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60. Christians, JK.  (2021)   The Placenta's Role in Sexually Dimorphic Fetal Growth Strategies.  Reproductive Sciences DOI  PubMed
59. Christians, JK; Shergill, HK; Albert, AYK.  (2021)   Sex-dependent effects of prenatal food and protein restriction on offspring physiology in rats and mice: systematic review and meta-analyses.  Biol. Sex Differ. 12 DOI  PubMed
58. Rogowska, MD; Pena, UNV; Binning, N; Christians, JK.  (2021)   Recovery of the maternal skeleton after lactation is impaired by advanced maternal age but not by reduced IGF availability in the mouse.  PLoS One 16 DOI  PubMed
57. Rubio, L; Vargas, A; Rivera, P; Lopez-Gambero, AJ; Tovar, R; Christians, JK; Martin-de-las-Heras, S; de Fonseca, FR; Chowen, JA; Argente, J; Suarez, J.  (2021)   Recombinant IGF-1 Induces Sex-Specific Changes in Bone Composition and Remodeling in Adult Mice with Pappa2 Deficiency.  Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 DOI  PubMed
56. Baltayeva, J; Konwar, C; Castellana, B; Mara, DL; Christians, JK; Beristain, AG.  (2020)   Obesogenic diet exposure alters uterine natural killer cell biology and impairs vasculature remodeling in mice.  Biol. Reprod. 102: 63-75 DOI  PubMed
55. Christians, JK; Munoz, MFH.  (2020)   Pregnancy complications recur independently of maternal vascular malperfusion lesions.  PLoS One 15 DOI  PubMed
54. Virginkar, N; Christians, JK.  (2020)   Maternal Obesity Does Not Exacerbate the Effects of LPS Injection on Pregnancy Outcomes in Mice.  Biology-Basel 9 DOI  PubMed
53. Christians, JK; Amiri, N; Schipilow, JD; Zhang, SW; May-Rashke, KI.  (2019)   Pappa2 deletion has sex- and age-specific effects on bone in mice.  Growth Horm. IGF Res. 44: 6-10 DOI  PubMed
52. Christians, JK; Grynspan, D.  (2019)   Placental villous hypermaturation is associated with improved neonatal outcomes.  Placenta 76: 1-5 DOI  PubMed
51. Christians, JK; Lennie, KI; Wild, LK; Garcha, R.  (2019)   Effects of high-fat diets on fetal growth in rodents: a systematic review.  Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 17: 39  Website DOI  PubMed
50. Christians JK, Grynspan D, Greenwood SL, Dilworth MR.  (2018)   The problem with using the birthweight:placental weight ratio as a measure of placental efficiency.  Placenta 68:52-58 DOI
49. Christians JK, Lennie KI, Huicochea Munoz MF, Binning N.  (2018)   PAPP-A2 deficiency does not exacerbate the phenotype of a mouse model of intrauterine growth restriction.  Reprod Biol Endocrinol 16:58  Website DOI
48. Chin, EH; Schmidt, KL; Martel, KM; Wong, CK; Hamden, JE; Gibson, WT; Soma, KK; Christians, JK.  (2017)   A maternal high-fat, high-sucrose diet has sexspecific effects on fetal glucocorticoids with little consequence for offspring metabolism and voluntary locomotor activity in mice.  PLoS One 12 DOI
47. Christians, JK; Leavey, K; Cox, BJ.  (2017)   Associations between imprinted gene expression in the placenta, human fetal growth and preeclampsia.  Biology Letters 13 DOI
46. Hodgson, ZG; Saxell, L; Christians, JK.  (2017)   An evaluation of Interprofessional group antenatal care: a prospective comparative study.  BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 17 DOI
45. Christians, JK; Beristain, AG.  (2016)   ADAM12 and PAPP-A: Candidate regulators of trophoblast invasion and first trimester markers of healthy trophoblasts.  Cell Adhesion & Migration 10: 147-153 DOI
44. Fronstin, RB; Christians, JK; Williams, TD.  (2016)   Experimental reduction of haematocrit affects reproductive performance in European starlings.  Functional Ecology 30: 398-409 DOI
43. Fronstin, RB; Doucet, SM; Christians, JK.  (2016)   Haematocrit, eggshell colouration and sexual signaling in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris).  BMC Ecology 16 DOI
42. Amiri, N. and Christians, J.K.  (2015)   PAPP-A2 expression by osteoblasts is required for normal postnatal growth in mice.  Growth Hormone & IGF Research  PDF DOI
41. Chin, EH; Christians, JK.  (2015)   When are sex-specific effects really sex-specific?  Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 6: 438-442  PDF DOI
40. Christians, J.K., Bath, A.K., and Amiri, N.  (2015)   Pappa2 deletion alters IGFBPs but has little effect on glucose disposal or adiposity.  Growth Hormone & IGF Research 25:232-239  PDF DOI
39. Christians, J.K., King, A.Y., Rogowska, M.D., and Hessels, S.M.  (2015)   Pappa2 deletion in mice affects male but not female fertility.  Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 13:109  Website DOI
38. Christians, JK; King, AY; Rogowska, MD.  (2015)   Lack of Functional Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A2 (PAPP-A2) Does Not Affect Female Fertility or Fecundity in Mice.  Reproductive Sciences 22: 226A-226A
37. Crosley, EJ; Durland, U; Seethram, K; MacRae, S; Gruslin, A; Christians, JK.  (2014)   First-Trimester Levels of PregnancyAssociated Plasma Protein A2 ( PAPP-A2) in the Maternal Circulation Are Elevated in Pregnancies That Subsequently Develop Preeclampsia.  Reproductive Sciences 21: 754-760 DOI
36. Erin J Crosley, Caroline E Dunk, Alexander G Beristain and Julian K Christians.  (2014)   IGFBP-4 and −5 are expressed in first-trimester villi and differentially regulate the migration of HTR-8/SVneo cells.  Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 12:123  Website DOI
35. Christians JK, de Zwaan DR, Fung SHY.  (2013)   Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A2 (PAPP-A2) Affects Bone Size and Shape and Contributes to Natural Variation in Postnatal Growth in Mice.  PLOS One 8(2): e56260 DOI
34. Crosley, EJ; Elliot, MG; Christians, JK; Crespi, BJ.  (2013)   Placental invasion, preeclampsia risk and adaptive molecular evolution at the origin of the great apes: Evidence from genome-wide analyses.  Placenta 34: 127-132 DOI
33. Cheema, MS; Christians, JK.  (2011)   Virulence in an insect model differs between mating types in Aspergillus fumigatus.  Medical Mycology 49  Website DOI
32. Christians, JK; Cheema, MS; Vergara, IA; Watt, CA; Pinto, LJ; Chen, NS; Moore, MM.  (2011)   Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) Mapping Reveals a Role for Unstudied Genes in Aspergillus Virulence.  PLOS One 6 DOI
31. Gorman, KF; Christians, JK; Parent, J; Ahmadi, R; Weigel, D; Dreyer, C; Breden, F.  (2011)   A major QTL controls susceptibility to spinal curvature in the curveback guppy.  BMC Genetics 12 DOI
30. Wagner, PK; Otomo, A; Christians, JK.  (2011)   Regulation of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2 (PAPPA2) in a human placental trophoblast cell line (BeWo).  Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 9 DOI
29. Christians, JK; Gruslin, A.  (2010)   Altered levels of insulin-like growth factor binding protein proteases in preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction.  Prenatal Diagnosis 30: 815-820 DOI
28. Wagner, PK; Christians, JK.  (2010)   Altered placental expression of PAPPA2 does not affect birth weight in mice.  Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 8 DOI
27. Christians, JK; Watt, CA.  (2009)   Mononucleotide repeats represent an important source of polymorphic microsatellite markers in Aspergillus nidulans.  Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 572-578 DOI
26. Wang, J; Qiu, Q; Haider, M; Bell, M; Gruslin, A; Christians, JK.  (2009)   Expression of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2 during pregnancy in human and mouse.  Journal of Endocrinology 202: 337-345 DOI
25. Hodgson, ZG; Meddle, SL; Christians, JK; Sperry, TS; Healy, SD.  (2008)   Influence of sex steroid hormones on spatial memory in a songbird.  Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 194: 963-969 DOI
24. Christians, JK; Senger, LK.  (2007)   Fine mapping dissects pleiotropic growth quantitative trait locus into linked loci.  Mammalian Genome 18: 240-245
23. Hansson, B; Jack, L; Christians, JK; Pemberton, JM; Akesson, M; Westerdahl, H; Bensch, S; Hasselquist, D.  (2007)   No evidence for inbreeding avoidance in a great reed warbler population.  Behav Ecol 18: 157-164
22. Christians, JK; Hoeflich, A; Keightley, PD.  (2006)   PAPPA2, an enzyme that cleaves an insulin-like growth-factor-binding protein, is a candidate gene for a quantitative trait locus affecting body size in mice.  Genetics 173: 1547-1553  PDF
21. Christians, JK; Hoeflich, A; Keightley, PD.  (2005)   Investigation of the causal gene underlying a quantitative trait locus (QTL) contributing to genetic variation in growth.  Integrative and Comparative Biology 45: 977-977
20. Oliver, F. , Christians, J.K. , Liu, X, Rhind, S., Verma, V., Davison, C., Brown, S.D.M, Denny, P., and Keightley, P.D.  (2005)   Regulatory variation at glypican-3 underlies a major growth QTL in mice.  PLOS Biology 3: e135.  PDF
19. Christians, JK; Keightley, PD.  (2004)   Fine mapping of a murine growth locus to a 1.4-cM region and resolution of linked QTL.  Mammalian Genome 15 DOI
18. Christians, JK; Rance, KA; Knott, SA; Pignatelli, PM; Oliver, F; Bunger, L.  (2004)   Identification and reciprocal introgression of a QTL affecting body mass in mice.  Genetics Selection Evolution 36 DOI
17. Stylianou, IM; Christians, JK; Keightley, PD; Bunger, L; Clinton, M; Bulfield, G; Horvat, S.  (2004)   Genetic complexity of an obesity QTL (Fob3) revealed by detailed genetic mapping.  Mammalian Genome 15 DOI
16. Williams, TD; Challenger, WO; Christians, JK; Evanson, M; Love, O; Vezina, F.  (2004)   What causes the decrease in haematocrit during egg production?  Functional Ecology 18: 330-336
15. Christians, JK; Bingham, V; Oliver, F; Heath, TT; Keightley, PD.  (2003)   Characterization of a QTL affecting skeletal size in mice.  Mammalian Genome 14: 175-183 DOI
14. Williams, TD; Christians, JK.  (2003)   Experimental dissociation of the effects of diet, age and breeding experience on primary reproductive effort in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata.  Journal of Avian Biology 34: 379-386
13. Christians, JK.  (2002)   Avian egg size: variation within species and inflexibility within individuals.  Biological Reviews 77 DOI
12. Christians, JK; Bingham, V; Keightley, PD.  (2002)   Fine-mapping of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) affecting skeletal size in mice.  Integrative and Comparative Biology 42
11. Christians, JK; Williams, TD.  (2002)   Effects of porcine follicle-stimulating hormone on the reproductive performance of female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).  General and Comparative Endocrinology 125: 121-131
10. Challenger, WO; Williams, TD; Christians, JK; Vezina, F.  (2001)   Follicular development and plasma yolk precursor dynamics through the laying cycle in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris).  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 74: 356-365
9. Christians, JK; Evanson, M; Aiken, JJ.  (2001)   Seasonal decline in clutch size in European starlings: a novel randomization test to distinguish between the timing and quality hypotheses.  Journal of Animal Ecology 70
8. Christians, JK; Williams, TD.  (2001)   Interindividual variation in yolk mass and the rate of growth of ovarian follicles in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).  Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 171: 255-261
7. Christians, JK; Williams, TD.  (2001)   Intraspecific variation in reproductive physiology and egg quality in the European Starling Sturnus vulgaris.  Journal of Avian Biology 32: 31-37
6. Christians, JK.  (2000)   Producing extra eggs does not deplete macronutrient reserves in European Starlings Sturnus vulgaris.  Journal of Avian Biology 31
5. Christians, JK.  (2000)   Trade-offs between egg size and number in waterfowl: an interspecific test of the van Noordwijk and de Jong model.  Functional Ecology 14
4. Christians, Julian.  (2000)   The physiological basis of intraspecific variation in egg size, quality and number in birds.  PhD Thesis. Binding Date: 9/11/2000
3. Christians, JK; Williams, TD.  (1999)   Organ mass dynamics in relation to yolk precursor production and egg formation in European starlings Sturnus vulgaris.  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 72: 455-461
2. Christians, JK; Williams, TD.  (1999)   Effects of exogenous 17 beta-estradiol on tee reproductive physiology and reproductive performance of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris).  Journal of Experimental Biology 202: 2679-2685
1. Williams, TD; Christians, JK; Aiken, JJ; Evanson, M.  (1999)   Enhanced immune function does not depress reproductive output.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 266: 753-757
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