Linking color polymorphism maintenance and speciation

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Authors: Gray, SM; McKinnon, JS
Year: 2007
Journal: Trends in Ecology & Evolution 22: 71-79   Article Link (DOI)
Title: Linking color polymorphism maintenance and speciation
Abstract: Here, we review the recently burgeoning literature on color polymorphisms, seeking to integrate studies of the maintenance of genetic variation and the evolution of reproductive isolation. Our survey reveals that several mechanisms, some operating between populations and others within them, can contribute to both color polymorphism persistence and speciation. As expected, divergent selection clearly can couple with gene flow to maintain color polymorphism and mediate speciation. More surprisingly, recent evidence suggests that diverse forms of with in-population sexual selection can generate negative frequency dependence and initiate reproductive isolation. These findings deserve additional study, particularly concerning the roles of heterogeneous visual environments and correlational selection. Finally, comparative studies and more comprehensive approaches are required to elucidate when color polymorphism evolves, persists, or leads to speciation.
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