Honey bee pheromones do not improve requeening success

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Authors: Winston, ML; Marceau, J; Higo, H; Cobey, S
Year: 1998
Journal: American Bee Journal 138: 900-903
Title: Honey bee pheromones do not improve requeening success
Abstract: We examined the use of synthetic queen and worker honey bee pheromones to improve the rate of success requeening colonies. Most of the experiments used queen mandibular pheromone (QMP) added to colonies prior to or during new queen introduction, but we also tested worker Nasanov pheromone. No experiments demonstrated any increases in requeening success compared to control colonies, and in some experiments the use of QMP at higher dosages decreased the proportion of colonies requeened successfully. Thus, we do not recommend using pheromones during queen introduction.
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