Extreme Intraclutch Egg-Size Dimorphism in Eudyptes Penguins, an Evolutionary Response to Clutch-Size Maladaptation

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Authors: Stein, RW; Williams, TD
Year: 2013
Journal: American Naturalist 182: 260-270   Article Link (DOI)
Title: Extreme Intraclutch Egg-Size Dimorphism in Eudyptes Penguins, an Evolutionary Response to Clutch-Size Maladaptation
Abstract: Eudyptes penguins (six species) are uniquely characterized by a two-egg clutch with extreme intraclutch egg-size dimorphism (ESD): the first-laid A-egg is 17.5%-56.9% smaller than the B-egg. Although A-eggs are viable, they almost never produce fledged chicks (genus average <1%). Using classical life-history theory and phylogenetic comparative methods, we demonstrate a marked slow-down in the life history of Eudyptes: age of first reproduction is 52% later and annual fecundity 48% lower compared with other two-egg clutch penguin species. All six Eudyptes species have retained a two-egg clutch, despite this pronounced life-history slow-down; this suggests evolutionary mismatch between clutch size and chicks fledged per clutch. Consistent with this, we show that Eudyptes fledge 43% fewer chicks per clutch than other two-egg clutch penguin species. Extreme intraclutch ESD in Eudyptes is associated primarily with a uniform (5%) increase in relative B-egg size, and B-egg size has evolved in accord with life history. We further show that intraclutch ESD is positively correlated with age of first reproduction in Eudyptes but not in other two-egg clutch penguin species. We argue that Eudyptes' persistent failure to evolve a one-egg clutch constitutes a unique genus-wide evolutionary maladaptation and that extreme intraclutch ESD evolved as a correlated response to selection favoring a slower life history imposed by their extreme pelagic overwintering and migration ecology.
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