UNC-39, the C-elegans homolog of the human myotonic dystrophy-associated homeodomain protein Six5, regulates cell motility and differentiation

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Authors: Yanowitz, JL; Shakir, MA; Hedgecock, E; Hutter, H; Fire, AZ; Lundquist, EA
Year: 2004
Journal: Developmental Biology 272: 389-402
Title: UNC-39, the C-elegans homolog of the human myotonic dystrophy-associated homeodomain protein Six5, regulates cell motility and differentiation
Abstract: Mutations in the unc-39 gene of C elegans lead to migration and differentiation defects in a subset of mesodermal and ectodermal cells, including muscles and neurons. Defects include mesodermal specification and differentiation as well a neuronal migration and axon pathfinding defects. Molecular analysis revealed that unc-39 corresponds to the previously named gene ceh-35 and that the UNC-39 protein belongs to the Six4/5 family of homeodomain transcription factors and is similar to human Six5, a protein implicated in the pathogenesis of type I myotonic dystrophy (DM1). We show that human Six5 and UNC-39 are functional homologs, suggesting that further characterization of the C. elegans unc-39 gene might provide insight into the etiology of DM1. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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