Publications of Daniel Marshall

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27. Giuliani, G; Groat, LA; Marshall, D; Fallick, AE; Branquet, Y.  Emerald Deposits: A Review and Enhanced Classification.   Minerals,  2019,  9 DOI
26. Verbaas, J; Thorkelson, DJ; Crowley, J; Davis, WJ; Foster, DA; Gibson, HD; Marshall, DD; Milidragovic, D.  A sedimentary overlap assemblage links Australia to northwestern Laurentia at 1.6 Ga.   Precambrian Res.,  2018,  305: 19-39 DOI
25. Verbaas, J; Thorkelson, DJ; Milidragovic, D; Crowley, JL; Foster, D; Gibson, HD; Marshall, DD.  Rifting of western Laurentia at 1.38 Ga: The Hart River sills of Yukon, Canada.   Lithos,  2018,  316: 243-260 DOI
24. Lake, DJ; Groat, LA; Falck, H; Mulja, T; Cempirek, J; Kontak, D; Marshall, D; Giuliani, G; Fayek, M.  Genesis of emerald-bearing quartz veins associated with the Lened W-skarn mineralization, Northwest Territories, Canada.   Can. Mineral.,  2017,  55: 561-593 DOI
22. Furlanetto, F; Thorkelson, DJ; Rainbird, RH; Davis, WJ; Gibson, HD; Marshall, DD.  The Paleoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup of Yukon, Canada: Relationships to orogeny in northwestern Laurentia and basins in North America, East Australia, and China.   Gondwana Res.,  2016,  39: 14-40 DOI
21. Marshall, D; Downes, PJ; Ellis, S; Greene, R; Loughrey, L; Jones, P.  Pressure-Temperature-Fluid Constraints for the Poona Emerald Deposits, Western Australia: Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Studies.   Minerals,  2016,  6 DOI
20. Medig, KPR; Thorkelson, DJ; Davis, WJ; Rainbird, RH; Gibson, HD; Turner, EC; Marshall, DD.  Pinning northeastern Australia to northwestern Laurentia in the Mesoproterozoic.   Precambrian Res.,  2014,  249: 88-99 DOI
19. Furlanetto, F; Thorkelson, DJ; Gibson, HD; Marshall, DD; Rainbird, RH; Davis, WJ; Crowley, JL; Vervoort, JD.  Late Paleoproterozoic terrane accretion in northwestern Canada and the case for circum-Columbian orogenesis.   Precambrian Res.,  2013,  224: 512-528 DOI
18. Hewton, ML; Marshall, DD; Ootes, L; Loughrey, LE; Creaser, RA.  Colombian-style emerald mineralization in the northern Canadian Cordillera: integration into a regional Paleozoic fluid flow regime.   Can. J. Earth Sci.,  2013,  50: 857-871 DOI
17. Loughrey, L; Marshall, D; Ihlen, P; Jones, P.  Boiling as a mechanism for colour zonations observed at the Byrud emerald deposit, Eidsvoll, Norway: fluid inclusion, stable isotope and Ar-Ar studies.   Geofluids,  2013,  13: 542-558 DOI
16. Nielsen, AB; Thorkelson, DJ; Gibson, HD; Marshall, DD.  The Wernecke igneous clasts in Yukon, Canada: Fragments of the Paleoproterozoic volcanic arc terrane Bonnetia.   Precambrian Res.,  2013,  238: 78-92 DOI
15. Brown, SR; Gibson, HD; Andrews, GDM; Thorkelson, DJ; Marshall, DD; Vervoort, JD; Rayner, N.  New constraints on Eocene extension within the Canadian Cordillera and identification of Phanerozoic protoliths for footwall gneisses of the Okanagan Valley shear zone.   Lithosphere,  2012,  4: 354-377 DOI
14. Galicki, M; Marshall, D; Staples, R; Thorkelson, D; Downie, C; Gallagher, C; Enkin, R; Davis, W.  Iron Oxide +/- Cu +/- Au Deposits in the Iron Range, Purcell Basin, Southeastern British Columbia.   Econ. Geol.,  2012,  107: 1293-1301 DOI
13. Al-Atar, U; Bokov, AA; Marshall, D; Teichman, JMH; Gates, BD; Ye, ZG; Branda, NR.  Mechanism of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Kidney Stones Formation: Layered Spherulitic Growth.   Chem. Mat.,  2010,  22: 1318-1329 DOI
12. Xue, G; Marshall, D; Zhang, S; Ullrich, TD; Bishop, T; Groat, LA; Thorkelson, DJ; Giuliani, G; Fallick, AE.  Conditions for Early Cretaceous Emerald Formation at Dyakou, China: Fluid Inclusion, Ar-Ar, and Stable Isotope Studies.   Econ. Geol.,  2010,  105: 339-349 DOI
11. Ickert, RB; Thorkelson, DJ; Marshall, DD; Ullrich, TD.  Eocene adakitic volcanism in southern British Columbia: Remelting of arc basalt above a slab window.   Tectonophysics,  2009,  464: 164-185 DOI
10. Groat, LA; Giuliani, G; Marshall, DD; Turner, D.  Emerald deposits and occurrences: A review.   Ore Geol. Rev.,  2008,  34: 87-112 DOI
9. Marshall, D.  Economic Geology Models 2. Melt Inclusions of Native Silver and Native Bismuth: A Re-examination of Possible Mechanisms for Metal Enrichment in Five-Element Deposits.   Geosci. Can.,  2008,  35: 137-145
8. Al-Suwaidi, M; Ward, BC; Wilson, MC; Hebda, RJ; Nagorsen, DW; Marshall, D; Ghaleb, B; Wigen, RJ; Enkin, RJ.  Late Wisconsinan Port Eliza Cave deposits and their implications for human coastal migration, Vancouver Island, Canada.   Geoarchaeology,  2006,  21: 307-332 DOI
7. Kontak, DJ; Kyser, K; Gize, A; Marshall, D.  Structurally controlled vein barite mineralization in the Maritimes Basin of eastern Canada: Geologic setting, stable isotopes, and fluid inclusions.   Econ. Geol.,  2006,  101: 407-430 DOI
6. Madsen, JK; Thorkelson, DJ; Friedman, RM; Marshall, DD.  Cenozoic to Recent plate configurations in the Pacific Basin: Ridge subduction and slab window magmatism in western North America.   Geosphere,  2006,  2: 11-34 DOI
5. Laughton, JR; Thorkelson, DJ; Brideau, MA; Hunt, JA; Marshall, DD.  Early Proterozoic orogeny and exhumation of Wernecke Supergroup revealed by vent facies of Wernecke Breccia, Yukon, Canada.   Can. J. Earth Sci.,  2005,  42: 1033-1044 DOI
4. Marshall, DD; Groat, LA; Falck, H; Giuliani, G; Neufeld, H.  The Lened emerald prospect, Northwest Territories, Canada: Insights from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes, with implications for northern Cordilleran emerald.   Can. Mineral.,  2004,  42: 1523-1539 DOI
3. Marshall, D; Groat, L; Giuliani, G; Murphy, D; Mattey, D; Ercit, TS; Wise, MA; Wengzynowski, W; Eaton, WD.  Pressure, temperature and fluid conditions during emerald precipitation, southeastern Yukon, Canada: fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence.   Chem. Geol.,  2003,  194: 187-199 DOI
2. Groat, LA; Marshall, DD; Giuliani, G; Murphy, DC; Piercey, SJ; Jambor, JL; Mortensen, JK; Ercit, TS; Gault, RA; Mattey, DP; Schwarz, D; Maluski, H; Wise, MA; Wengzynowski, W; Eaton, DW.  Mineralogical and geochemical study of the Regal Ridge emerald showing, southeastern Yukon.   Can. Mineral.,  2002,  40: 1313-1338 DOI
1. Marshall, D; Pfeifer, HR; Hunziker, JC; Kirschner, D.  A pressure-temperature-time path for the NE Mont-Blanc massif: Fluid-inclusion, isotopic and thermobarometric evidence.   Eur. J. Mineral.,  1998,  10: 1227-1240
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