequency on the driest sites. The distribution of the two Armillaria species on sites is apparently determined by anoxia associated with periodic soil saturation, by drying of the soil, and by host response limiting spread of pathogenic species, At root contacts between colonized stump roots and crop tree roots, transfer and infection by A. ostoyae occurred more frequently in moist biogeoclimatic zones than dry ones. Lesion size on crop tree roots was related to inoculum volume at some sites and to stump root diameter at others. The percentage of lesions on roots at which crop trees farmed callus was associated with tree bole volume. The results indicate that there will be crop tree mortality following precommercial thinning, especially where inoculum levels are high in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock and Interior Douglas-fir biogeoclimatic zones.
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