Plate https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/49351#page/283/mode/1up
(Westw. Proc. Zool. Soc. April 14, 1835, No. 28, p. 52 ; Seminota, Spinola, in Gueriu Mag. de Zool. 1840, Ins. pL XLI ;
Trigonalis (Klug, hautl recte), Spinola, 1. c. 1840, Ins. pi. LIII ; Lycoyaster, Shuckard, Eutoraologist, p. 124.)
(Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 186S, part iv. December, p. 328.)
Plate XXIII, Fig. 4.
Nigra, punctatissima, flavo varia ; alis anticis margine costali fusco suffuso.
Long. Corp. lin. 4^ ; expans. alar, antic, lin. 9.
Habitat ; Amazonia (Bates). In Mus. Hopeiano Oxoni*.
' Caput nigrum ; clypeo, macula parva ad margiuem anticum oeulorum, alterisque duabus suborbitalibiis, mandibulisque flavis, barum dentibus nigris ; antenna; nigrae, 27-articulatffi ; thorax niger, collaris margine supero, punctis duobus anticis mesonoti, alterisque duobus minutis ad latera scutelli, post-scutelli linea tenui in medio emarginata, flavis ; abdomen segmentis postice flavo tenue marginatis, infra in medio profunde incisis ; alae hyalinse, margine costali fusco pone stigma magis suffuso ; pedes nigri, tibiis extus albidis.
Plate XXIII, Fig. 5.
Nigra, subnitida : clypeo puncto parvo flavo, tborace antice punctis duobus triangularibus, tegulis, punctisque quatuor transversis, in medio dorsi thoracis, per paria dispositis flavescentibus ; capite fere la?vi, mesonoto transverse striolato, metanoto granulato ; abdomine punctate, griseo-setoso, marginibus posticis segmentorum griseis ; pedibus nigris, femoribus anticis tibiisque quatuor posticis linea flava exterue notatis ; alis einereohyalinis, stigmate venisque nigris, nubila subapicali antiearum fuscescente.
Long. Corp. lin. 6; expans. alar, antic, lin. 12.
Habitat ; in partibus orientalibus Insulae Philippinensis, Mindanao (Semper). In Coll. Semper, Altonae.
(Smith, Journal of Entomology, vol. i. p. 83.)
Plate XXIII, Fig. 7.
' T. nigro-fusca : capite thoraceque maculis flavis ornatis : abdomine flavo faseiato ; alis hyalinis; pedibus flavis. Long. corp. 5| 1.
' Head large, wider than thorax, margins rounded, somewhat flattened in front ; clypeus transverse ; anterior margin slightly rounded and cmarginate in the middle ; head, mandibles, and four middle joints of antennte sulphur yellow; mandibles with three black teeth; a minute black or rather fuscous spot between the antennae; a circular broad ring above them, extending to the first ocellus, and uniting with a subtriangular spot enclosing the posterior ocelli, on each side of which is another curved fuscous stripe, which becomes narower and unites at the margin of the vertex ; thorax and legs yellow; the former has three broad longitudinal stripes on the mesothorax, another on the scutellum and metathorax in the middle, and also a small triangular spot on each side of the scutellum, dark, fuscous ; wings hyaline, with a slight fuscous stain along the anterior margin of the superior pair; abdomen fuscous, darkest towards the apex, with a yellow fascia on the posterior margin of all the segments.' (Smith, 1. c.)
Long. Corp. lin. 5^ ; expans. alar, antic, lin. 12.
Habitat; Mexico. In Mus. F. Smith. |