Strong character incongruence and character choice in phylogeny of sea stairs of the Asterinidae

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Authors: Hart, MW; Johnson, SL; Addison, JA; Byrne, M
Year: 2004
Journal: Invertebrate Biology 123: 343-356
Title: Strong character incongruence and character choice in phylogeny of sea stairs of the Asterinidae
Abstract: Historically, characters from early animal development have been a potentially rich source of phylogenetic information, but many traits associated with the gametes and larval stages of animals with complex life cycles are widely suspected to have evolved frequent convergent similarities. Such convergences will confound true phylogenetic relationships. We compared phylogenetic inferences based on early life history traits with those from mitochondrial DNA sequences for sea stars in the genera Asterina, Cryptasterina, and Patiriella (Valvatida: Asterinidae). Analysis of these two character sets produced phylogenetics that shared few clades. We quantified the degree of homoplasy in each character set when mapped onto the phylogeny inferred from the alternative characters. The incongruence between early life history and nucleotide characters implies more homoplasy in the -life-history character set. We suggest that the early life history traits in this case are most likely to be misleading as phylogenetic characters because simple adaptive models predict convergence in early life histories. We show that adding early life history characters may slightly improve a phylogeny based on nucleotide sequences, but adding nucleotide characters may be critically important to improving inferences from phylogenies based on early life history characters.
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