Authors: | Carmean, D |
Year: | 1989 |
Journal: | Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 91: 287-288 WebArchive |
Title: |
Sex And Deposition Of The Holotype Of Bareogonalos canadensis (Harrington) (Hymenoptera, Trigonalyidae) |
Abstract: | Prior to 1900 the yellowjacket parasitoid Bareogonalos canadensis (Harrington) was known only from the holotype collected in 1893 at Victoria, British Columbia (Harrington. 1896. Canad. Entomol. 28: 108). and 27 specimens collected on Gabriola Island in 1897 by Taylor (1898. Canad. Entomol. 30: 14-15). The present deposition of 19 of these 28 specimens is known (Table 1). The holotype was reported lost by Townes (1956. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 106: 295-304) but Sarazin (1986. Canad. Entomol. 118: 957-989) claimed that the holotype is in the Canadian National Collection (CNC). From a study of the pre1900 material, I conclude that the true holotype is in the Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universitaet (Berlin). Harrington (1896) described the holotype as a male. Taylor (1898) reversed the sexes of his series and Harrington accepted this mistake. Harrington erroneously stated that the holotype was a female, and described the "male" sex using three females (autotypes) (Harrington 1898. Canad. Entomol. 30: 15-16). Harrington's error, though noted by Schulz (1907a.; Wytsman, Genera Insectorum 61: 24 pp.)... |
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