Liquine-Ofqui's fast slipping intra-volcanic arc crustal faulting above the subducted Chile Ridge

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Authors: De Pascale, GP; Froude, M; Penna, I; Hermanns, RL; SepĂșlveda, SA; Moncada, D; Persico, M; Easton, G; Villalobos, A; Gutierrez, F
Year: 2021
Journal: Sci Rep 11   Article Link (DOI)  PubMed
Title: Liquine-Ofqui's fast slipping intra-volcanic arc crustal faulting above the subducted Chile Ridge
Abstract: The southernmost portion of the Liquine-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ) lies within the proposed slab window which formed due to oblique subduction of the Chile Ridge in Patagonia. Mapping of paleo-surface ruptures, offsets, and lithological separations along the master fault allowed us to constrain geologic slip rates for the first time with dextral rates of 11.6-24.6 mm/year (Quaternary) and 3.6-18.9 mm/year (Late-Cenozoic) respectively. We had trouble mapping the LOFZ in one local because of a partially collapsed and previously undiscovered volcanic complex, Volcan Mate Grande (VMG: 1,280 m high and thus Vesuvius-sized) that grew in a caldera also offset along the LOFZ and has distinct geochemistry from adjacent stratovolcanoes. Besides the clear seismic and volcanic hazard implications, the structural connection along the main trace of the fast slipping LOFZ and geochemistry of VMG provides evidence for the slab window and insight into interplay between fast-slipping crustal intra-arc crustal faults and volcanoes.
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