Diametric gene-dosage effects as windows into neurogenetic architecture

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Authors: Crespi, B
Year: 2013
Journal: Current Opinion in Neurobiology 23: 143-151   Article Link (DOI)
Title: Diametric gene-dosage effects as windows into neurogenetic architecture
Abstract: Gene expression can be modulated in two opposite directions, towards higher or lower amounts of product. How do diametric changes in gene dosage influence neurological development and function? Recent studies of transgenic and knockout mouse models, genomic copy-number variants, imprinted-gene expression alterations, and sex-chromosome aneuploidies are revealing examples of 'mirror-extreme' brain and behavior phenotypes, which provide unique insights into neurodevelopmental architecture. These convergent studies quantitatively connect gene dosages with specific trajectories and outcomes, with important implications for the experimental dissection of normal neurological functions, the genetic analysis of psychiatric disorders, the development of pharmacological therapies, and mechanisms for the evolution of human brain and behavior.
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