Publications of Wendy Palen

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43. Gibeau, P; Palen, WJ.  (2021)   Impacts of run-of-river hydropower on coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): the role of density-dependent survival.  Ecosphere 12 DOI
42. Greenberg, DA; Palen, WJ.  (2021)   Hydrothermal physiology and climate vulnerability in amphibians.  Proc. R. Soc. B-Biol. Sci. 288 DOI  PubMed
41. Higgins, K; Guerrel, J; Lassiter, E; Mooers, A; Palen, WJ; Ibanez, R.  (2021)   Observations on spindly leg syndrome in a captive population of Andinobates geminisae.  Zoo Biol. 40: 330-341 DOI  PubMed
40. Dare, GC; Murray, RG; Courcelles, DMM; Malt, JM; Palen, WJ.  (2020)   Run-of-river dams as a barrier to the movement of a stream-dwelling amphibian.  Ecosphere 11 DOI
39. Gibeau, P; Bradford, MJ; Palen, WJ.  (2020)   Can the creation of new freshwater habitat demographically offset losses of Pacific salmon from chronic anthropogenic mortality?  PLoS One 15 DOI  PubMed
38. Gibeau, P; Palen, WJ.  (2020)   Predicted effects of flow diversion byRun-of-Riverhydropower on bypassed stream temperature and bioenergetics of salmonid fishes.  River Res. Appl. 36: 1903-1915 DOI
37. Lertzman-Lepofsky, GF; Kissel, AM; Sinervo, B; Palen, WJ.  (2020)   Water loss and temperature interact to compound amphibian vulnerability to climate change.  Glob. Change Biol. 26: 4868-4879 DOI  PubMed
36. Popescu, VD; Munshaw, RG; Shackelford, N; Pouzols, FM; Dubman, E; Gibeau, P; Horne, M; Moilanen, A; Palen, WJ.  (2020)   Quantifying biodiversity trade-offs in the face of widespread renewable and unconventional energy development.  Sci Rep 10 DOI  PubMed
35. Coristine, LE; Colla, S; Bennett, N; Carlsson, AM; Davy, C; Davies, KTA; Favaro, B; Flockhart, DTT; Fraser, K; Orihel, D; Otto, SP; Palen, W; Polfus, JL; Venter, O; Ford, AT.  (2019)   National contributions to global ecosystem values.  Conserv. Biol. 33: 1219-1223 DOI  PubMed
33. Greenberg, DA; Palen, WJ.  (2019)   A deadly amphibian disease goes global.  Science 363 DOI  PubMed
32. Kissel, AM; Palen, WJ; Ryan, ME; Adams, MJ.  (2019)   Compounding effects of climate change reduce population viability of a montane amphibian.  Ecol. Appl. 29 DOI  PubMed
31. Greenberg, DA; Palen, WJ; Chan, KC; Jetz, W; Mooers, AO.  (2018)   Evolutionarily distinct amphibians are disproportionately lost from human-modified ecosystems.  Ecology Letters 21 DOI  PubMed
30. Zavaleta, E; Aslan, C; Palen, W; Sisk, T; Ryan, ME; Dickson, BG.  (2018)   Expanding career pathways in conservation science.  Conserv. Biol. 32 DOI  PubMed
29. Gibeau, P; Connors, BM; Palen, WJ.  (2017)   Run-of-River hydropower and salmonids: potential effects and perspective on future research.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74: 1135-1149 DOI
28. Green, SJ; Demes, K; Arbeider, M; Palen, WJ; Salomon, AK; Sisk, TD; Webster, M; Ryan, ME.  (2017)   Oil sands and the marine environment: current knowledge and future challenges.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15: 74-83 DOI
27. Greenberg, DA; Palen, WJ; Mooers, AO.  (2017)   Amphibian species traits, evolutionary history and environment predict Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection patterns, but not extinction risk.  Evol. Appl. 10: 1130-1145 DOI
26. Kissel, AM; Palen, WJ; Govindarajulu, P.  (2017)   A Decision-theory Approach to Cost-effective Population Supplementation for Imperiled Species.  Ecol. Econ. 142: 194-202 DOI
25. Muths, E; Chambert, T; Schmidt, BR; Miller, DAW; Hossack, BR; Joly, P; Grolet, O; Green, DM; Pilliod, DS; Cheylan, M; Fisher, RN; McCaffery, RM; Adams, MJ; Palen, WJ; Arntzen, JW; Garwood, J; Fellers, G; Thirion, JM; Besnard, A; Grant, EHC.  (2017)   Heterogeneous responses of temperate-zone amphibian populations to climate change complicates conservation planning.  Sci Rep 7 DOI
24. Fuller, TK; Venditti, JG; Nelson, PA; Palen, WJ.  (2016)   Modeling grain size adjustments in the downstream reach following run-of-river development.  Water Resources Research 52: 2770-2788 DOI
23. Lee, SY; Ryan, ME; Hamlet, AF; Palen, WJ; Lawler, JJ; Halabisky, M.  (2015)   Projecting the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change on Montane Wetlands.  PLoS One 10 DOI
22. Murray, RG; Popescu, VD; Palen, WJ; Govindarajulu, P.  (2015)   Relative performance of ecological niche and occupancy models for predicting invasions by patchily-distributed species.  Biological Invasions 17: 2691-2706 DOI
21. Atlas, WI; Palen, WJ.  (2014)   Prey Vulnerability Limits Top-Down Control and Alters Reciprocal Feedbacks in a Subsidized Model Food Web.  PLOS One 9 DOI
20. Gerick, AA; Munshaw, RG; Palen, WJ; Combes, SA; O'Regan, SM.  (2014)   Thermal physiology and species distribution models reveal climate vulnerability of temperate amphibians.  Journal of Biogeography 41: 713-723 DOI
19. Kissel, AM; Palen, WJ; Govindarajulu, P; Bishop, CA.  (2014)   Quantifying Ecological Life Support: The Biological Efficacy of Alternative Supplementation Strategies for Imperiled Amphibian Populations.  Conservation Letters 7: 441-450 DOI
18. Munshaw, RG; Atlas, WI; Palen, WJ; Courcelles, DM; Monteith, ZL.  (2014)   Correlates and consequences of injury in a large, predatory stream salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus).  Amphibia-Reptilia 35: 107-116 DOI
17. O'Regan, SM; Palen, WJ; Anderson, SC.  (2014)   Climate warming mediates negative impacts of rapid pond drying for three amphibian species.  Ecology 95: 845-855 DOI
16. Palen, WJ; Sisk, TD; Ryan, ME; Arvai, JL; Jaccard, M; Salomon, AK; Homer-Dixon, T; Lertzman, KP.  (2014)   Consider the global impacts of oil pipelines.  Nature 510: 465-467  PubMed
15. Ryan, ME; Palen, WJ; Adams, MJ; Rochefort, RM.  (2014)   Amphibians in the climate vice: loss and restoration of resilience of montane wetland ecosystems in the western US.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12: 232-240 DOI
14. Sunday, JM; Popovic, I; Palen, WJ; Foreman, MGG; Hart, MW.  (2014)   Ocean circulation model predicts high genetic structure observed in a long-lived pelagic developer.  Molecular Ecology 23: 5036-5047 DOI  PubMed
13. Tsui, MTK; Blum, JD; Finlay, JC; Balogh, SJ; Nollet, YH; Palen, WJ; Power, ME.  (2014)   Variation in Terrestrial and Aquatic Sources of Methylmercury in Stream Predators as Revealed by Stable Mercury Isotopes.  Environmental Science & Technology 48: 10128-10135 DOI  PubMed
12. Atlas, WI; Palen, WJ; Courcelles, DM; Munshaw, RG; Monteith, ZL.  (2013)   Dependence of stream predators on terrestrial prey fluxes: food web responses to subsidized predation.  Ecosphere 4 DOI
11. Munshaw, RG; Palen, WJ; Courcelles, DM; Finlay, JC.  (2013)   Predator-Driven Nutrient Recycling in California Stream Ecosystems.  PLOS One 8 DOI
10. Greig, HS; Kratina, P; Thompson, PL; Palen, WJ; Richardson, JS; Shurin, JB.  (2012)   Warming, eutrophication, and predator loss amplify subsidies between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.  Global Change Biology 18: 504-514 DOI
9. Kupferberg, SJ; Palen, WJ; Lind, AJ; Bobzien, S; Catenazzi, A; Drennan, J; Power, ME.  (2012)   Effects of Flow Regimes Altered by Dams on Survival, Population Declines, and Range-Wide Losses of California River-Breeding Frogs.  Conservation Biology 26: 513-524 DOI
8. Palen, WJ; Schindler, DE.  (2010)   Water clarity, maternal behavior, and physiology combine to eliminate UV radiation risk to amphibians in a montane landscape.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 9701-9706 DOI
7. Combes, SA; Palen, WP.  (2009)   Flight performance and aggression in jousting orchid bees: What determines success in competitive interactions?  Integrative and Comparative Biology 49: E35
6. Kupferberg, SJ; Catenazzi, A; Lunde, K; Lind, AJ; Palen, WJ.  (2009)   Parasitic Copepod (Lernaea cyprinacea) Outbreaks in Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs (Rana boylii) Linked to Unusually Warm Summers and Amphibian Malformations in Northern California.  Copeia 2009: 529-537 DOI
5. Palen, WJ; Williamson, CE; Clauser, AA; Schindler, DE.  (2005)   Impact of UV-B exposure on amphibian embryos: linking species physiology and oviposition behaviour.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 272: 1227-1234 DOI
4. Winder, M; Schindler, DE; Moore, JW; Johnson, SP; Palen, WJ.  (2005)   Do bears facilitate transfer of salmon resources to aquatic macroinvertebrates?  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2285-2293 DOI
3. Palen, WJ; Schindler, DE; Adams, MJ; Pearl, CA; Bury, RB; Diamond, SA.  (2004)   Optical characteristics of natural waters protect amphibians from UV-B in the US Pacific Northwest: reply.  Ecology 85: 1754-1759 DOI
2. Schindler, DE; Scheuerell, MD; Moore, JW; Gende, SM; Francis, TB; Palen, WJ.  (2003)   Pacific salmon and the ecology of coastal ecosystems.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1: 31-37 DOI
1. Palen, WJ; Schindler, DE; Adams, MJ; Pearl, CA; Bury, RB; Diamonds, SA.  (2002)   Optical characteristics of natural waters protect amphibians from UV-B in the US Pacific Northwest.  Ecology 83: 2951-2957 DOI
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