WTU Accession WTU-F-038210
Phylogeny Clade Name  zelleri     Clade number: 53
Data entered
Date 11/04/1990    Collection No. 501
Local Devil's Lake St. Park    No. Specimens. 5
Event Lincoln City, OR
Flora Lodgepole pine


Notes on Cap Yellowish gray: 6D4, 5C3, 5D3
Buttons: 6E4, 6D3
Greenish tints
Cap size to 7 cm
Methuen Cap Colour Code 6D4, 5C3, 5D3; 6E4, 6D3    Methuen Chart (new window).
Size: to 7 cm
Cap surface wet: viscid
dry: matte
Photo habitat
Cap Margin striate3
Cuticle peeling 50


Gill spacing distant
Gill width wide
Colour yellow
Forks in gills few
Subgills few
Gill edge


Stipe length equals cap
Stipe stature medium
Stipe shape
Stipe colour white
Stipe note
Stipe flesh soft
Stipe surface


Bruising discoloration unchanging
Taste gills mild
Taste flesh mild
Odour note None

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