Functional differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are associated with alternative reproductive tactics based on an inversion polymorphism

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Authors: Loveland, JL; Giraldo-Deck, LM; Lank, DB; Goymann, W; Gahr, M; Kupper, C
Year: 2021
Journal: Horm. Behav. 127   Article Link (DOI)  PubMed
Title: Functional differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are associated with alternative reproductive tactics based on an inversion polymorphism
Abstract: The evolution of social behavior depends on genetic changes, yet, how genomic variation manifests itself in behavioral diversity is still largely unresolved. Chromosomal inversions can play a pivotal role in producing distinct behavioral phenotypes, in particular, when inversion genes are functionally associated with hormone synthesis and signaling. Male ruffs exhibit alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) with an autosomal inversion determining two alternative morphs with clear behavioral and hormonal differences from the ancestral morph. We investigated hormonal and transcriptomic differences in the pituitary and gonads. Using a GnRH challenge, we found that the ability to synthesize testosterone in inversion carriers is severely constrained, whereas the synthesis of androstenedione, a testosterone precursor, is not. Inversion morphs were able to produce a transient increase in androstenedione following the GnRH injection, supporting the view that pituitary sensitivity to GnRH is comparable to that of the ancestral morph. We then performed gene expression analyses in a second set of untreated birds and found no evidence of alterations to pituitary sensitivity, gonadotropin production or gonad sensitivity to luteinizing hormone or follicle-stimulating hormone across morphs. Inversion morphs also showed reduced progesterone receptor expression in the pituitary. Strikingly, in the gonads, inversion morphs over expressed STAR, a gene that is located outside of the inversion and responsible for providing the cholesterol substrate required for the synthesis of sex hormones. In conclusion, our results suggest that the gonads determine morph-specific differences in hormonal regulation.
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