Occurrence and biology of Pseudogonalos hahnii (Spinola, 1840) (Hymenoptera: Trigonalidae) in Fennoscandia and the Baltic states

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Authors: Vaananen, S; Paukkunen, J; Soon, V; Budrys, E
Year: 2018
Journal: Entomol. Fenn. 29: 86-96        Article Link (DOI)
Title: Occurrence and biology of Pseudogonalos hahnii (Spinola, 1840) (Hymenoptera: Trigonalidae) in Fennoscandia and the Baltic states
Abstract: Pseudogonalos hahnii is the only known species of Trigonalidae in Europe. It is a hyperparasitoid of lepidopteran larvae via ichneumonid primary parasitoids. Possibly, it has also been reared from a symphytan larva. We report the species for the first time from Estonia, Lithuania and Russian Fennoscandia, and list all known observations from Finland and Latvia. An overview of the biology of the species is presented with a list of all known host records.
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