Publications of Jane Fowler

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15. Gulay, A; Fowler, SJ; Tatari, K; Thamdrup, B; Albrechtsen, HJ; Abu Al-Soud, W; Sorensen, SJ; Smets, BF.  (2019)   DNA- and RNA-SIP Reveal Nitrospira spp. as Key Drivers of Nitrification in Groundwater-Fed Biofilters.  mBio 10 DOI  PubMed
14. Wagner, FB; Diwan, V; Dechesne, A; Fowler, SJ; Smets, BF; Albrechtsen, HJ.  (2019)   Copper-Induced Stimulation of Nitrification in Biological Rapid Sand Filters for Drinking Water Production by Proliferation of Nitrosomonas spp.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 53: 12433-12441 DOI  PubMed
13. Fowler, SJ; Palomo, A; Dechesne, A; Mines, PD; Smets, BF.  (2018)   Comammox Nitrospira are abundant ammonia oxidizers in diverse groundwater-fed rapid sand filter communities.  Environ. Microbiol. 20: 1002-1015 DOI  PubMed
12. Palomo, A; Pedersen, AG; Fowler, SJ; Dechesne, A; Sicheritz-Ponten, T; Smets, BF.  (2018)   Comparative genomics sheds light on niche differentiation and the evolutionary history of comammox Nitrospira.  ISME J. 12: 1779-1793 DOI  PubMed
11. Fowler, SJ; Smets, BF.  (2017)   Microbial biotechnologies for potable water production.  Microb. Biotechnol. 10: 1094-1097 DOI  PubMed
10. Fowler, SJ; Toth, CRA; Gieg, LM.  (2016)   Community Structure in Methanogenic Enrichments Provides Insight into Syntrophic Interactions in Hydrocarbon-Impacted Environments.  Front. Microbiol. 7 DOI  PubMed
9. Palomo, A; Fowler, SJ; Gulay, A; Rasmussen, S; Sicheritz-Ponten, T; Smets, BF.  (2016)   Metagenomic analysis of rapid gravity sand filter microbial communities suggests novel physiology of Nitrospira spp.  ISME J. 10: 2569-2581 DOI  PubMed
8. Torresi, E; Fowler, SJ; Polesel, F; Bester, K; Andersen, HR; Smets, BF; Plosz, BG; Christensson, M.  (2016)   Biofilm Thickness Influences Biodiversity in Nitrifying MBBRs-Implications on Micropollutant Removal.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 9279-9288 DOI  PubMed
7. Tan, B; Fowler, SJ; Abu Laban, N; Dong, XL; Sensen, CW; Foght, J; Gieg, LM.  (2015)   Comparative analysis of metagenomes from three methanogenic hydrocarbon-degrading enrichment cultures with 41 environmental samples.  ISME J. 9: 2028-2045 DOI  PubMed
6. Fowler, SJ; Gutierrez-Zamora, ML; Manefield, M; Gieg, LM.  (2014)   Identification of toluene degraders in a methanogenic enrichment culture.  FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 89: 625-636 DOI  PubMed
5. Gieg, LM; Fowler, SJ; Berdugo-Clavijo, C.  (2014)   Syntrophic biodegradation of hydrocarbon contaminants.  Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 27: 21-29 DOI  PubMed
4. Fowler, SJ; Dong, XL; Sensen, CW; Suflita, JM; Gieg, LM.  (2012)   Methanogenic toluene metabolism: community structure and intermediates.  Environ. Microbiol. 14: 754-764 DOI  PubMed
3. Gosling, A; Fowler, SJ; O'Shea, MS; Straffon, M; Dumsday, G; Zachariou, M.  (2011)   Metabolic production of a novel polymer feedstock, 3-carboxy muconate, from vanillin.  Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 90: 107-116 DOI  PubMed
2. Javanthan, A; Incornato, A; Fowler, J; Anderson, R; Whitlock, J; Narendran, A.  (2007)   Pre-clinical studies on the novel chemotherapeutic agent (SJG-136) for the treatment of refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.  Pediatr. Blood Cancer 48: 636-636
1. Narendran, A; Fowler, J; Jayanthan, A; Coppes, L; Coppes, M; Teja, B; Ngo, L; Incoronato, A; Lewis, V; Desai, S; Anderson, R.  (2007)   Protein kinases as drug targets in high risk pediatric leukemias: Target identification, cell growth inhibition and the modulation of signaling pathways in the presence of sorafenib.  Pediatr. Blood Cancer 49: 452-452
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