Selected Publications of Andy Calvert

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3. Gazel, E; Hayes, JL; Hoernle, K; Kelemen, P; Everson, E; Holbrook, WS; Hauff, F; van den Bogaard, P; Vance, EA; Chu, SY; Calvert, AJ; Carr, MJ; Yogodzinski, GM.  Continental crust generated in oceanic arcs.   Nat. Geosci.,  2015,  8: 321-327 DOI
2. Calvert, AJ; Preston, LA; Farahbod, AM.  Sedimentary underplating at the Cascadia mantle-wedge corner revealed by seismic imaging.   Nat. Geosci.,  2011,  4: 545-548 DOI
1. Calvert, AJ.  Seismic reflection imaging of two megathrust shear zones in the northern Cascadia subduction zone.   Nature,  2004,  428: 163-167 DOI  PubMed
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