
{itemsNumber} Publications  
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281. Connelly, Jason.  Landslide susceptibility and modelling in the Mount Meager massif.   Sepúlveda, Sergio,  2024,  229  Download from SFU
280. Nott, Alexandre.  Groundwater Response to Extreme Weather Events in Various Hydrogeological Regimes Across Southern British Columbia.   Allen, Diana,  2024,  269  Download from SFU
279. Anderson, Aspen.  Fresh Groundwater Resources in Coastal Deltas.   Supervisor: Allen,  2023,  165  Download from SFU
278. Fietz, Susanne.  Chronostratigraphy, Analogues, and Facies Characterization of Fluvio-Tidal Strata: McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2023,    Link
277. Giang, Anthony.  Elemental Composition of Surface Sediment as a Sea/Land Indicator in Cascadia Salt Marshes.   Supervisor: Pilarczyk,  2023,  98  Download from SFU
276. Hodgson, Cheryl.  Integrated facies analysis and stratigraphic architecture of Cretaceous McMurray Formation and Wabiskaw Member of the Clearwater Formation, Ells River Paleovalley, NE Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2023,  274  Download from SFU
275. Hsieh, Amy.  Influence of a Rapidly Uplifting Orogen on the Preservation of Climate Signals.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2023,  160  Download from SFU
274. McKenzie, Will.  The significance of the Cretaceous Kluane Schist in the Mesozoic Assembly of the North American Cordillera.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2023,    Link
273. Nolan, Andrew.  Thermomechanically coupled modeling of polythermal glacier response to surge-like perturbations.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2023,    Link
272. Steinke, Jessi.  Surficial Geology, Stratigraphy and Quaternary History of Granite Creek, Yukon.   Supervisor: Ward,  2023,  142  Download from SFU
271. Young, Erik.  Glacier Mass Balance, Dynamics and Surface Structures Explored Through Numerical Modelling, with Application to the St. Elias Mountains of Yukon, Canada.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2023,  168  Download from SFU
270. Asafuah, Thomas.  Seismic constraints on the volcanoes and upper crustal structure of the Mariana island arc.   Supervisor: Calvert,  2022,    Download from SFU
269. Bowie, Sarah.  Late Cretaceous to Paleogene tectonometamorphic evolution of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2022,    Download from SFU
268. Carter, Maria.  Metamorphosed mafic rocks in the Pinal Schist, Little Dragoon Mountains, Arizona: field, geochemical and isotopic constraints on the evolution of southwestern Laurentia.   ,  2022,    Download from SFU
267. Corti, Giovanni.  Detection and Characterization of Discontinuous Motion on Thompson Glacier, Canadia High Arctic, Using Speckle Tracking, and Ice-Flow Modeling.   Supervisor: Flowers; Rabus,  2022,    SFU Download
266. Fischer, William (Bill).  Tourmaline Breccia Pipes of the Giant Copper Property, Southern British Columbia: Understanding the Significance of Tourmaline and Breccia Pipes as Vectoring Tools in Porphyry Copper Deposits.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2022,    Download from SFU
265. Girotto, Kristian.  Tectono-stratigraphic model for the early evolution of the Late Cretaceous Nanaimo Group: Georgia Basin, British Columbia, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2022,  
264. Gullacher, April.  Groundwater Drought: Developing Quantitative Indicators and Mapping Drought Susceptible Aquifer - Stream Systems in British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2022,    Download from SFU
263. Hammond, Zidra.  Evaluating the Feasibility of using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Hydrogeologic Units in Complex Glacial Deposits.   Supervisor: Allen,  2022,    Download from SFU
262. Krossa, Kelsey.  Tectonometamorphic Evolution of the Monashee Complex: New Insight from In-situ U-Th-Pb Petrochronology on Metamorphic Monazite.   ,  2022,    Download from SFU
261. Martinolich, Matthew.  Characterizing the Baseline Hydro geochemistry of a Shallow Groundwater System in the Peace Region, Northeast British Columbia.   Supervisor: Kirste,  2022,  292  SFU Summit Download
260. Sellars, Samantha.  Seismic Reflection Imaging of the High-Grade Narryer Terrane in the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia.   Supervisor: Calvert,  2022,    Download from SFU
259. Silerova, Dana.  Constraining the timing and duration of ductile deformation in the Great Slave Lake shear zone, Northwest Territories, Canada.   Supervisor: Gibson/Dyck,  2022,    Download from SFU
258. Unnsteinsson, Tryggvi.  Modelling glaciovolcanic caves and chimneys.   Supervisor: Flowers/Williams-Jones,  2022,    Download from SFU
257. Vandenbrink, Colin.  Melt Inclusions and Their Implications for Magma Residence Time at Mount Meager, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2022,    Download from SFU
256. Whelan, Nora.  Geochronology of Landslides in the Kluane Lake Region, Southwest Yukon.   Supervisor:,  2022,  
255. Allen, Andrew J.  Geochemical Compositions of Subsurface Materials and the Potential Impacts on Groundwater Quality from Fugitive Methane within the Peace Region, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Kirste,  2021,  
254. Chang, Omar.  Application of Mixed and Virtual Reality in Geoscience and Engineering Geology.   Supervisor: Stead,  2021,    Download from SFU
253. DesRosiers, Patrick.  The Effect of Deglacial Meltwater Processes in Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Concentrations in Glacial Sediments.   Supervisor: Ward,  2021,    Download from SFU
252. Giang, Anthony.  1,000-yr record of paleotsunamis impacting Ahuriri Lagoon (Hawke's Bay), New Zealand.   ,  2021,    Download from SFU
251. Hunter, Stephanie.  Reconstructing Groundwater Levels from Tree Ring Widths in the North American Cordillera.   Supervisor: Allen,  2021,    Download from SFU
250. Johnson, Bryn.  Mapping the Likelihood of Flowing Artesian Conditions in the Okanagan Basin and Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2021,  
249. Kremsater, Ryan.  Investigating the potential hazard, mechanisms of failure, and evolution of the Cascade Bay landslide.   Supervisor: Stead,  2021,    Download from SFU
248. Mitton, Adam.  An Ecological Assessment of Aquifer-Stream Connectivity in a Groundwater Dependent Stream.   Supervisor: Allen,  2021,  
247. Nicol, Carol-Anne.  Fluid Inclusion, Stable Isotope and 40Ar/39Ar Studies for the Halo-Shakiso Emerald Deposit of Southern Ethiopia.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2021,  
246. Piller, Taylor.  Characterizing Checkerboard Creek Rock Slope using a Combined Remote Sensing – Numerical Modelling Approach.   Supervisor: Stead,  2021,  
245. Rinke-Hardekopf, Lucian.  Utilizing Sedimentology and Geochronology to resolve the Architecture of Paralic Strata in Low-Accommodation Systems, McMurray Formation, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2021,    Download from SFU
244. Schultz, Sarah.  Sequence Stratigraphy of the Viking Formation in Central Alberta.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2021,    Download from SFU
243. Binner, Megan.  Implications of early halo type veins at the IKE copper-molybdenum-silver porphyry deposit, British Columbia, Canada: alteration studies as a guide to ore grade.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2020,    Download from SFU
242. Chateâu, Chloé.  Reconstructing depositional architecture and stratigraphy of coastal- to shallow-marine strata in a low-accommodation system: McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2020,    Download from SFU
241. Dewit, Megan.  Applications of terrestrial LiDAR, infrared thermography and photogrammetry for mapping volcanic rocks in southern British Columbia.   Supervisor: Stead/ Williams-Jones,  2020,    Download from SFU
240. Diaz, Nakari.  Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis of the Viking Formation in Crossfield and Adjacent Areas, Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2020,    Download from SFU
239. LeMoigne, Yannick.  Investigating Canada's Deadliest Volcanic Eruption and Mitigating Future Hazards.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2020,    Download from SFU
238. Ogloff, Anastasia.  The Murray dyke swarm and its bearing on Cretaceous magmatism and tectonics in the Canadian Cordillera.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2020,    Download from SFU
237. Rosales, Teresa.  Modelling Wastewater Spills and Mapping Areas Most Vulnerable to Groundwater Quality Deterioration in Northeast British Columbia.   Supervisor: Kirste,  2020,    Download from SFU
236. Walters, Miranda.  Integrated Ichnological, Sedimentological, and Geochronological Analysis of the Late Cretaceous Upper Nanaimo Group, Saltspring Island, B.C., Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2020,    Download from SFU
235. Warwick, Rachel.  A comprehensive Volcanic Hazard Assessment for Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, B.C.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2020,    Download from SFU
234. Bigelow, David.  The role of englacial hydrology in the filling and drainage of an ice-dammed lake, Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon, Canada.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2019,    Download from SFU
233. Broadbent, Jonathan.  Shoreline Geometry and Depositional Architecture of Wave-Dominated Deltaic Successions: Upper McMurray Formation, Central-C Area,  Northeast Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2019,    Download from SFU
232. Calahorrano, Antonina.  Time-lapse Gravity Monitoring at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador: A Glimpse Inside a Restless Colossus.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2019,    Download from SFU
231. Crompton, Jeff.  The influence of bedrock geology on glacier dynamics in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2019,    Download from SFU
230. Cronmiller, Derek.  Surficial Geology, Stratigraphy, and Placer Deposits of the Ruby Range, Yukon Territory.   Supervisor: Ward,  2019,    Download from SFU
229. Donati, Davide.  The characterization of slope damage using an integrated remote sensing-numerical modelling approach.   Supervisor: Stead,  2019,    Download from SFU
228. Golovetskyy, Maksym.  Assessing the ‘magma-loading’ model for prograde metamorphism in continental arcs: a case study from Harrison Lake, British Columbia.   ,  2019,    Download from SFU
227. Ma, Frank.  Merging Earth Science with Environmental Education for Teachers through Inquiry, Constructivist and Place-based Learning.   Supervisor: Van der Flier-Keller,  2019,    Download from SFU
226. Mysiorek, Jesse.  Engineering Geological Characterization of the 2014 Jure Nepal Landslide: An Integrated Field, Remote Sensing-Virtual/Mixed Reality Approach.   Supervisor: Stead,  2019,    Download from SFU
225. Thiessen, Eric.  Paleoproterozoic tectonometamorphic evolution of the southeastern Rae craton margin.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2019,    Download from SFU
224. Venugopal, Swetha.  Magmatic Sources to Volcanic Gas Emissions: Insight from the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt,Western Canada.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2019,    Download from SFU
223. Allen, Andrew.  Sources and Distribution of Arsenic in Groundwater on the Gulf Islands of British Columbia.   ,  2018,    Download from SFU
222. Borchert, Sean.  Sedimentology, Ichnology and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Viking Formation in the Chedderville Field Area, Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2018,    Download from SFU
221. Bystron, Ismena.  GIS-Based Analysis of Spring Occurrence and Spring Source Areas in the Peace River Regional District, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Kirste,  2018,    Download from SFU
220. Dandurand, Reuben.  Investigating Regional Groundwater Flow Influences on Slope Stability in Unlithified Materials.   Supervisor: Allen,  2018,    Download from SFU
219. Danielson, John.  An investigation into the time dependent deformation behaviour of open pit slopes at Gibraltar Mine, BC, Canada.   Supervisor: Stead,  2018,    Download from SFU
218. Desaunoy, Laura.  Investigating the Geochemistry of Selenium in the Residual from Biologically Treated Mine-Impacted Waters.   Supervisor: Kirste,  2018,    Download from SFU
217. Dierauer, Jennifer.  Snow Drought and Streamflow Drought in Western North America in the Context of a Warming Climate.   Supervisor: Allen,  2018,    Download from SFU
216. Griffing, Corinne.  Late Cenozoic Glaciations and Environments in Southernmost Patagonia.   Supervisor: Clague/ Ward,  2018,    Download from SFU
215. Huang, Chuqiao.  Challenging the lithostratigraphy of the lower Nanaimo Group, Vancouver Island, Canada – Evidence from detrital zircon geochronology.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2018,    Download from SFU
214. Hume, Dillon.  Structural and Mineralogical controls of gold mineralization at the Tajitos project, Sonora, Mexico.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2018,    Download from SFU
213. Hutchinson, Lauren.  Characterization of Landform Evolution and Slope Response to the 2015 Earthquake Sequence and Annual Monsoon in Central Nepal.   Supervisor: Stead,  2018,    Download from SFU
212. Jean, Thomas.  The Eastern Flank: Predicting the Architecture of the McMurray Formation Beyond its Subcrop Edge.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2018,    Download from SFU
211. Johnson, Brynje.  Aquifer-Stream Connectivity at Otter Park, Langley, BC.   ,  2018,    Download from SFU
210. Jurykovsky, Koeben.  Preliminary investigation of a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation at Hawkesbury Island, British Columbia.   ,  2018,    Download from SFU
209. Kent, Bryan.  Early evolution of a forearc basin: Georgia Basin, Vancouver Island, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2018,    Download from SFU
208. Morgan, Samantha.  Investigating the role of buried valley aquifer systems in the regional hydrogeology of the central Peace Region in Northeast British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2018,    Download from SFU
207. Roberti, Gioachino.  Mount Meager, a glaciated volcano in a changing cryosphere:hazard and risk challenges.   Supervisor: Ward,  2018,    Download from SFU
206. Simons, Matthew.  Numerical Modeling of Highly Saline Wastewater Disposal in Northeast British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2018,    Download from SFU
205. Vera, Orlando.  Sedimentological and Ichnological Characterization of Small- and Large-Scale Channel IHS in the Middle McMurray Formation of the Central-C area, McMurray Sub-Basin, Alberta.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2018,    Download from SFU
204. Whistler, Allegra.  Investigating the Thermo-Hydraulic Regime of Union Creek, Langley B.C.   ,  2018,    Download from SFU
203. Basiru, Morufu.  In Search of Cordilleran Point Sources to the McMurray Sub-Basin.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2017,    Download from SFU
202. Beaud, Flavien.  Numerical investigations of subglacial hydrology as a direct and indirect driver of glacial erosion.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2017,    Download from SFU
201. Burgess, Ryan.  Characterizing Recharge to Fractured Bedrock in a Temperate Climate.   Supervisor: Allen,  2017,    Download from SFU
200. Clark, Andy.  Tectonometamorphic history of mid-crustal rocks at Aishihik Lake, southwest Yukon.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2017,    Download from SFU
199. Coleman, Mark.  Structural and Petrofabric Analysis of the Yukon.   ,  2017,    Download from SFU
198. Griffin, Libby.  Optical dating of stabilized parabolic dunes, Savary Island, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Ward,  2017,    Download from SFU
197. Haiblen, Snowy.  Glacial history and landform genesis in the Lac de Gras area, Northwest Territories.   Supervisor: Ward,  2017,    Download from SFU
196. Hall, Glen.  Investigating Aquifer-Stream Connectivity at Steele Park, Langley, BC.   ,  2017,    Download from SFU
195. Lau, Carie-Ann.  Channel scour on temperate alluvial fans in British Columbia.   Supervisor: Ward,  2017,    Download from SFU
194. Lupogo, Kenneth.  Characterization of blast damage in rock slopes: An integrated field-numerical modelling approach.   Supervisor: Stead,  2017,    Download from SFU
193. Makin, Sarah.  Developing fluorite as a geochemical pathfinder mineral using globally reported REE-Y contents.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2017,    Download from SFU
192. Medig, Kirsti.  Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Geochronology of unit PR1 of the lower Fifteenmile Group and the Pinguicula Group, Wernecke and Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon, Canada: Mesoproterozoic environments and paleocontinental reconstructions.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2017,    Download from SFU
191. Miller, Craig.  Volcanic Architecture and Unrest processes: Insights from Static and Time-varying Potential Field Models.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2017,    Download from SFU
190. Moase, Emily.  Guidance for debris-flow mitigation design in Canada.   Supervisor: Stead,  2017,    Download from SFU
189. Neil, Benjamin.  Depositional Age, Provenance and Tectonic Significance of the Porter Lake and Lynx Lake Outliers, South Rae Craton, Northwest Territories.   ,  2017,    Download from SFU
188. Pulwicki, Alexandra.  Multi-scale investigation of winter balance on alpine glaciers.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2017,    Download from SFU
187. Rathay, Sarah.  Response of a Fractured Bedrock Aquifer to Recharge from Heavy Rainfall Events.   Supervisor: Allen,  2017,    Download from SFU
186. Sampaleanu, Christian.  The Role of Intact Rock Fracture in Rockfall Initiation.   Supervisor: Stead,  2017,    Download from SFU
185. Vayavur, Rajesh.  Seismic and potential field constraints on the shallow crustal structure of inner Bering shelf, offshore southwestern Alaska.   Supervisor: Calvert,  2017,    Download from SFU
184. Verbaas, Jaap.  Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic evolution of Yukon Territory, Canada.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2017,    Download from SFU
183. Vice, Lianna.  Late Cretaceous to Paleocene evolution of the Blanchard River assemblage, southwest Yukon; implications for Mesozoic accretionary processes in the northwestern Cordillera.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2017,    Download from SFU
182. Weleschuk, Zennon.  Channelized Deposits and Regional Parasequence Sets of the Grouse Paleovalley: McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2017,    Download from SFU
181. Westin, Allison.  Downie Slide: An integrated remote sensing approach to characterization of a very slow moving landslide.   Supervisor: Stead,  2017,    Download from SFU
180. Croquet, Eryne.  Paleoclimatic reconstruction using paleosol and macrofossil interpretation in Chehalis Valley.   Supervisor: Ward,  2016,    Download from SFU
179. Cullen, Justine.  Optical Dating Studies of southeastern Patagonian Sand Wedges in Chile and Argentina.   Supervisor: Clague,  2016,    Download from SFU
178. Dubman, Rita.  Petrogenesis and significance of Schist Creek mafic-ultramafic complex, SW Yukon.   ,  2016,    Download from SFU
177. Harrington, Elise.  Thermorheological Modeling of Venusian Canali.   ,  2016,    Download from SFU
176. Jones, Macy.  Stratigraphy and architecture of shallow-marine strata on an active margin, lower Nanaimo Group, Vancouver Island, BC.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2016,    Download from SFU
175. Middleton, Mary Ann.  Aquifer - Stream Connectivity at Various Scales: Application of Sediment ­ Water Interface Temperature and Vulnerability Assesssments of Groundwater Dependent Streams.   Supervisor: Allen,  2016,    Download from SFU
174. Roberts, Nick.  Late Cenozoic geology of La Paz, Bolivia, and its relation to landslide activity.   Supervisor: Clague,  2016,    Download from SFU
173. Roots, Eric.  Application of seismic interferometry to imaging a crystalline rock environment at an active VMS mine in Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada.   Supervisor: Calvert,  2016,    Download from SFU
172. Theny, Lucia.  Age, formation and tectonism of the Neoproterozic Ruddock Creek zinc-lead deposit and host Windermere Supergroup, northern Monashee Mountains, southern Canadian Cordillera.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2016,    Download from SFU
171. Van Pelt, Stephanie.  Modeling Paleorecharge on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.   Supervisor: Allen,  2016,    Download from SFU
170. Zurek, Jeffrey.  Multidisciplinary Investigation of the volcanic Evolution of Basaltic Calderas.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2016,    Download from SFU
169. Calhoun, Nancy.  LiDAR and geomorphic characterisation of landslide-induced liquefaction deposits in the eastern Swiss Alps.   Supervisor: Clague,  2015,    Download from SFU
168. Frank, Anja.  Predicting the geochemical effects of SO2 impurities during carbon storage: Batch experiments and reaction path geochemical modelling.   Supervisor: Kirste,  2015,    Download from SFU
167. Friesen, Oliver.  Permeability Heterogeneity in Bioturbated Strata, Cardium Formation, Pembina Field, and the Identification of Potential Waterflood Opportunities.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2015,    Download from SFU
166. Furlanetto, Francesca.  The evolution of the late PaleoproterozoicWernecke Supergroup, Wernecke Mountains, Yukon, from sedimentation to deformation.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2015,    Download from SFU
165. Hamdi, Pooya.  Characterization of Brittle Damage in Rock from the Micro to Macro Scale.   Supervisor: Stead,  2015,    Download from SFU
164. Hashmi, Sarah.  Quaternary geology and drift prospecting in the Mount Polley region (NTS 093A).   Supervisor: Ward,  2015,    Download from SFU
163. Havaej, Mohsen.  Characterisation of high rock slopes using an integrated numerical modelling - remote sensing approach.   Supervisor: Stead,  2015,    Download from SFU
162. Hsieh, Amy.  Geostatistical modeling and upscaling permeability for reservoir scale modeling in bioturbated, heterogeneous tight reservoir rock: Viking Fm, Provost Field, Alberta.   Supervisor: MacEachern/Allen,  2015,    Download from SFU
161. Klasssen, Jeanette.  Assessing the Risk of Saltwater Intrusion on the Gulf Islands, BC.   Supervisor: Allen,  2015,    Download from SFU
160. LaCroix, Andrew.  Modern and Ancient Perspectives on Deposition Across the Tidal/Fluvial Transition in Rivers.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2015,    Download from SFU
159. Mayer, John.  Applications of uncertainty theory to rock mechanics and geotechnical mine design.   Supervisor: Stead,  2015,    Download from SFU
158. Smith, Kristyn.  Constraining accretion rates in a tide-dominated, freshwater river (Pitt River, Canada) and implications for lateral accretion of channels in the tidal-fluvial transition.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2015,    Download from SFU
157. Ayranci, Korhan.  Facies Modelling of a Tide-Influenced, River-Dominated Delta, Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2014,    Download from SFU
156. Bickerton, Luke.  The northern Cache Creek terrane: record of Middle Triassic arc activity and Jurassic-Cretaceous terrane imbrication.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2014,    Download from SFU
155. Clayton, Anne.  Characterization and Analysis of the Mitchell Creek Landslide: A Large-scale Rock Slope Instability in north-western British Columbia.   Supervisor: Stead,  2014,    Download from SFU
154. Dewit, Megan.  The Geothermal Potential of Nazko Cone, British Columbia.   ,  2014,    Download from SFU
153. Ertolahti, Leila.  Contemporary subsidence and settlement of the Fraser River delta inferred from SqueeSARTM-type InSAR data.   Supervisor: Clague,  2014,    Download from SFU
152. Fath, Jared.  Late Holocene history of Squamish River north of Brackendale, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2014,    Download from SFU
151. Foster, Simon.  Characterizing Groundwater ­ Surface Water Interactions within a Mountain to Ocean Watershed, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2014,    Download from SFU
150. Holding, Shannon.  Risk to Water Security on Small Islands: A Numerical Modeling Approach.   Supervisor: Allen,  2014,    Download from SFU
149. Larocque, Isabelle.  The Hydrogeology of Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2014,    Download from SFU
148. Montgomery, Adam.  Paleoenvironmental Interpretation and Depositional Process Classification of Allomembers D and E, Lower Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2014,    Download from SFU
147. Preston, Ryan.  Application of photogrammetry to estimates of mine pillar damage and strength.   Supervisor: Stead,  2014,    Download from SFU
146. Ricci, Liam.  Architecture and Facies Analysis of Allomember F, Upper Cretaceous Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Drumheller, Alberta.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2014,    Download from SFU
145. Staples, Reid.  Diachronous Deformation, Metamorphism and Exhumation in the Northern Canadian Cordillera Revealed from Pressure-Temperature-Time-Deformation Paths of Former Mid-Crustal Rocks.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2014,    Download from SFU
144. Turner, Derek.  Pleistocene Stratigraphy, Glacial Limits and Paleoenvironments of the White River and Silver Creek, Southwest Yukon.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2014,    Download from SFU
143. Twomey, Vince.  Three Dimensional Strain Distribution and Deformation Temperature Interpreted from Quartz Microstructures and Petrofabrics in the Okanagan Valley Shearzone, Southern Canadian Cordillera.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2014,    Download from SFU
142. Venugopal, Swetha.  Melt Inclusions and their Implications of an Interconnceted Magma Chamber Beneath Cerro Negro Volcano and Las Pilas-El Hoyo Complex Nicaragua.   ,  2014,    Download from SFU
141. Vivas, Janisse.  Groundwater Characterization and Modelling in Natural and Open Pit Rock Slopes.   Supervisor: Stead,  2014,    Download from SFU
140. Wolter, Andrea.  Characterisation of Large Catastrophic Landslides using an Integrated Field, Remote Sensing and Numerical Modelling Approach.   Supervisor: Stead/Clague,  2014,    Download from SFU
139. Zaleski, Marty.  Earthquake Loss Estimates, Greater Victoria, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2014,    Download from SFU
138. Zhang, Yabing.  Modelling hard rock pillars using a Synthetic Rock Mass approach.   Supervisor: Stead,  2014,    Download from SFU
137. Czarnecki, Joanna.  Palynology and geochemistry of sediments in the tidally influenced lower Fraser River, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2013,    Download from SFU
136. Gao, Fuqiang.  Simulation of failure mechanisms around underground coal mine openings using discrete element modelling.   Supervisor: Stead,  2013,    Download from SFU
135. Hanson, Jeremy.  Hydrothermal Alteration and Geochemistry of Porphyry-Style Cu-Au Mineralization at the Donnelly Zone, GJ Deposit, Northwest BC.   ,  2013,    Download from SFU
134. Hanson, Michelle.  Sedimentological and paleomagnetic study of glacial Lake Missoula lacustrine and flood sediments.   Supervisor: Clague,  2013,    Download from SFU
133. Heideman, Marit.  Flood hazard and risk in Lillooet River valley, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2013,    Download from SFU
132. Hermanson, Jolene.  Multiphase flow and reactive transport modelling of heterogeneities in CO2 storage reservoirs.   Supervisor: Kirste,  2013,    Download from SFU
131. Jones, Brittan.  Integrated Ichnology and Sedimentology of Mixed River- and Wave-Influenced Delta Complexes, Upper Cretaceous Basal Belly River Formation, Central Alberta, Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2013,    Download from SFU
130. Loughrey, Lara.  Boiling as a mechanism for colour zonations observed at the Byrud emerald deposit, Eidsvoll, Norway.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2013,    Download from SFU
129. MacQueen, Patricia.  Geophysical Investigations of Magma Plumbing Systems at Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2013,    Download from SFU
128. Mitrovic, Ivanka.  Evolution of the Coast-Cascade Orogen by tectonic thickening and magmatic loading: the Cretaceous Breakenridge Complex, southwestern British Columbia .   Supervisor: Gibson,  2013,    Download from SFU
127. Newman, Stephen.  Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations near the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, east-central Alaska Range.   Supervisor: Clague,  2013,    Download from SFU
126. Hewton, Meghan.  Investigation of the Mountain River Beryl (Emerald Variety) Occurrence, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2012,    Download from SFU
125. Johnson, Stacy.  The Nature of Inclined Heterolithic Stratification in a Mixed Tidal-Fluvial Setting: Depositional Processes, Sedimentology and Ichnology, Middle Arm, Fraser River, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2012,    Download from SFU
124. Morshedian, Alireza.  Sedimentology, Ichnology, and Stratigraphy of the Sparky, Waseca, and McLaren Alloformations, West-Central Saskatchewan, Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern/Dashtgard,  2012,    Download from SFU
123. Nelson, Mark.  The impact of landslides on sediment yield, South Westland, New Zealand.   Supervisor: Clague,  2012,    Download from SFU
122. Sacco, Dave.  Quaternary geology in part of the McLeod Lake map area (NTS 093J), central British Columbia.   Supervisor: Ward,  2012,    Download from SFU
121. Simspon, Mike.  Assessing Risk to Groundwater Quality Using an Integrated Risk Framework.   Supervisor: Allen,  2012,    Download from SFU
120. Tuckey, Zack.  An Integrated Field Mapping-Numerical Modelling Approach to Characterising Discontinuity Persistence and Intact Rock Bridges in Large Open Pit Slopes.   Supervisor: Stead,  2012,    Download from SFU
119. Welch, Laurie.  Modelling Topographically-Driven Groundwater Flow in Mountains.   Supervisor: Allen,  2012,    Download from SFU
118. Wilson, Nat.  Characterization and interpretation of polythermal structure in two subarctic glaciers.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2012,    Download from SFU
117. Brown, Courtenay.  Estimation of Annual Mass Balance and Little Ice Age Equilibrium Line Altitude Depression of Mount Baker Glaciers .   Supervisor: Clague,  2011,    Download from SFU
116. Capps, Denny.  Evolution of glacier-dammed lakes through space and time; Brady Glacier, Alaska, USA.   Supervisor: Clague,  2011,    Download from SFU
115. Cavalcanti de Alburquerque, Rafael.  Hydrogeochemical evolution and arsenic mobilization in confined aquifers formed within glaciomarine sediments.   Supervisor: Kirste,  2011,    Download from SFU
114. Farahbod, Amir.  Study of Non-Volcanic Tremors in the Cascadia Subduction Zone .   Supervisor: Calvert,  2011,    Download from SFU
113. Galicki, Michael.  Investigation of the iron-oxide mineralization at the Iron Range, southeastern BC.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2011,    Download from SFU
112. Hancock, Carie-Ann.  Geomorphic Changes to Lillooet River due to the 2010 Mount Meager Landslide.   ,  2011,    Download from SFU
111. Henry, Chris.  An Integrated Approach to Estimating Groundwater Recharge and Storage Variability in Southern Mali, Africa.   Supervisor: Allen,  2011,    Download from SFU
110. Hensold, Gabe.  An integrated study of deep-seated gravitational slope deformations at Handcar Peak, southwestern British Columbia.   Supervisor: Stead/Clague,  2011,    Download from SFU
109. Jamer, Megan.  Integrated Sedimentologic-Ichnologic-Palynologic Analyses of Estuarine Deposits: Ecologic Comparison of Cretaceous-Aged Estuarine Valley Fills and Modern Delta Distributary Deposits.   ,  2011,    Download from SFU
108. Kline, Meghan.  Deglaciation and Paraglacial Adjustment Near Statlu Creek, in Chahalis Valley, BC.   ,  2011,    Download from SFU
107. Lee, Sung.  Characterizing highwall slopes at the Line Creek Mine, British Columbia using terrestrial photogrammetry.   Supervisor: Stead,  2011,    Download from SFU
106. Mayer, John.  Statistical and Structural Approaches to Understanding Groundwater Flow in a Fractured Rock Aquifer, Hope Bay, Nunavut.   ,  2011,    Download from SFU
105. McDonald, James.  The Effects of Timber Harvesting and Windthrow on Landslide Initiation, Southwestern Vancouver Island.   Supervisor: Ward,  2011,    Download from SFU
104. Nielsen, Oscar.  The Wernecke Igneous Clasts in Yukon,Canada: Evidence for a Paleoproterozoic Volcanic Arc Terrane at 1.7 ga and its Obduction onto Ancestral North America.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2011,    Download from SFU
103. Schon, Peter.  Stability and Mechanism of Failure of the Barrier, Southwest British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2011,    Download from SFU
102. Shugar, Dan.  Rock avalanches on glaciers.   Supervisor: Clague,  2011,    Download from SFU
101. Sisulak, Chad.  Seasonal controls on the development and character of inclined heterolithic stratification in a tide-influenced, fluvially dominated channel, Fraser River, Canada.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2011,    Download from SFU
100. Sorge, Jolane.  Characterizing Volcanic Behaviour Using Thermal Remote Sensing and Other Time Series Data, 2000-2009, Volcán de Colima, Mexico.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2011,    Download from SFU
99. Takam Takougang , Eric-Martial.  2D Waveform Tomography of the Queen Charlotte Basin of Western Canada and the Seattle Fault Zone.   Supervisor: Calvert,  2011,    Download from SFU
98. Vickers, Kayla.  Quaternary Geology of Bluegoose Prairie, Baffin Island, Nunavut.   Supervisor: Ward,  2011,    Download from SFU
97. Vigouroux-Callibot, Nathalie.  Tracking the evolution of Magmatic Volatiles from the Mantle to the Atmosphere using Integrative Geochemical and Geophysical Methods.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2011,    Download from SFU
96. Brideau, Marc-Andre.  Three-Dimensional Kinematic Controls on Rock Slope Stability Conditions.   Supervisor: Stead,  2010,    Download from SFU
95. Brown, Sarah.  Geology and geochronology of the southern Okanagan Valley shear zone, southern Canadian Cordillera, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2010,    Download from SFU
94. Church, Amber.  Recent Deglacierization of the Upper Wheaton River Watershed, Yukon.   Supervisor: Clague,  2010,    Download from SFU
93. Frey, Shannon.  Sedimentology and hydrodynamics of strait-margin sand-and-gravel beaches and shorefaces.   Supervisor: Dashtgard,  2010,    Download from SFU
92. MacDougall, Andrew.  Distributed energy-balance glacier melt-modelling in the Donjek Range of the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada: model transferability in space and time.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2010,    Download from SFU
91. Sturzenegger, Matthieu.  Multi-scale characterization of rock mass discontinuities and rock slope geometry using terrestrial remote sensing techniques.   Supervisor: Stead,  2010,    Download from SFU
90. Westberg, Elizabeth.  The Tectonometamorphic and Structural Evolution of the Yukon-Tanana and Cassiar Terranes in the Mendocina Creek Area: Implications for the Tectonic Framework of South-Central Yukon.   Supervisor: Gibson,  2010,  
89. Zurek, Jeff.  Characterizing the Plumbing Systems of Active Volcanoes through Potential Field Studies.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2010,  
88. De Paoli, Laetitia.  Dynamics of a small surge-type glacier, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada: Characterization of basal motion using 1-D geophysical inversion.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2009,    Download from SFU
87. Fecova, Karin.  Conuma River and Leagh Creek intrusive complexes: Windows into mid-crustal levels of the Jurassic Bonanza arc, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2009,    Download from SFU
86. MacLaurin, Kate.  Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and provenance of the Lower Cretaceous Jackass Mountain Group, Chilko Lake area, British Columbia, Canada .   Supervisor: Mustard,  2009,    Download from SFU
85. Mauri, Guillaume.  Multi-scale analysis of multiparameter geophysical and geochemical data from active volcanic systems.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2009,    Download from SFU
84. Staples, Reid.  Thermo-tectonic evolution of the Wolverine metamorphic complex, British Columbia: limitations on the use of combined ion exchange and net-transfer reaction geothermobarometry at upper amphibolites-facies metamorphism.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2009,    Download from SFU
83. van Zeyl, David.  Evaluation of subaerial landslide hazards in Knight Inlet and Howe Sound, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Stead,  2009,    Download from SFU
82. Wheler, Brett.  Glacier melt modelling in the Donjek Range, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory.   Supervisor: Flowers,  2009,    Download from SFU
81. DesRoches, Aaron.  Integrated Ichnology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the lower Falher Member, Spirit River formation, Northeastern British Columbia and Central Alberta.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2008,    Download from SFU
80. Goodin, J. Russell.  Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Jackass Mountain Group, Camelsfoot Range, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Mustard,  2008,    Download from SFU
79. Kowalchuk, Chris.  Quaternary Geology of the Zama City Area, Northwestern Alberta.   Supervisor: Ward,  2008,    Download from SFU
78. Liggett, Jessica.  Comparison of approaches for aquifer vulnerability mapping and recharge modelling at regional and local scales, Okanagan Basin, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2008,    Download from SFU
77. Milidragovic, Dejan.  Quartet Mountain Lamprophyres and Crustal Xenoliths: New Insights into the Mesoproterozoic metamorphic History of Northwestern Laurentia.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2008,    Download from SFU
76. Sluggett, Christa.  Quaternary alkaline and calc-alkaline basalts in southern British Columbia: mixed  signals from mantle sources above the southern edge of the Juan de Fuca–Pacific slab window .   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2008,    Download from SFU
75. Sunde, Richard.  Sequence stratigraphy of the mixed clastic-carbonate Lower Cretaceous Albemarle Embayment, North Carolina.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2008,    Download from SFU
74. Thompson, Cameron.  Integrated ichnology, sedimentology and stratigraphy of the lower cretaceous Grand Rapids Formation and equivalents, east-central Alberta.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2008,    Download from SFU
73. Turner, Derek.  Quaternary Geology of Howard's Pass and Applications to Drift Prospecting.   Supervisor: Ward,  2008,    Download from SFU
72. Vyazmensky, Alexander.  Numerical modelling of surface subsidence associated with block cave mining using a finite element/discrete element approach.   Supervisor: Stead,  2008,    Download from SFU
71. Yan, Ming.  Numerical Modeling of Brittle Fracture and Step-path Failure: From Laboratory to Rock Slope Scale .   Supervisor: Stead,  2008,    Download from SFU
70. Brahney, Janice.  Paleolimnology of Kluane Lake .   Supervisor: Clague,  2007,    Download from SFU
69. Catterall, Jeffrey.  River Thrust Fault, West-Central Yukon.   ,  2007,    Download from SFU
68. Hansen, Cindy.  Facies Characterization and Depositional Architecture of a Mixed-Influence Asymmetric Delta Lobe: Upper Cretaceous Basal Belly River Formation, Central Alberta .   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2007,    Download from SFU
67. Riedel, Jon.  Late Pleistocene Glacial and Environmental History of Skagit Valley, Washington and British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2007,    Download from SFU
66. Toews, Michael.  Modelling climate change impacts on groundwater recharge in a semi-arid region, southern Okanagan, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2007,    Download from SFU
65. Berg, Mary Ann.  Hydrochemical variation over the low flow season in the Abbotsford Aquifer, British Columbia.   ,  2006,    Download from SFU
64. Brideau, Marc-Andre.  The Influence of Tectonic Structures on Rock Mass Quality and Implications for Rock Slope Stability.   Supervisor: Stead,  2006,    Download from SFU
63. Bridger, David.  Influence of Aquifer Heterogeneity on the Design and Modelling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) Systems.   Supervisor: Allen,  2006,    Download from SFU
62. Close, Scott.  Geology and Tectonics of the Nootka Island Region, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2006,    Download from SFU
61. Egginton, Vanessa.  Historical climate variability from the instrumental record in northern British Columbia and its influence on slope stability.   Supervisor: Clague,  2006,    Download from SFU
60. Hartman, Gregory.  The Quaternary Stratigraphy and History of Valley-Fill Sediments in the Charlie Lake Area (NTS 94A) of Northeastern British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2006,    Download from SFU
59. Ickert, Ryan.  Adakitic Vocanism during the Early Eocene in Souther BC: Isotopic and Geochemical Constraints from the Princeton Group.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2006,    Download from SFU
58. Johnstone, Pat.  Geology of the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group, southernmost Gulf Islands and adjacent Saanich Peninsula, SW British Columbia.   Supervisor: Mustard,  2006,    Download from SFU
57. Koch, Joe.  Holocene glacier fluctuations in Garibaldi Provincial Park, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2006,    Download from SFU
56. Lakeman, Tom.  Late-Glacial Alpine Glacier Advance, And Early Holocene Tephras, Northern British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2006,    Download from SFU
55. McArthur, Sarah.  Application of Geophysics and Numerical Modelling in Studying Aquifer Heterogeneity and Nitrate Transport, Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer, British Columbia, Canada, and Washington, USA.   Supervisor: Allen,  2006,    Download from SFU
54. McKillop, Robin.  Objective preliminary assessment of outburst flood hazard from moraine-dammed lakes in southwestern British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2006,    Download from SFU
53. Nadeau, Patricia.  A multi-parameter investigation of volcanic plume behavior and resultant environmental impact at a persistently degassing volcano, Masaya, Nicaragua.   Supervisor: Williams-Jones,  2006,    Download from SFU
52. Royle, Gillian.  Comparison of Episodic and Non-Episodic Non-Volcanic Tremors in the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone.   Supervisor: Calvert,  2006,    Download from SFU
51. Scibek, Jacek.  Modelling The Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater: A comparative Study of Two Unconfined Aquifers in Southern British Columbia and Northern Washington State.   Supervisor: Allen,  2006,    Download from SFU
50. Surrette, Megan.  Quantifying heterogeneity in variably fractured rock using hydrostructural domain approach, Gulf Islands, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2006,    Download from SFU
49. Wilkie, Kenna.  Fluvial response to Late Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in the Nostetuko River valley, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2006,    Download from SFU
48. Al-Suwaidi, Majid.  A Multi-Disciplinary Study of Port Eliza Cave Sediments and Their Implications for Human Coastal Migration.   Supervisor: Ward,  2005,    Download from SFU
47. Boultbee, Nichole.  Characterization of the Zymoetz river rock avalanche.   Supervisor: Stead,  2005,    Download from SFU
46. Milidragovic, Dejan.  Petrography and Geochemistry of the Quartet Lamprophyres.   ,  2005,    Download from SFU
45. Holt, Melissa.  Hydrogeological Assessment of the Belcarra Aquifer, British Columbia.   ,  2004,    Download from SFU
44. Kinakin, Derek.  Occurrence and Genesis of Alpine Linears due to Gravitational Rock Slope Deformations in South Western British Columbia.   Supervisor: Stead,  2004,    Download from SFU
43. Laughton, John.  The Proterozoic Slab Volcanics of northern Yukon, Canada: Megaclasts of a Volcanic Succession in Proterozoic Wernecke Breccia, and Implications for the Evolution of Northwestern Laurentia.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2004,    Download from SFU
42. Liskop, Tanner.  Observation Well Testing and Reacharge Characterization of the Okanagan Basin, BC.   ,  2004,    Download from SFU
41. Madsen, Julianne.  Geochemistry and Geochronology of Eocene Forearc Magmatism on Vancouver Island: Implications for Cenozoic to Recent Plate Configurations in the Pacific Basin.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2004,    Download from SFU
40. Paddington, Scott.  The Characterization of Drainage Related Landslides on Gentle-Over-Steep Forest Terrain in the Interior of British Columbia.   Supervisor: Stead,  2004,    Download from SFU
39. Sabean, Jennifer.  Applications of Foraminifera to Detecting Land Level Changes Associated with Great Earthquakes Along the West Coast of North America.   Supervisor: Clague,  2004,    Download from SFU
38. Zeng, Fafu.  Seismic Traveltime Tomography Across the Red Lake Greenstone Belt Using Lithoprobe Western Superior Line 2B.   Supervisor: Calvert,  2004,    Download from SFU
37. Beatty, Tyler.  Stratigraphy of the Harper Ranch Group and Tectonic History of the Quesnel Terrane in the Area of Kamloops, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Mustard,  2003,    Download from SFU
36. Blay, Chris.  Amplitude variation with offset and Lame parameter study of sediments at the toe of the Cascadia accretionary prism.   Supervisor: Calvert,  2003,    Download from SFU
35. Ghosh, Sanghamitra.  Petrology, Geochemistry, Geochronology and Tectonic History of Nicola Horst, BC.   Supervisor: Marshall,  2003,  
34. Gilley, Brett.  Facies Architecture and Stratigraphy of the Paleogene Huntingdon Formation at Abbotsford, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Mustard,  2003,    Download from SFU
33. Gleeson, Tom.  Tectonometamorphic evolution of the lower Nar Valley, central Nepal Himalaya.   Supervisor: Godin,  2003,    Download from SFU
32. Hobbs, Travis.  Integrated Ichnological, Sedimentological and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Along-Strike Variations in the Albian Falher A Member, NW Alberta and NE British Columbia, Canada.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2003,    Download from SFU
31. Jordan-Knox, Quinn.  Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions within the lower Cheakamus Valley, British Columbia: An Integrated Investigation of a Highly Permeable Coastal Watershed.   Supervisor: Allen,  2003,    Download from SFU
30. Liteanu, Emilia.  The Role of Aquifer Heterogeneity in Saltwater Intrusion Modelling, Saturna Island, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2003,    Download from SFU
29. Nadeau, Pierre.  Structural Evolution of the Porpoise Cove Area, Northeastern Superior Province, North Quebec.   Supervisor: Godin,  2003,    Download from SFU
28. Reyes, Alberto.  Late Holocene Fluctuations of Lillooet Glacier, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2003,    Download from SFU
27. Tribe, Selina.  Cretaceous and Tertiary drainage history of southern British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2003,    Download from SFU
26. Utting, Dan.  Surficial Geology and Quaternary History of the Northern Sector of the Walker Lake Map Area (NTS 56J/9-16), Central Mainland, Nunavut.   Supervisor: Ward,  2003,    Download from SFU
25. Walker, Lauren.  Late Quaternary glacier fluctuations at Lillooet, Diadem, and Berendon glaciers, Coast Mountains, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2003,    Download from SFU
24. Breitsprecher, Katrin.  Volcanic stratigraphy, petrology and tectonic setting of the eastern margin of the Kamloops Group, south-central British Columbia.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2002,  
23. Brideau, Marc-Andre.  Structural Analysis, Metamorphic Conditions and Regional Correlations of the Paleoproterozoic Racklan Orogeny, Wernecke Mountains, Yukon.   ,  2002,    Download from SFU
22. Gutsell, Jeffrey.  Architecture, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of a Fjord-Head Delta, Zeballos, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2002,  
21. Huscroft, Crystal.  Late Cenozoic History of the Yukon River Valley, Fort Selkirk to its Confluence with the White River.   Supervisor: Ward,  2002,  
20. Kershaw, Jane.  Formation and Failure of Moraine-dammed Queen Bess Lake, Southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Clague,  2002,  
19. Mackie, Daniel.  An Integrated Structural and Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Fracture System in the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group, Southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Mustard,  2002,  
18. Treptau, Kevin.  An Integrated Sedimentological - Ichnological Paleoenvironmental and Paleoecological Assessment of the Late Campanian Cedar District Formation, Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group, southwest British Columbia.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2002,  
17. Coates, Lorraine.  The Ichnological Signature of Wave- and River-Dominated deltas: Dunvegan Formation and Basal Belly River Formations, West-Central Alberta.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2001,  
16. Haskin, Michelle.  Stratigraphic Affinity and Tectono-Stratigraphic Significance of Late Albian Volcanic Rocks in the Churn Creek - Empire Valley Area, South - Central British Columbia.   Supervisor: Mustard,  2001,  
15. Katnick, Deanne.  Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Provenance of the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group, Denman and Hormby Islands, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Mustard,  2001,  
14. Lepitre, Michele.  An Integrated Geochemical, Isotopic and Hydrogeologic Investigation of Acid Rock Drainage, Sullivan Mine, British Columbia.   Supervisor: Allen,  2001,  
13. Roberts, W. Brian.  A Terrain Attribute Study of Helicopter Logging Related Landslides in the Southwest Coast Mountains of British Columbia.   Supervisor: Ward,  2001,  
12. Schwab, Danette.  Geology, Geochemistry and Regional Implications of the Middle Proterozoic Bear River Dykes, Wernecke Mountains, Yukon(106 D/16, 106/C13).   ,  2001,    Download from SFU
11. Williams-Jones, G.  Integrated Geophysical Studies at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua.   Ph.D. Thesis, The Open University, UK.,  2001,  237
10. Abbey, Daron.  The Applicability and Scale Dependence of Aquifer Testing Methods: An Integrated Geophysical and Hydrogeological Characterization of Two Fractured Systems.   Supervisor: Allen,  2000,  
9. Brannstrom, Brenda.  Chemical Characteristics of Archean volcanic Rocks from the Snare River Area (NTS 850/13), SW Slave Province, NWT.   ,  2000,    Download from SFU
8. Favero, Pauline.  Sedimentological and dynamic analysis of the Nomash River Landslide, Vancouver Island, BC.   ,  2000,  
7. Groome, Wesley.  Magmatism and Metamorphism in the Leech River Complex, Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada - Implications for Eocene Tectonics of the Pacific Northwest.   Supervisor: Thorkelson,  2000,  
6. Leroux, Scott.  Sedimentological and Ichnological Characterization of Reservoir Types in a Transgressive Systems Tract, Cretaceous (Albian) Basal Colorado Interval, South-Central Alberta.   Supervisor: MacEachern,  2000,  
5. Matsuo, Gregory.  Chemical Evolution of Groundwater on Hornby Island, BC.   ,  2000,    Download from SFU
4. Todd, Sean.  Genesis, Geology, and Geomorphology of Four Major Holocene Landslide Deposits in Meager Creek Valley, Southwestern, BC.   ,  2000,    Download from SFU
3. Voormeij, Danae.  Integrated Geochemical and Stable Isotope Analysis of Tailings Effluent and the Seepage Colelction System at the Sullivan Mine, BC.   ,  2000,    Download from SFU
2. Dixon-Warren, Antigone.  Terrain Mapping and Drift Propsecting in South Central British Columbia.   Supervisor: Roberts,  1998,  
1. Williams-Jones, G.  The Distribution and Origin of Radon, CO2 and SO2 Gases at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica.   M.Sc. Thesis, Université de Montréal,  1996,  135
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