Flood processes in Canada: Regional and special aspects

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Authors: Buttle, JM; Allen, DM; Caissie, D; Davison, B; Hayashi, M; Peters, DL; Pomeroy, JW; Simonovic, S; St-Hilaire, A; Whitfield, PH
Year: 2016
Journal: Can. Water Resour. J. 41: 7-30   Article Link (DOI)
Title: Flood processes in Canada: Regional and special aspects
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the key processes that generate floods in Canada, and a context for the other papers in this special issue - papers that provide detailed examinations of specific floods and flood-generating processes. The historical context of flooding in Canada is outlined, followed by a summary of regional aspects of floods in Canada and descriptions of the processes that generate floods in these regions, including floods generated by snowmelt, rain-on-snow and rainfall. Some flood processes that are particularly relevant, or which have been less well studied in Canada, are described: groundwater, storm surges, ice-jams and urban flooding. The issue of climate change-related trends in floods in Canada is examined, and suggested research needs regarding flood-generating processes are identified.
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