Taeniogonalos sauteri Bischoff: Fukui Prefecture Category: Prefectural endangered species, Class II

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Authors: Japanese Red Data Book
Year: 2002
Journal:    Website 
Title: Taeniogonalos sauteri Bischoff: Fukui Prefecture Category: Prefectural endangered species, Class II
Abstract: Also see http://jpnrdb.com/database/species/detail/4554/?page=95

Taeniogonalos sauteri Bischoff: Fukui Prefecture Category: Prefectural endangered species, Class II
ā—¸Characteristics of the species
A beautiful species with a body length of 8-11mm and a yellow-reddish brown mottled pattern on its body.
Although much about its life cycle is unknown, eggs are laid on the leaves of willows and alder trees, and these eggs enter the bodies of lepidopteran larvae that feed on the leaves, and the lepidopteran larvae become food for hornets. It is a parasitic wasp with a complex life cycle in which the larvae of the hornet's hornet larvae grow inside the larvae of the hornet.
Distributed in Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, the Ryukyu Islands, and Taiwan.
In the prefecture, it has been collected from Izumi Village, Ono City, and Miyama Town from mid-September to mid-October.
It flies to the leaves of walnut and pear trees covered with aphids in search of honeydew, but the exact location of its habitat is unknown.
Factors threatening survival
The depopulation of rural areas has led to a decrease in the number of wooden houses, reducing the number of nesting sites for the hornets, which are their hosts, and the aerial spraying of herbicides and pesticides are threatening their survival.
Tano, Tadashi, and Murota, Tadao. 1998. Hymenoptera of the Asuwa River Basin. Biological Survey of the Asuwa River Basin, 57- 85. Fukui Prefectural High School Biological Research Society.
Tsuneki, K. 1991. Revision of the Trigonalidae of Japan and her adjacent territories. SPJHA, (37): 1-68. Japanese Bee Research Society.
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