Long-term fluctuations in volcanic activity: implications for future environmental impact.

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Authors: Rymer, H.; Locke, C.A.; Borgia, A.; Martinez, M.; Brenes, J.; Van der Laat, R.; Williams-Jones, G
Year: 2009
Journal: Terra Nova 21: 304-30   Article Link (DOI)
Title: Long-term fluctuations in volcanic activity: implications for future environmental impact.
Abstract: Acidic crater lakes at persistently active volcanoes act as both
an index and a moderator of volcanic processes. A catastrophic
drop in lake level can therefore lead to serious local environmental damage. In the early 1990s, the crater lake at Poas
volcano, Costa Rica diminished, and acid aerosols erupted with
devastating consequences for local health, environment and
economy. The first indications of this event can be retrospectively identified to have started from 1985, on the basis of our unique 20-year data time series, which provides evidence for the shallow intrusion of magma. New data presented in this
article show similar trends and we conclude that Poas has now
entered another active period with renewed intrusion. Severe
environmental damage in this region is expected within the
next few years if the current trend continues.
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