Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome (vol 5, pg 887, 2015)

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Authors: Myers-Smith, IH; Elmendorf, SC; Beck, PSA; Wilmking, M; Hallinger, M; Blok, D; Tape, KD; Rayback, SA; Macias-Fauria, M; Forbes, BC; Speed, JDM; Boulanger-Lapointe, N; Rixen, C; Levesque, E; Schmidt, NM; Baittinger, C; Trant, AJ; Hermanutz, L; Collier, LS; Dawes, MA; Lantz, TC; Weijers, S; Jorgensen, RH; Buchwal, A; Buras, A; Naito, AT; Ravolainen, V; Schaepman-Strub, G; Wheeler, JA; Wipf, S; Guay, KC; Hik, DS; Vellend, M
Year: 2015
Journal: Nat. Clim. Chang. 5
Title: Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome (vol 5, pg 887, 2015)
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