Population genetic structure and gene flow of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding throughout the western Antarctic Peninsula

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Authors: Gorman, KB; Talbot, SL; Sonsthagen, SA; Sage, GK; Gravely, MC; Fraser, WR; Williams, TD
Year: 2017
Journal: Antarctic Science 29: 499-510   Article Link (DOI)
Title: Population genetic structure and gene flow of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding throughout the western Antarctic Peninsula
Abstract: Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) are responding to ocean-climate variability throughout the marine ecosystem of the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) where some breeding colonies have declined by 80%. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers were used to understand historical population genetic structure and gene flow given relatively recent and continuing reductions in sea ice habitats and changes in numbers of breeding adults at colonies throughout the WAP. Genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure, genetic signatures of fluctuations in population demography and gene flow were assessed in four regional Adelie penguin colonies. The analyses indicated little genetic structure overall based on bi-parentally inherited microsatellite markers (F-ST = -0.006-0.004). No significant variance was observed in overall haplotype frequency (mtDNA Phi(ST) = 0.017 ;P = 0.112). Some comparisons with Charcot Island were significant, suggestive of female-biased philopatry. Estimates of gene flow based on a two-population coalescent model were asymmetrical from the species' regional core to its northern range. Breeding Adelie penguins of the WAP are a panmictic population and hold adequate genetic diversity and dispersal capacity to be resilient to environmental change.
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