
{itemsNumber} Publications  
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189. Davies, SW; Putnam, HM; Ainsworth, T; Baum, JK; Bove, CB; Crosby, SC; Côté, IM; Duplouy, A; Fulweiler, RW; Griffin, AJ; Hanley, TC; Hill, T; Humanes, A; Mangubhai, S; Metaxas, A; Parker, LM; Rivera, HE; Silbiger, NJ; Smith, NS; Spalding, AK; Traylor-Knowles, N; Weigel, BL; Wright, RM; Bates, AE.  (2021)   Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science.  PLoS. Biol. 19 DOI  PubMed
188. Dunic, JC; Brown, CJ; Connolly, R; Turschwell, MP; Côté, IM.  (2021)   Long-term declines and recovery of meadow area across the world's seagrass bioregions.  Glob. Change Biol. 27: 4096-4109 DOI  PubMed
187. Malpica-Cruz, L; Fulton, S; Quintana, A; Zepeda-Dominguez, JA; Quiroga-Garcia, B; Tamayo, L; Noh, JAC; Côté, IM.  (2021)   Trying to collapse a population for conservation: commercial trade of a marine invasive species by artisanal fishers.  Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 31: 667-683 DOI
186. McRae, CJ; Huang, WB; Fan, TY; Côté, IM.  (2021)   Effects of thermal conditioning on the performance of Pocillopora acuta adult coral colonies and their offspring.  Coral Reefs 40: 1491-1503 DOI  PubMed
185. McRae, CJ; Mayfield, AB; Huang, WB; Côté, IM; Fan, TY.  (2021)   Contrasting Proteomic Responses of Adult and Larval Coral to High Temperatures.  Front. Mar. Sci. 8 DOI
184. Murphy, GEP; Dunic, JC; Adamczyk, EM; Bittick, SJ; Côté, IM; Cristiani, J; Geissinger, EA; Gregory, RS; Lotze, HK; O'Connor, MI; Araujo, CAS; Rubidge, EM; Templeman, ND; Wong, MC.  (2021)   From coast to coast to coast: ecology and management of seagrass ecosystems across Canada.  Facets 6: 139-179 DOI
183. Smith, NS; Côté, IM.  (2021)   Biotic resistance on coral reefs? Direct and indirect effects of native predators and competitors on invasive lionfish.  Coral Reefs 40: 1127-1136 DOI
182. Watkins, HV; Yan, HF; Dunic, JC; Côté, IM.  (2021)   Research biases create overrepresented "poster children" of marine invasion ecology.  Conserv. Lett. 14 DOI
181. Berchtold, AE; Côté, IM.  (2020)   Effect of early exposure to predation on risk perception and survival of fish exposed to a non-native predator.  Anim. Behav. 164: 205-216 DOI
180. Brunnschweiler, JM; Vignaud, TM; Côté, IM; Maljkovic, A.  (2020)   The costs of cohabiting: the case of sharksuckers (Echeneis naucrates) and their hosts at shark provisioning sites.  Ecology 101 DOI  PubMed
179. Côté, IM; Mills, SC.  (2020)   Degrees of honesty: cleaning by the redlip cleaner wrasse Labroides rubrolabiatus.  Coral Reefs 39: 1693-1701 DOI
178. Precht, WF; Aronson, RB; Gardner, TA; Gill, JA; Hawkins, JP; Hernandez-Delgado, EA; Jaap, WC; McClanahan, TR; McField, MD; Murdoch, TJT; Nugues, MM; Roberts, CM; Schelten, CK; Watkinson, AR; Côté, IM.  (2020)   The timing and causality of ecological shifts on Caribbean reefs.  Adv. Mar. Biol. 87: 331-360 DOI  PubMed
177. Bates, AE; Cooke, RSC; Duncan, MI; Edgar, GJ; Bruno, JF; Benedetti-Cecchi, L; Côté, IM; Lefcheck, JS; Costello, MJ; Barrett, N; Bird, TJ; Fenberg, PB; Stuart-Smith, RD.  (2019)   Climate resilience in marine protected areas and the 'Protection Paradox'.  Biol. Conserv. 236: 305-314 DOI
176. Bose, APH; Zayonc, D; Avrantinis, N; Ficzycz, N; Fischer-Rush, J; Francis, FT; Gray, S; Manning, F; Robb, H; Schmidt, C; Spice, C; Umedaly, A; Warden, J; Côté, IM.  (2019)   Effects of handling and short-term captivity: a multi-behaviour approach using red sea urchins, Mesocentrotus franciscanus.  PeerJ 7 DOI  PubMed
175. Brandl, SJ; Morais, RA; Casey, JM; Parravicini, V; Tornabene, L; Goatley, CHR; Côté, IM; Baldwin, CC; Schiettekatte, NMD; Bellwood, DR.  (2019)   Response to Comment on "Demographic dynamics of the smallest marine vertebrates fuel coral reef ecosystem functioning".  Science 366 DOI  PubMed
174. Brandl, SJ; Rasher, DB; Côté, IM; Casey, JM; Darling, ES; Lefchecku, JS; Duffy, JE.  (2019)   Coral reef ecosystem functioning: eight core processes and the role of biodiversity.  Front. Ecol. Environ. 17: 445-453 DOI
173. Brandl, SJ; Tornabene, L; Goatley, CHR; Casey, JM; Morais, RA; Côté, IM; Baldwin, CC; Parravicini, V; Schiettekatte, NMD; Bellwood, DR.  (2019)   Demographic dynamics of the smallest marine vertebrates fuel coral reef ecosystem functioning.  Science 364: 1189 DOI  PubMed
172. Bruno, JF; Côté, IM; Toth, LT.  (2019)   Climate Change, Coral Loss, and the Curious Case of the Parrotfish Paradigm: Why Don't Marine Protected Areas Improve Reef Resilience?  Annual Review of Marine Science 11 DOI  PubMed
171. Francis, FT; Filbee-Dexter, K; Yan, HF; Côté, IM.  (2019)   Invertebrate herbivores: Overlooked allies in the recovery of degraded coral reefs?  Glob. Ecol. Conserv. 17 DOI
170. Francis, FT; Howard, BR; Berchtold, AE; Branch, TA; Chaves, LCT; Dunic, MC; Favaro, B; Jeffrey, KM; Malpica-Cruz, L; Maslowski, N; Schultz, JA; Smith, NS; Côté, IM.  (2019)   Shifting headlines? Size trends of newsworthy fishes.  PeerJ 7 DOI  PubMed
169. Haines, LJ; Côté, IM.  (2019)   Homing decisions reveal lack of risk perception by Caribbean damselfish of invasive lionfish.  Biol. Invasions 21: 1657-1668 DOI
168. Howard, BR; Francis, FT; Côté, IM; Therriault, TW.  (2019)   Habitat alteration by invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas) causes eelgrass loss in British Columbia, Canada.  Biol. Invasions 21: 3607-3618 DOI
167. Malpica-Cruz, L; Green, SJ; Côté, IM.  (2019)   Temporal and ontogenetic changes in the trophic signature of an invasive marine predator.  Hydrobiologia 839: 71-86 DOI
166. Smith, NS; Côté, IM.  (2019)   Multiple drivers of contrasting diversity-invasibility relationships at fine spatial grains.  Ecology 100 DOI  PubMed
165. Tamburello, N; Ma, BO; Côté, IM.  (2019)   From individual movement behaviour to landscape-scale invasion dynamics and management: a case study of lionfish metapopulations.  Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B-Biol. Sci. 374 DOI  PubMed
164. Côté, IM; Smith, NS.  (2018)   The lionfish Pterois sp invasion: Has the worst-case scenario come to pass?  J. Fish Biol. 92 DOI  PubMed
163. Darling, ES; Côté, IM.  (2018)   Seeking resilience in marine ecosystems With recovery windows closing, how can reef corals resist climate change?  Science 359 DOI  PubMed
162. Francis, FT; Côté, IM.  (2018)   Fish movement drives spatial and temporal patterns of nutrient provisioning on coral reef patches.  Ecosphere 9 DOI
161. Gordon, TAC; Harding, HR; Clever, FK; Davidson, IK; Davison, W; Montgomery, DW; Weatherhead, RC; Windsor, FM; Armstrong, JD; Bardonnet, A; Bergman, E; Britton, JR; Côté, IM; D'agostino, D; Greenberg, LA; Harborne, AR; Kahilainen, KK; Metcalfe, NB; Mills, SC; Milner, NJ; Mittermayer, FH; Montorio, L; Nedelec, SL; Prokkola, JM; Rutterford, LA; Salvanes, AGV; Simpson, SD; Vainikka, A; Pinnegar, JK; Santos, EM.  (2018)   Fishes in a changing world: learning from the past to promote sustainability of fish populations.  J. Fish Biol. 92 DOI  PubMed
160. Howard, BR; Barrios-O'Neill, D; Alexander, ME; Dick, JTA; Therriault, TW; Robinson, TB; Côté, IM.  (2018)   Functional responses of a cosmopolitan invader demonstrate intraspecific variability in consumer-resource dynamics.  PeerJ 6 DOI  PubMed
159. D'Aloia, CC; Daigle, RM; Côté, IM; Curtis, JMR; Guichard, F; Fortin, MJ.  (2017)   A multiple-species framework for integrating movement processes across life stages into the design of marine protected areas.  Biol. Conserv. 216: 93-100 DOI
158. Daigle, RM; Archambault, P; Halpern, BS; Lowndes, JSS; Côté, IM.  (2017)   Incorporating public priorities in the Ocean Health Index: Canada as a case study.  PLoS One 12 DOI
157. Eger, AM; Curtis, JMR; Fortin, MJ; Côté, IM; Guichard, F.  (2017)   Transferability and scalability of species distribution models: a test with sedentary marine invertebrates.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74: 766-778 DOI
156. Howard, BR; Therriault, TW; Côté, IM.  (2017)   Contrasting ecological impacts of native and non-native marine crabs: a global meta-analysis.  Mar. Ecol.-Prog. Ser. 577: 93-103 DOI
155. Jeffrey, KM; Côté, IM; Irvine, JR; Reynolds, JD.  (2017)   Changes in body size of Canadian Pacific salmon over six decades.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74: 191-201 DOI
154. Malpica-Cruz, L; Haider, W; Smith, NS; Fernandez-Lozada, S; Côté, IM.  (2017)   Heterogeneous Attitudes of Tourists toward Lionfish in the Mexican Caribbean: Implications for Invasive Species Management.  Front. Mar. Sci. 4 DOI
153. Nanninga, GB; Côté, IM; Beldade, R; Mills, SC.  (2017)   Behavioural acclimation to cameras and observers in coral reef fishes.  Ethology 123: 705-711 DOI
152. Nedelec, SL; Mills, SC; Radford, AN; Beldade, R; Simpson, SD; Nedelec, B; Côté, IM.  (2017)   Motorboat noise disrupts cooperative interspecific interactions.  Sci Rep 7 DOI
151. Smith, NS; Côté, IM; Martinez-Estevez, L; Hind-Ozan, EJ; Quiros, AL; Johnson, N; Green, SJ; Cornick, L; Shiffman, D; Malpica-Cruz, L; Besch, AG; Shiel-Rolle, N.  (2017)   Diversity and Inclusion in Conservation: A Proposal for a Marine Diversity Network.  Front. Mar. Sci. 4 DOI
150. Smith, NS; Green, SJ; Akins, JL; Miller, S; Côté, IM.  (2017)   Density-dependent colonization and natural disturbance limit the effectiveness of invasive lionfish culling efforts.  Biol. Invasions 19: 2385-2399 DOI
149. Sutherland, WJ; Barnard, P; Broad, S; Clout, M; Connor, B; Côté, IM; Dicks, LV; Doran, H; Entwistle, AC; Fleishman, E; Fox, M; Gaston, KJ; Gibbons, DW; Jiang, Z; Keim, B; Lickorish, FA; Markillie, P; Monk, KA; Pearce-Higgins, JW; Peck, LS; Pretty, J; Spalding, MD; Tonneijck, FH; Wintle, BC; Ockendon, N.  (2017)   A 2017 Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation and Biological Diversity.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32: 31-40 DOI
148. Begin, C; Schelten, CK; Nugues, MM; Hawkins, J; Roberts, C; Côté, IM.  (2016)   Effects of Protection and Sediment Stress on Coral Reefs in Saint Lucia.  PLoS One 11 DOI
147. Chaves, LCT; Hall, J; Feitosa, JLL; Côté, IM.  (2016)   Photo-identification as a simple tool for studying invasive lionfish Pterois volitans populations.  Journal of Fish Biology 88: 800-804 DOI
146. Côté, IM; Darling, ES; Brown, CJ.  (2016)   Interactions among ecosystem stressors and their importance in conservation.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 283 DOI
145. Côté, IM; Favaro, C.  (2016)   The scientific value of scientific whaling.  Marine Policy 74: 88-90 DOI
144. Daigle, RM; Haider, W; Fernandez-Lozada, S; Irwin, K; Archambault, P; Côté, IM.  (2016)   From coast to coast: Public perception of ocean-derived benefits in Canada.  Marine Policy 74: 77-84 DOI
143. Malpica-Cruz, L; Chaves, LCT; Côté, IM.  (2016)   Managing marine invasive species through public participation: Lionfish derbies as a case study.  Marine Policy 74: 158-164 DOI
142. Schultz, JA; Cloutier, RN; Côté, IM.  (2016)   Evidence for a trophic cascade on rocky reefs following sea star mass mortality in British Columbia.  PeerJ 4 DOI
141. Alvarez-Filip, L; Paddack, MJ; Ben Collen; Robertson, DR; Côté, IM.  (2015)   Simplification of Caribbean Reef-Fish Assemblages over Decades of Coral Reef Degradation.  PLoS One 10 DOI  PubMed
140. Beldade, R; Mills, SC; Claudet, J; Côté, IM.  (2015)   More coral, more fish? Contrasting snapshots from a remote Pacific atoll.  PeerJ 3 DOI  PubMed
139. Favaro, B; Côté, IM.  (2015)   Do by-catch reduction devices in longline fisheries reduce capture of sharks and rays? A global meta-analysis.  Fish and Fisheries 16: 300-309 DOI
138. Green, SJ; Dulvy, NK; Côté, IM; Brooks, AML; Miller, SE; Akins, JL; Cooper, AB.  (2015)   Response to Valderrama and Fields: effect of temperature on biomass production in models of invasive lionfish control.  Ecological Applications 25: 2048-2050 DOI
137. Sumaila, UR; Lam, VWY; Miller, DD; Teh, L; Watson, RA; Zeller, D; Cheung, WWL; Côté, IM; Rogers, AD; Roberts, C; Sala, E; Pauly, D.  (2015)   Winners and losers in a world where the high seas is closed to fishing.  Scientific Reports 5 DOI
136. Tamburello, N; Côté, IM.  (2015)   Movement ecology of Indo-Pacific lionfish on Caribbean coral reefs and its implications for invasion dynamics.  Biological Invasions 17: 1639-1653 DOI
135. Tamburello, N; Côté, IM; Dulvy, NK.  (2015)   Energy and the Scaling of Animal Space Use.  American Naturalist 186: 196-211 DOI
134. Begin, C; Brooks, G; Larson, RA; Dragicevic, S; Scharron, CER; Côté, IM.  (2014)   Increased sediment loads over coral reefs in Saint Lucia in relation to land use change in contributing watersheds.  Ocean & Coastal Management 95: 35-45 DOI
133. Côté, IM; Darling, ES; Malpica-Cruz, L; Smith, NS; Green, SJ; Curtis-Quick, J; Layman, C.  (2014)   What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Wary? Effect of Repeated Culling on the Behaviour of an Invasive Predator.  PLOS One 9 DOI
132. Green, SJ; Côté, IM.  (2014)   Trait-based diet selection: prey behaviour and morphology predict vulnerability to predation in reef fish communities.  Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 1451-1460 DOI
131. Green, SJ; Dulvy, NK; Brooks, AML; Akins, JL; Cooper, AB; Miller, S; Côté, IM.  (2014)   Linking removal targets to the ecological effects of invaders: a predictive model and field test.  Ecological Applications 24: 1311-1322 DOI  PubMed
130. Parsons, ECM; Favaro, B; Aguirre, AA; Bauer, AL; Blight, LK; Cigliano, JA; Coleman, MA; Côté, IM; Draheim, M; Fletcher, S; Foley, MM; Jefferson, R; Jones, MC; Kelaher, BP; Lundquist, CJ; Mccarthy, JB; Nelson, A; Patterson, K; Walsh, L; Wright, AJ; Sutherland, WJ.  (2014)   Seventy-One Important Questions for the Conservation of Marine Biodiversity.  Conservation Biology 28: 1206-1214 DOI  PubMed
129. Begin, C; Wurzbacher, J; Côté, IM.  (2013)   Variation in benthic communities of eastern Caribbean coral reefs in relation to surface sediment composition.  Marine Biology 160: 343-353 DOI
128. Côté, I.M., Green, S.J., Morris, J.A.Jr, Akins, J.L., and Steinke, D.  (2013)   Diet richness of invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish revealed by DNA barcoding.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 472: 249–256. DOI  PubMed
127. Côté, IM.  (2013)   Inadvertent consequences of fishing: the case of the sex-changing shrimp.  Journal of Animal Ecology 82: 495-497 DOI
126. Côté, IM; Green, SJ; Hixon, MA.  (2013)   Predatory fish invaders: Insights from Indo-Pacific lionfish in the western Atlantic and Caribbean.  Biological Conservation 164: 50-61 DOI
125. Côté, IM; Green, SJ; Morris, JA; Akins, JL; Steinke, D.  (2013)   Diet richness of invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish revealed by DNA barcoding.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 472: 249-256 DOI
124. Darling, ES; McClanahan, TR; Côté, IM.  (2013)   Life histories predict coral community disassembly under multiple stressors.  Global Change Biology 19: 1930-1940 DOI
123. Favaro, B; Duff, SD; Côté, IM.  (2013)   A trap with a twist: evaluating a bycatch reduction device to prevent rockfish capture in crustacean traps.  ICES Journal of Marine Science 70: 114-122 DOI
122. Green, SJ; Tamburello, N; Miller, SE; Akins, JL; Côté, IM.  (2013)   Habitat complexity and fish size affect the detection of Indo-Pacific lionfish on invaded coral reefs.  Coral Reefs 32: 413-421 DOI
121. Hackerott, S; Valdivia, A; Green, SJ; Côté, IM; Cox, CE; Akins, L; Layman, CA; Precht, WF; Bruno, JF.  (2013)   Native Predators Do Not Influence Invasion Success of Pacific Lionfish on Caribbean Reefs.  PLOS One 8 DOI
120. Schultz, JA; Darling, ES; Côté, IM.  (2013)   What is an endangered species worth? Threshold costs for protecting imperilled fishes in Canada.  Marine Policy 42: 125-132 DOI
119. Soares, MC; Cardoso, SC; Nicolet, KJ; Côté, IM; Bshary, R.  (2013)   Indo-Pacific parrotfish exert partner choice in interactions with cleanerfish but Caribbean parrotfish do not.  Animal Behaviour 86: 611-615 DOI
118. Côté, IM; Green, SJ.  (2012)   Potential effects of climate change on a marine invasion: The importance of current context.  Current Zoology 58: 1-8
117. Côté, IM; Reynolds JD.  (2012)   Meta-analysis at the intersection of evolutionary ecology and conservation.  Evol Ecol 26: 1237-1252
116. Darling, ES; Alvarez-Filip, L; Oliver, TA; McClanahan, TR; Côté, IM.  (2012)   Evaluating life-history strategies of reef corals from species traits.  Ecology Letters 15: 1378-1386 DOI
115. Favaro, B; Lichota, C; Côté, IM; Duff, SD.  (2012)   TrapCam: an inexpensive camera system for studying deep-water animals.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 39-46 DOI
114. Favaro, B; Reynolds, JD; Côté, IM.  (2012)   Canada's Weakening Aquatic Protection.  Science 337: 154 DOI
113. Green, SJ; Akins, JL; Maljkovic, A; Côté, IM.  (2012)   Invasive Lionfish Drive Atlantic Coral Reef Fish Declines.  PLOS One 7 DOI
112. Hutchings, J.A., Côté, I.M., Dodson, J.J., Fleming, I.A., Jennings, S., Mantua, N.J., Peterman, R.M., Riddell, B.E., Weaver, A.J.  (2012)   Climate change, fisheries, and Aquaculture: Trends and consequences for Canadian marine biodiversity.  Environmental Reviews 20, 220-311. DOI
111. Hutchings, JA; Côté, IM; Dodson, JJ; Fleming, IA; Jennings, S; Mantua, NJ; Peterman, RM; Riddell, BE; Weaver, AJ; VanderZwaag, DL.  (2012)   Is Canada fulfilling its obligations to sustain marine biodiversity? A summary review, conclusions, and recommendations.  Environmental Reviews 20: 353-361  Website DOI
110. Molloy, P.P., Côté, I.M. & Reynolds, J.D.  (2012)   Why spawn in aggregations? In: Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations: Biology, Research, and Management (eds. Y.J. Sadovy & P. Colin). 57-83.  
109. Reynolds, J.D., Favaro, B. & Côté.  (2012)   Canada: A bleak day for the environment.  Nature 487, 171  Website DOI
108. Soares, MC; Bshary, R; Cardoso, SC; Côté, IM; Oliveira, RF.  (2012)   Face Your Fears: Cleaning Gobies Inspect Predators despite Being Stressed by Them.  PLOS One 7 DOI
107. Sutherland, WJ; Aveling, R; Bennun, L; Chapman, E; Clout, M; Côté, IM; Depledge, MH; Dicks, LV; Dobson, AP; Fellman, L; Fleishman, E; Gibbons, DW; Keim, B; Lickorish, F; Lindenmayer, DB; Monk, KA; Norris, K; Peck, LS; Prior, SV; Scharlemann, JPW; Spalding, M; Watkinson, AR.  (2012)   A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2012.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27: 12-18 DOI
106. Alvarez-Filip, L; Côté, IM; Gill, JA; Watkinson, AR; Dulvy, NK.  (2011)   Region-wide temporal and spatial variation in Caribbean reef architecture: is coral cover the whole story?  Global Change Biology 17: 2470-2477 DOI
105. Alvarez-Filip, L; Dulvy, NK; Côté, IM; Watkinson, AR; Gill, JA.  (2011)   Coral identity underpins architectural complexity on Caribbean reefs.  Ecological Applications 21: 2223-2231 DOI
104. Alvarez-Filip, L; Gill, JA; Dulvy, NK; Perry, AL; Watkinson, AR; Côté, IM.  (2011)   Drivers of region-wide declines in architectural complexity on Caribbean reefs.  Coral Reefs 30: 1051-1060 DOI
103. Côté, IM.  (2011)   Conservation Biology: The Many Ways to Protect Biodiversity.  Current Biology 21: R468-R470 DOI
102. Darling, ES; Green, SJ; O'Leary, JK; Côté, IM.  (2011)   Indo-Pacific lionfish are larger and more abundant on invaded reefs: a comparison of Kenyan and Bahamian lionfish populations.  Biological Invasions 13: 2045-2051 DOI
101. Green, SJ; Akins, JL; Côté, IM.  (2011)   Foraging behaviour and prey consumption in the Indo-Pacific lionfish on Bahamian coral reefs.  Marine Ecology-Progress Series 433: 159-167 DOI
100. Holt, BG; Côté, IM; Emerson, BC.  (2011)   Searching for Speciation Genes: Molecular Evidence for Selection Associated with Colour Morphotypes in the Caribbean Reef Fish Genus Hypoplectrus.  PLOS One 6 DOI
99. Maljkovic, A; Côté, IM.  (2011)   Effects of tourism-related provisioning on the trophic signatures and movement patterns of an apex predator, the Caribbean reef shark.  Biological Conservation 144 DOI
98. Molloy, PP; Nyboer, EA; Côté, IM.  (2011)   Male-Male Competition in a Mixed-Mating Fish.  Ethology 117: 586-596 DOI
97. Molloy, PP; Paddack, MJ; Reynolds, JD; Gage, MJG; Côté, IM.  (2011)   Relative size-at-sex-change in parrotfishes across the Caribbean: is there variance in a supposed life-history invariant?  Evolutionary Ecology 25: 429-446 DOI
96. Sutherland, WJ; Bardsley, S; Bennun, L; Clout, M; Côté, IM; Depledge, MH; Dicks, LV; Dobson, AP; Fellman, L; Fleishman, E; Gibbons, DW; Impey, AJ; Lawton, JH; Lickorish, F; Lindenmayer, DB; Lovejoy, TE; Mac Nally, R; Madgwick, J; Peck, LS; Pretty, J; Prior, SV; Redford, KH; Scharlemann, JPW; Spalding, M; Watkinson, AR.  (2011)   Horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2011.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 26 DOI
95. Côté, IM; Darling, ES.  (2010)   Rethinking Ecosystem Resilience in the Face of Climate Change.  PLOS Biology 8 DOI
94. Côté, IM; Maljkovic, A.  (2010)   Predation rates of Indo-Pacific lionfish on Bahamian coral reefs.  Marine Ecology-Progress Series 404: 219-225 DOI
93. Darling, ES; McClanahan, TR; Côté, IM.  (2010)   Combined effects of two stressors on Kenyan coral reefs are additive or antagonistic, not synergistic.  Conservation Letters 3: 122-130 DOI
92. Favaro, B; Rutherford, DT; Duff, SD; Côté, IM.  (2010)   Bycatch of rockfish and other species in British Columbia spot prawn traps: Preliminary assessment using research traps.  Fisheries Research 102: 199-206 DOI
91. Holt, BG; Côté, IM; Emerson, BC.  (2010)   Signatures of speciation? Distribution and diversity of Hypoplectrus (Teleostei: Serranidae) colour morphotypes.  Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 432-441 DOI
90. Mills, SC; Côté, IM.  (2010)   Crime and punishment in a roaming cleanerfish.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 277: 3617-3622 DOI
89. Soares, MC; Côté, IM; Cardoso, SC; Oliveira, RF; Bshary, R.  (2010)   Caribbean Cleaning Gobies Prefer Client Ectoparasites Over Mucus.  Ethology 116: 1244-1248 DOI
88. Sutherland, WJ; Clout, M; Côté, IM; Daszak, P; Depledge, MH; Fellman, L; Fleishman, E; Garthwaite, R; Gibbons, DW; De Lurio, J; Impey, AJ; Lickorish, F; Lindenmayer, D; Madgwick, J; Margerison, C; Maynard, T; Peck, LS; Pretty, J; Prior, S; Redford, KH; Scharlemann, JPW; Spalding, M; Watkinson, AR.  (2010)   A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2010.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25: 1-7 DOI
87. Uyarra, MC; Gill, JA; Côté, IM.  (2010)   Charging for Nature: Marine Park Fees and Management from a User Perspective.  Ambio 39: 515-523 DOI
86. Alvarez-Filip, L; Dulvy, NK; Gill, JA; Côté, IM; Watkinson, AR.  (2009)   Flattening of Caribbean coral reefs: region-wide declines in architectural complexity.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 276: 3019-3025 DOI
85. Cardoso, S.C., Soares, M.C., Oxenford, H.A., and Côté, I.M.  (2009)   Interspecific differences in foraging behaviour and functional role of Caribbean parrotfish.  Marine Biodiversity Records 2: e148 (online) DOI
84. Côté, Isabelle M.; Paddack, Michelle J.  (2009)   'Recycling' Data to Derive Environmental Indicators [Editorial].  Environmental Bioindicators 4: 195-197 DOI
83. Green, SJ; Côté, IM.  (2009)   Record densities of Indo-Pacific lionfish on Bahamian coral reefs.  Coral Reefs 28: 107-107 DOI
82. Molloy, PP; McLean, IB; Côté, IM.  (2009)   Effects of marine reserve age on fish populations: a global meta-analysis.  Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 743-751 DOI
81. Molloy, PP; Reynolds, JD; Gage, MJG; Côté, IM.  (2009)   Effects of an artisanal fishery on non-spawning grouper populations.  Marine Ecology-Progress Series 392: 253-262 DOI
80. Paddack, MJ; Reynolds, JD; Aguilar, C; Appeldoorn, RS; Beets, J; Burkett, EW; Chittaro, PM; Clarke, K; Esteves, R; Fonseca, AC; Forrester, GE; Friedlander, AM; Garcia-Sais, J; Gonzalez-Sanson, G; Jordan, LKB; McClellan, DB; Miller, MW; Molloy, PP; Mumby, PJ; Nagelkerken, I; Nemeth, M; Navas-Camacho, R; Pitt, J; Polunin, NVC; Reyes-Nivia, MC; Robertson, DR; Rodriguez-Ramirez, A; Salas, E; Smith, SR; Spieler, RE; Steele, MA; Williams, ID; Wormald, CL; Watkinson, AR; Côté, IM.  (2009)   Recent Region-wide Declines in Caribbean Reef Fish Abundance.  Current Biology 19: 590-595 DOI
79. Soares, MC; Bshary, R; Côté, IM.  (2009)   Cleaning in pairs enhances honesty in male cleaning gobies.  Behavioral Ecology 20: 1343-1347 DOI
78. Stewart, GB; Kaiser, MJ; Côté, IM; Halpern, BS; Lester, SE; Bayliss, HR; Pullin, AS.  (2009)   Temperate marine reserves: global ecological effects and guidelines for future networks.  Conservation Letters 2: 243-253 DOI
77. Sutherland, WJ; Adams, WM; Aronson, RB; Aveling, R; Blackburn, TM; Broad, S; Ceballos, G; Côté, IM; Cowling, RM; Da Fonseca, GAB; Dinerstein, E; Ferraro, PJ; Fleishman, E; Gascon, C; Hunter, M; Hutton, J; Kareiva, P; Kuria, A; MacDonald, DW; MacKinnon, K; Madgwick, FJ; Mascia, MB; McNeely, J; Milner-Gulland, EJ; Moon, S; Morley, CG; Nelson, S; Osborn, D; Pai, M; Parsons, ECM; Peck, LS; Possingham, H; Prior, SV; Pullin, AS; Rands, MRW; Ranganathan, J; Redford, KH; Rodriguez, JP; Seymour, F; Sobel, J; Sodhi, NS; Stott, A; Vance-Borland, K; Watkinson, AR.  (2009)   One Hundred Questions of Importance to the Conservation of Global Biological Diversity.  Conservation Biology 23: 557-567 DOI
76. Uyarra, M; Watkinson, A; Côté, IM.  (2009)   Managing Dive Tourism for the Sustainable Use of Coral Reefs: Validating Diver Perceptions of Attractive Site Features.  Environmental Management 43: 1-16 DOI
75. Darling, ES; Côté, IM.  (2008)   Quantifying the evidence for ecological synergies.  Ecology Letters 11: 1278-1286  PDF DOI
74. Fish, MR; Côté, IM; Horrocks, JA; Mulligan, B; Watkinson, AR; Jones, AP.  (2008)   Construction setback regulations and sea-level rise: Mitigating sea turtle nesting beach loss.  Ocean & Coastal Management 51: 330-341 DOI
73. Holt, BG; Emerson, BC; Newton, J; Gage, MJG; Côté, IM.  (2008)   Stable isotope analysis of the Hypoplectrus species complex reveals no evidence for dietary niche divergence.  Marine Ecology-Progress Series 357: 283-289 DOI
72. Lengkeek, W; Didderen, K; Côté, IM; van der Zee, EM; Snoek, RC; Reynolds, JD.  (2008)   Plasticity in sexual size dimorphism and Rensch's rule in Mediterranean blennies (Blenniidae).  Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie 86: 1173-1178 DOI
71. Molloy, PP; Reynolds, JD; Gage, MJG; Mosqueirac, L; Côté, IM.  (2008)   Links between sex change and fish densities in marine protected areas.  Biological Conservation 141: 187-197 DOI
70. Soares, MC; Bshary, R; Cardoso, SC; Côté, IM.  (2008)   Does competition for clients increase service quality in cleaning gobies?  Ethology 114: 625-632 DOI
69. Soares, MC; Bshary, R; Cardoso, SC; Côté, IM.  (2008)   The meaning of jolts by fish clients of cleaning gobies.  Ethology 114: 209-214 DOI
68. Soares, MC; Bshary, R; Côté, IM.  (2008)   Does cleanerfish service quality depend on client value or choice options?  Animal Behaviour 76: 123-130 DOI
67. Soares, MC; Côté, IM; Cardoso, SC; Bshary, R.  (2008)   The cleaning goby mutualism: a system without punishment, partner switching or tactile stimulation.  Journal of Zoology 276: 306-312 DOI
66. Abernethy, K. E., Allison, E.H., Molloy, P.P. and Côté, I.M.  (2007)   Why do fishers fish where they fish? Using the ideal free distribution to understand the behaviour of artisanal reef fishers.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64: 1595-1604.
65. Cheney, KL; Côté, IM.  (2007)   Aggressive mimics profit from a model-signal receiver mutualism.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 274: 2087-2091 DOI
64. Côté, IM; Cheney, KL.  (2007)   A protective function for aggressive mimicry?  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 274: 2445-2448 DOI
63. Molloy, PP; Goodwin, NB; Côté, IM; Gage, MJG; Reynolds, JD.  (2007)   Predicting the effects of exploitation on male-first sex-changing fish.  Animal Conservation 10: 30-38  PDF DOI
62. Molloy, PP; Goodwin, NB; Côté, IM; Reynolds, JD; Gage, MJG.  (2007)   Sperm competition and sex change: A comparative analysis across fishes.  Evolution 61: 640-652 DOI
61. Newton, K; Côté, IM; Pilling, GM; Jennings, S; Dulvy, NK.  (2007)   Current and future sustainability of island coral reef fisheries.  Current Biology 17: 655-658 DOI
60. Soares, MC; Cardoso, SC; Côté, IM.  (2007)   Client preferences by Caribbean cleaning gobies: food, safety or something else?  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 1015-1022 DOI
59. Uyarra, MC; Côté, IM.  (2007)   The quest for cryptic creatures: Impacts of species-focused recreational diving on corals.  Biological Conservation 136: 77-84 DOI
58. Whiteman, EA; Côté, IM; Reynolds, JD.  (2007)   Ecological differences between hamlet (Hypoplectrus : Serranidae) colour morphs: between-morph variation in diet.  Journal of Fish Biology 71: 235-244  PDF DOI
57. Wynne, SP; Côté, IM.  (2007)   Effects of habitat quality and fishing on Caribbean spotted spiny lobster populations.  Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 488-494 DOI
56. Culling, MA; Janko, K; Boron, A; Vasil'Ev, VP; Côté, IM; Hewitt, GM.  (2006)   European colonization by the spined loach (Cobitis taenia) from Ponto-Caspian refugia based on mitochondrial DNA variation.  Molecular Ecology 15: 173-190 DOI
55. Gill, JA; Watkinson, AR; McWilliams, JP; Côté, IM.  (2006)   Opposing forces of aerosol cooling and El Nino drive coral bleaching on Caribbean reefs.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103: 18870-18873 DOI
54. I.M. Côté & J.D. Reynolds.  (2006)   Coral Reef Conservation.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
53. Balmford, A; Bennun, L; ten Brink, B; Cooper, D; Côté, IM; Crane, P; Dobson, A; Dudley, N; Dutton, I; Green, RE; Gregory, RD; Harrison, J; Kennedy, ET; Kremen, C; Leader-Williams, N; Lovejoy, TE; Mace, G; May, R; Mayaux, P; Morling, P; Phillips, J; Redford, K; Ricketts, TH; Rodriguez, JP; Sanjayan, M; Schei, PJ; van Jaarsveld, AS; Walther, BA.  (2005)   The convention on biological diversity's 2010 target.  Science 307: 212-213
52. Cheney, KL; Côté, IM.  (2005)   Mutualism or parasitism? The variable outcome of cleaning symbioses.  Biology Letters 1: 162-165
51. Côté, IM; Cheney, KL.  (2005)   Animal mimicry: Choosing when to be a cleaner-fish mimic - A dangerous fish can discard a seemingly harmless disguise to suit its circumstances.  Nature 433: 211-212
50. Côté, IM; Gill, JA; Gardner, TA; Watkinson, AR.  (2005)   Measuring coral reef decline through meta-analyses.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 360: 385-395
49. Fish, MR; Côté, IM; Gill, JA; Jones, AP; Renshoff, S; Watkinson, AR.  (2005)   Predicting the impact of sea-level rise on Caribbean sea turtle nesting habitat.  Conservation Biology 19: 482-491
48. Gardner, TA; Côté, IM; Gill, JA; Grant, A; Watkinson, AR.  (2005)   Hurricanes and Caribbean coral reefs: Impacts, recovery patterns, and role in long-term decline.  Ecology 86: 174-184
47. Hernandez-Velazquez, FD; Galindo-Sanchez, CE; Taylor, MI; de la Rosa-Velez, J; Côté, IM; Schramm, Y; Aurioles-Gamboa, D; Rico, C.  (2005)   New polymorphic microsatellite markers for California sea lions (Zalophus californianus).  Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 140-142
46. McWilliams, JP; Côté, IM; Gill, JA; Sutherland, WJ; Watkinson, AR.  (2005)   Accelerating impacts of temperature-induced coral bleaching in the Caribbean.  Ecology 86: 2055-2060
45. Uyarra, MC; Côté, IM; Gill, JA; Tinch, RRT; Viner, D; Watkinson, AR.  (2005)   Island-specific preferences of tourists for environmental features: Implications of climate change for tourism-dependent states.  Environmental Conservation 32: 11-19
44. Côté, IM; Cheney, KL.  (2004)   Distance-dependent costs and benefits of aggressive mimicry in a cleaning symbiosis.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 271: 2627-2630
43. Neff, BD; Cargnelli, LM; Côté, IM.  (2004)   Solitary nesting as an alternative breeding tactic in colonial nesting bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus).  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56: 381-387
42. Sikkel, PC; Cheney, KL; Côté, IM.  (2004)   In situ evidence for ectoparasites as a proximate cause of cleaning interactions in reef fish.  Animal Behaviour 68: 241-247
41. Stummer, LE; Weller, JA; Johnson, ML; Côté, IM.  (2004)   Size and stripes: how fish clients recognize cleaners.  Animal Behaviour 68: 145-150
40. Whiteman, EA; Côté, IM.  (2004)   Individual differences in microhabitat use in a Caribbean cleaning goby: a buffer effect in a marine species?  Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 831-840
39. Whiteman, EA; Côté, IM.  (2004)   Monogamy in marine fishes.  Biological Reviews 79: 351-375
38. Whiteman, EA; Côté, IM.  (2004)   Dominance hierarchies in group-living cleaning gobies: causes and foraging consequences.  Animal Behaviour 67: 239-247
37. Carpenter, AI; Côté, IM; Jones, CG.  (2003)   Habitat use, egg laying sites and activity patterns of an endangered Mauritian gecko (Phelsuma guentheri).  Herpetological Journal 13: 155-157
36. Cheney, KL; Côté, IM.  (2003)   Do ectoparasites determine cleaner fish abundance? Evidence on two spatial scales.  Marine Ecology-Progress Series 263: 189-196
35. Cheney, KL; Côté, IM.  (2003)   The ultimate effect of being cleaned: does ectoparasite removal have reproductive consequences for damselfish clients?  Behavioral Ecology 14: 892-896
34. Cheney, KL; Côté, IM.  (2003)   Indirect consequences of parental care: sex differences in ectoparasite burden and cleaner-seeking activity in longfin damselfish.  Marine Ecology-Progress Series 262: 267-275
33. Cheney, KL; Côté, IM.  (2003)   Habitat choice in adult longfin damselfish: territory characteristics and relocation times.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 287: 1-12
32. Côté, IM; Molloy, PP.  (2003)   Temporal variation in cleanerfish and client behaviour: Does it reflect ectoparasite availability?  Ethology 109: 487-499
31. Culling, MA; Valero, IL; Côté, IM.  (2003)   Substratum preferences and diel activity patterns of spined loach Cobitis taenia in England: implications for conservation management.  Folia Biologica-Krakow 51: 129-133
30. Einum, S; Fleming, IA; Côté, IM; Reynolds, JD.  (2003)   Population stability in salmon species: effects of population size and female reproductive allocation.  Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 811-821
29. Freckleton, RP; Côté, IM.  (2003)   Honesty and cheating in cleaning symbioses: evolutionarily stable strategies defined by variable pay-offs.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 270: 299-305
28. Gardner, TA; Côté, IM; Gill, JA; Grant, A; Watkinson, AR.  (2003)   Coral reef decline in the Caribbean - Response.  Science 302: 392-393
27. Gardner, TA; Côté, IM; Gill, JA; Grant, A; Watkinson, AR.  (2003)   Long-term region-wide declines in Caribbean corals.  Science 301: 958-960
26. Mills, SC; Côté, IM.  (2003)   Sex-related differences in growth and morphology of blue mussels.  Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83: 1053-1057
25. Whiteman, EA; Côté, IM.  (2003)   Social monogamy in the cleaning goby Elacatinus evelynae: ecological constraints or net benefit?  Animal Behaviour 66: 281-291
24. Côté, IM; Reynolds, JD.  (2002)   Predictive ecology to the rescue?  Science 298: 1181-1182
23. Impey, AJ; Côté, IM; Jones, CG.  (2002)   Population recovery of the threatened endemic Rodrigues fody (Foudia flavicans) (Aves, Ploceidae) following reforestation.  Biological Conservation 107: 299-305
22. Showler, DA; Côté, IM; Jones, CG.  (2002)   Population census and habitat use of Rodrigues Warbler Acrocephalus rodericanus.  Bird Conservation International 12: 211-230
21. Vinyoles, D; Côté, IM; De Sostoa, A.  (2002)   Nest orientation patterns in Salaria fluviatilis.  Journal of Fish Biology 61: 405-416
20. Whiteman, EA; Côté, IM.  (2002)   Cleaning activity of two Caribbean cleaning gobies: intra- and interspecific comparisons.  Journal of Fish Biology 60: 1443-1458
19. Whiteman, EA; Côté, IM.  (2002)   Sex differences in cleaning behaviour and diet of a Caribbean cleaning goby.  Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 82: 655-664
18. Whiteman, EA; Côté, IM; Reynolds, JD.  (2002)   Do cleaning stations affect the distribution of territorial reef fishes?  Coral Reefs 21: 245-251
17. Arnal, C; Côté, IM; Morand, S.  (2001)   Why clean and be cleaned? The importance of client ectoparasites and mucus in a marine cleaning symbiosis.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 1-7
16. Blay, N; Côté, IM.  (2001)   Optimal conditions for breeding of captive Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti): A survey of British zoos.  Zoo Biology 20: 545-555
15. Cheney, KL; Côté, IM.  (2001)   Are Caribbean cleaning symbioses mutualistic? Costs and benefits of visiting cleaning stations to longfin damselfish.  Animal Behaviour 62: 927-933
14. Côté, IM; Mosqueira, I; Reynolds, JD.  (2001)   Effects of marine reserve characteristics on the protection of fish populations: a meta-analysis.  Journal of Fish Biology 59: 178-189
13. Arnal, C; Côté, IM.  (2000)   Diet of broadstripe cleaning gobies on a Barbadian reef.  Journal of Fish Biology 57: 1075-1082
12. Arnal, C; Côté, IM; Sasal, P; Morand, S.  (2000)   Cleaner-client interactions on a Caribbean reef: influence of correlates of parasitism.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 47: 353-358
11. Côté, IM.  (2000)   Evolution and ecology of cleaning symbioses in the sea.  Oceanography and Marine Biology, Vol 38 38: 311-355
10. Mosqueira, I; Côté, IM; Jennings, S; Reynolds, JD.  (2000)   Conservation benefits of marine reserves for fish populations.  Animal Conservation 3: 321-332
9. Perdices, A; Doadrio, I; Côté, IM; Machordom, A; Economidis, P; Reynolds, JD.  (2000)   Genetic divergence and origin of Mediterranean populations of the River Blenny Salaria fluviatilis (Teleostei : Blenniidae).  Copeia : 723-731
8. Côté, IM; Jelnikar, E.  (1999)   Predator-induced clumping behaviour in mussels (Mytilus edulis Linnaeus).  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 235: 201-211
7. Côté, IM; Vinyoles, D; Reynolds, JD; Doadrio, I; Perdices, A.  (1999)   Potential impacts of gravel extraction on Spanish populations of river blennies Salaria fluviatilis (Pisces, Blenniidae).  Biological Conservation 87: 359-367
6. Vinyoles, D; Côté, IM; de Sostoa, A.  (1999)   Egg cannibalism in river blennies: the role of natural prey availability.  Journal of Fish Biology 55: 1223-1232
5. Arnal, C; Côté, IM.  (1998)   Interactions between cleaning gobies and territorial damselfish on coral reefs.  Animal Behaviour 55: 1429-1442
4. Côté, IM; Arnal, C; Reynolds, JD.  (1998)   Variation in posing behaviour among fish species visiting cleaning stations.  Journal of Fish Biology 53: 256-266
3. Côté, IM; Reverdy, B; Cooke, PK.  (1998)   Less choosy or different preference? Impact of hypoxia on hermit crab shell assessment and selection.  Animal Behaviour 56: 867-873
2. Côté, IM; Reynolds, JD.  (1998)   Tropical fish: explosions and extinctions.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13: 475-476
1. Côté, IM; Sutherland, WJ.  (1997)   The effectiveness of removing predators to protect bird populations.  Conservation Biology 11: 395-405
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