Characterization of eight microsatellite loci in the Galapagos endemic land snail Bulimulus reibischi, and their cross-species amplification

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Authors: Parent, CE; Wu, SST; Keays, A; Crespi, BJ
Year: 2008
Journal: Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 1091-1094   Article Link (DOI)
Title: Characterization of eight microsatellite loci in the Galapagos endemic land snail Bulimulus reibischi, and their cross-species amplification
Abstract: Variation in and amplification conditions for eight polymorphic microsatellite loci initially identified from Bulimulus akamatus, a pulmonate land snail from Galapagos, are described. Intraspecific polymorphism and heterozygosity of the eight markers were studied in 19 populations of Bulinulus reibischi, a closely related species of B. akamatus. Furthermore, the eight loci were also cross-amplified in six other closely related bulimulid species. The number of alleles across populations of B. reibischi at six loci is moderate (three to 10), but considerable for two other loci (19 and 20). There is no strong evidence for linkage among any of the loci examined.
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