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1. Stable laser system for silicon spin qubit control Daniel Higginbottom dhigginb@sfu.ca Optical control techniques are a scalable approach to spin qubit control for quantum processors. Optical control requires highly stable lasers with fast frequency and amplitude control. In this project the student will construct a stable laser system that is Pound-Drever-Hall locked to a reference cavity in a vacuum chamber, and apply this apparatus to the optical control of T centre spin qubits integrated in silicon photonic crystal nanobeam cavities. The student will learn essential laboratory skills including operating lasers and building optical apparatus, as well as learning how to model the dynamics of quantum systems and derive optimal control schemes.
| 12. Silicon colour centre LEDs Daniel Higginbottom dhigginb@sfu.ca Silicon colour centres are appealing light sources for classical and quantum networking since they emit in the low-loss telecommunication bands and integrate directly with silicon, the most advanced platform for nanophotonics and electronics. In this project the student will design and fabricate silicon colour centre light emitting diodes (LEDs) in silicon photonics. The student will measure these devices using a cryogenic confocal microscope and determine their optical properties by optical spectroscopy.
| 23. Growth and characterization of metastable gallium nitride for optical communications Simon Watkins simonw@sfu.ca website Gallium nitride (GaN) is currently at the forefront of a revolution in lighting and power electronics technologies. In its usual hexagonal crystal structure, GaN is not very suitable for high speed switching. We are attempting to growing micrometer scale regions of a cubic crystal structure of this material which solves these problems. To do this we must overcome many issues such as poor mismatch with our silicon substrate, and tendency to phase separate. The student will analyze the crystals using various techniques such as x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. They will work closely with the crystal growers to help us understand the cubic phase formation mechanisms more clearly.
| 34. Catalyst Development for Facile Conversion of Methane to Methanol at Ambient Conditions Samira Siahrostami ssiahros@sfu.ca website The goal of this research project is to design a viable and direct process for facile upgrading methane, the primary component of natural gas to methanol in aqueous solutions under ambient conditions. Methanol is a liquid fuel, making it ideal from a storage, distribution and transport standpoint, and is 9.4 times more valuable than natural gas. Direct conversion of methane to methanol is a technology of great interest for remote locations of petroleum industry in Canada, where sources of methane are isolated from existing infrastructure and therefore not economical to transport. In these cases, direct venting or flaring is the process used, which are not only huge wastes of energy and money, but also extreme sources of global warming with the negative environmental impact of methane being 25 times greater than CO2 over a hundred-year period. Currently, there exist no viable and efficient catalysts or processes for the direct conversion of methane to methanol under ambient conditions. Our goal is to use computational-driven materials design for atom-by-atom design of a catalyst that facilitates the conversion of methane to methanol in ambient conditions.
| 45. Accelerated Materials Discovery for Clean Energy Technologies through Machine Learning Mohammadreza Karamad mkaramad@sfu.ca website This project focuses on developing a machine learning (ML) model to predict the energetics of solid-state materials and catalysts by designing novel features that effectively represent the chemical environments of atoms. These features will capture critical aspects such as atomic coordination, local bonding, and electronic structure, enabling the ML model to predict material properties with high accuracy. By replacing computationally expensive quantum mechanical calculations and time-consuming experiments, this approach aims to accelerate materials discovery, particularly for clean energy technologies such as batteries, fuel cells, and catalysts for different reactions. Experience and interest in programming and/or machine learning is a plus.
| 56. Laser stabilization using "fringe offset" locking Jens Lassen lassen@triumf.a website For collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy on rare, radioactive isotopes require the integration of may spectra. For this the laser frequecy stability of commercial laser systems is often not sufficient and needs to be improved by referencing the laser system frequency to that of a reference standard (laser or atomic reference). Since the frequency of the reference may not conincide with the laser frequency required in the spectroscopy a suitable transfer mechanism needs to be employed. The fringe-offset technique uses a scanning Fabry Perot etalon to link the frequency of the spectroscopy laser to that of a stabilized reference laser (i.e. iodine or Rb, stabilized laser, polarization stabilized HeNe laser.
The project is aiming to build an ultra stable fringe offset lock system that provides MHz long term stability for our titanium sapphire ring lasers used in collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy. The student will learn fundamentals of interferometry, designs for thermal stability, isolation of instrumentation from environmental influences and laser locking and is expected to to work hands-on to construct and characterize the fringe offset lock system.
The work location is at TRIUMF Canada's particle accelerator laboratory, located on the South Campus of UBC.
| 67. Design of a compact, grating tuned titanium sapphire laser system for laser resonance ionization spectroscopy Jens Lassen lassen@triumf.ca website Grating tuned laser systems allow for wide, continuous wavelength tuning - which is ideal for spectroscopic surveys of highly excited atomic states. For our program in laser resonance ionization spectroscopy frequent laser wavelength changes are required, and extended continuous frequency scans are done in the search for atomic Rydberg states and auto-ionizing resonances.
Currently we are space limited and seek to reduce the footprint of our TRIUMF built, grating tuned titanium sapphire lasers. The student would have to acquire some 3D CAD skills, take the existing laser designs and develop a compact laser system - which would allow us to eventually simultaenously operate 4 tuneable laser systems.
The student will learn the basics of laser resonators, laser optics and opto-mecahical design principles and be part of our "laser applications" resaerch group at TRIUMF - Canada's particle accelerator centre. The laboratory work will be conducted at TRIUMF which is located on the south campus of UBC.
| 78. Leveraging Machine Learning for Searching for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Matthias Danninger mdanning@sfu.ca website Many models of physics beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of new particles that travel significant distances before decaying. In the high-energy physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), these so-called “long-lived particles” (LLPs) produce unconventional detector signatures that are challenging to identify and require specialized reconstruction techniques. To address these challenges, the ATLAS experiment employs a range of bespoke algorithms throughout the data processing chain.
Recent advances in machine learning have revolutionized particle physics, significantly enhancing our ability to detect potential signs of new physics. This USRA project will focus on the development and application of cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to address one of two key challenges:
1) Reconstructing Displaced Tracks with Graph Neural Networks and Transformers: This project will explore using both Graph Neural Networks and transformers to identify displaced tracks with high efficiency. The work will involve generalizing existing machine learning-based tracking algorithms to reconstruct displaced tracks and comparing their performance to conventional algorithms.
2) Identifying LLP Signatures Using Anomaly Detection:
LLP decays can produce highly unusual event signatures that may not fit any pre-defined search strategy. Anomaly detection techniques, which identify deviations from expected patterns, are a promising approach to uncover such events. This project will focus on developing unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms, such as variational autoencoders, to flag events that may correspond to LLP decays. Particular emphasis will be placed on ensuring robustness against detector defects and understanding the algorithm's sensitivity to different LLP models.
For both projects previous experience and interest in programming and/or machine learning is a strong advantage.
| 89. Construction and testing of detectors for the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment Matthias Danninger mdanning@sfu.ca website The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE) is an initiative to construct one of the world's largest neutrino detectors in the deep Pacific Ocean. Located in the Cascadia Basin region of the Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), P-ONE will consist of cutting-edge photosensors arranged in a three-dimensional array along cables (strings). In 2025 we will complete and deploy the first string that will extend a kilometre upwards from the ocean floor. P-ONE will provide sensitivity to very high-energy neutrinos originating from some of the most extreme astrophysical processes in the Universe. The P-ONE group at SFU is developing and constructing detector and calibration modules for P-ONE and is leading the final detector integration at TRIUMF.
The primary objective of this USRA project is to contribute to the crucial detector construction and testing tasks within the SFU high-energy particle physics detector lab and TRIUMF in order to get the string ready for deployment in summer/fall 2025.
| 910. Searching for Dark Matter from the Cosmos Gopolang Mohlabeng gmohlabe@sfu.ca website Research will include using knowledge of calculus and ordinary differential equations to calculate theoretical processes that govern dark matter production and detection. It will also include using basic programming skills (python, c++) to correctly model these and make plots.
| 1011. Lightwave electronics Shawn Sederberg shawn_sederberg@sfu.ca website Modulating the flow of electrons in semiconductors is central to modern information processing. The 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three researchers who performed experiments that laid the groundwork for the first semiconductor transistors. Much of today’s technology is built upon these foundations. Unfortunately, the raw processing speed of conventional electronics is no longer increasing.
The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three researchers who made pioneering contributions to the experimental tools required to steer and observe electronic processes in atoms on attosecond timescales (1 attosecond = 10^{-18} seconds). Harnessing such rapid processes in compact, solid-state devices would accelerate classical information processing from GHz rates to the order of 100 terahertz (1 terahertz = 10^{12} Hz).
Lightwave electronics focuses on using precise laser light to manipulate both classical and quantum attributes of electrons on very short timescales. As a research assistant in the Sederberg Photonics Lab, you will receive advanced training in femtosecond laser operation, optics, and measurement techniques. You will learn to implement and use an experimental technique that Dr. Sederberg developed while working in Ferenc Krausz’s (one of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics recipients) research group. This apparatus will be used to implement lightwave electronics in both established and emerging material platforms.
| 1112. Commissioning the ultracold neutron source at TRIUMF and developing the neutron electric dipole moment experiment Ruediger Picker rpicker@triumf.ca website TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC is building a next-generation source of ultracold neutrons (UCN). These very slow (5 m/s) neutrons are an ideal laboratory to study fundamental interactions and symmetries.
The flagship experiment with ultracold neutrons is the search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the neutron, which has intrigued researchers worldwide for decades. A non-zero EDM implies a time-reversal (T) violation, and thus a charge-parity (CP) violation if CPT holds. CP is an essential ingredient in prevailing models to explain the apparent matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe.
The TUCAN collaboration is also developing a spectrometer to search for the neutron EDM.
A USRA student can significantly contribute to the commissioning, experiments and data analysis of the cryogenic UCN source at TRIUMF and to the development of the EDM experiment.
We are providing a stimulating research environment in a group that includes 4 post-docs, 5 graduate students, typically 3-4 undergraduate students, 2 senior researchers, 2 engineers and a technician.
| 1213. Terahertz Conductivity Measurements J. Steven Dodge jsdodge@sfu.ca website Our group uses time-domain terahertz spectroscopy to determine the terahertz-frequency conductivity of semiconductors, metals, and superconductors. With this information we can experimentally determine the mobility of semiconductors, the carrier scattering lifetimes of metals, and the superfluid density of superconductors. Generally, we try to choose materials that are not well understood within the current frameworks of condensed matter physics, particularly metals in which magnetic fluctuations play a role in determining the electrical conductivity. An NSERC USRA would take on the responsibility for measuring the temperature-dependent terahertz conductivity of one or two materials that we are studying, and analyze the resulting data in light of current condensed matter theory. Materials currently under study include the high temperature superconductors LSCO and YBCO, as well as the low-temperature superconductor TiN.
| 1314. Topics in theoretical quantum optics and quantum information Hoi-Kwan (Kero) Lau kero_lau@sfu.ca website The `strange’ behavior of quantum mechanics provides exceptional opportunities for humanity to build much more powerful devices. There have been many ideas of using quantum physics to make computers faster, communication more secure, sensors more sensitive, and many more. Our group focuses on a particular type of quantum devices that built with harmonic oscillators, such as light, quantum motion, a large collection of spins, etc. Through theoretical investigations, we want to look for the origins of problems in currently imperfect quantum devices, and explore strategies to get rid of the problems.
USRA projects are expected to be sub-projects from graduate students' research in my group. However, students are also welcome to bring in topics and develop the research project together with me.
| 1415. Development of 4 dimensional tracking detectors for future particle physics experiments Luise Poley, Bernd Stelzer stelzer@sfu.ca website We are currently testing first test structure of novel 4D detectors, which are silicon based tracking detectors with extremely good timing resolution (pico seconds) and very good spatial resolution (micro-meters). These sensors will be needed for future collider experiments like the 100km Future Circular Collider at CERN but will also find application in other areas of fundamental physics like medical imaging, material science and possibly neutrino physics. The research will take place in SFU's newly built particle physics detector lab, SFU's 4D lab and at TRIUMF. Students with an interest in instrumentation and pushing the limit of new technologies are encouraged to apply.
| 1516. Higgs Boson Properties - Particle Physics (ATLAS) Bernd Stelzer stelzer@sfu.ca website The Group
The SFU experimental particle physics group (hep.phys.sfu.ca) currently consists of four faculty (Matthias Danninger, Dugan O'Neil, Bernd Stelzer, and Mike Vetterli), four postdoctoral fellows, and 7 graduate students. We are actively involved in the ATLAS experiment and have openings for ATLAS students this summer.
The ATLAS Experiment:
This experiment is running at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva (atlas.ch). The accelerator is colliding 2 beams of 6.5 TeV protons in order to study, among other things, the mechanism of electro-weak symmetry breaking. The biggest physics breakthrough of 2012 has been the discovery of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Our group contributed to the this milestone discovery and is very active in determining other properties of the Higgs boson. In the past 5 years, our group has helped determine the spin/CP properties of the Higgs boson and identified two additional Higgs boson production modes (VBF and ttH production). Most of these measurements were enabled by the use of advanced analysis techniques (Matrix Element Method, Machine Learning). We are also searching for phenomena that cannot be explained by the Standard Model of particle physics. Such phenomena would point the way to new theories that would extend the already impressive predictions of the Standard Model.
Looking to the future, our group has taken on substantial responsibility in the development of the New ATLAS Inner Tracking detector (ITk) increasing the number of space points measurements 50-fold. We are leading the ITk activities in Western Canada, developing ITk silicon detector modules in cleanroom facilities at SFU and TRIUMF.
Summer Projects on ATLAS at SFU:
In your summer project, you will be able to contribute to determining the properties of the Higgs boson. In particular, we analyze the data that show evidence of Higgs boson decays to two massive W bosons. We are developing novel analysis techniques to increase the sample of Higgs events that lead recently to the first observation of VBF production in H-->WW event using the full LHC Run-2 dataset. We are adding additional physics interpretations to existing results. Once completed, the analysis will likely lead to a paper publication.
| 1617. Rydberg- and autoionizing atomic state spectroscopy using laser resonance ionization Jens Lassen LASSEN@sfu.ca website The laser applications group at TRIUMF - Canada's particle accelerator centre - provides intense beams of radioactive isotopes for user experiments. This is done by using element selective resonant laser ionization. To this end we investigate the relevant atomic states, i.e. Rydberg and autoionizing states in the elements of interest.
Students will be introduced to atomic physics and laboratory principles, instrumentation, and techniques to conduct laser resonance ionization spectroscopy on an element of interest (current elements of interest: Hg, Ga, Au, Bi) at our laser ion source test stand facility. Data taking and data evaluation will close off the research project - which aims to identify new ionization schemes with improved efficiency.
In parallel, students will experience research at a large scale user facility for nuclear and particle physics, and will be embedded in the TRIUMF undergarduate and coop-student program training, seminar and lecture series.
Research will be conducted at TRIUMF's Isotope Separator and Accelerator facility, located on the UBC campus in Vancouver.
| 17 18. Negative Helium Ion Beam Development Karen Kavanagh kavanagh@sfu.ca websiteThe generation of a negative He ion beam (35 keV) is being pursued for implantation applications by the semiconductor industry. Our approach is to send a focussed He+ ion beam through materials with low ionization energies and test their percentage electron uptake. The student will participate in the manufacture of nanomembranes, the measurement of their effects on electron uptake, and the simulation of ion beam optics and scattering propabilities. No prior experience with electron or ion beams is required.
| 1819. Design principles of molecular machines David Sivak dsivak@sfu.ca website All living organisms face several fundamental physical challenges in their everyday existence. Among these are: the maintenance of order despite the propensity of everything to eventually get messy (a.k.a., the Second Law of Thermodynamics); and the performance of mechanically demanding tasks with the incredibly jiggly materials at hand (a.k.a., proteins). My group’s theoretical and computational biophysics research focuses on determining in this context the design principles for effective operation of molecular machines (proteins that convert between different forms of energy, but are 100 million times smaller than the car engines that engineers already know how to design). More specifically: what are the physical limits on how well these machine can operate; what kinds of designs achieve these limits; and (in collaboration with experimentalists) do real, evolved biomolecular machines actually conform with these theoretical predictions?
We have a few projects (either working independently or in collaboration with a graduate student or postdoc) that involve computational simulation of the behavior of model molecular machines, such as ATP synthase (an ingenious crankshaft that makes the basic chemical currency in all living things) and kinesin (an equally ingenious bipedal ‘walker’ that transports cargos along the cytoskeletal tracts that criss-cross every cell). With this simulation data we can examine the soundness and usefulness of recently developed theoretical frameworks (our own and others’) to understand how molecular machines can maximize their miles per gallon. A successful summer would produce theoretical ideas to be tested in later experiments, and (with some follow-up during the next school year) would produce a paper for publication. The day-to-day work involves writing computer programs to simulate dynamics (typically in Python, Matlab, or C/C++, but we are flexible), debugging (sad but true) and testing your programs to make sure they do what you intend, and analyzing the data you generate. These projects are generally best suited for students with some exposure to statistical/thermal physics and computer programming, but most important is enthusiasm to pursue the ideas and dedication to solve problems.
| 1920. Unconventional superconductivity David Broun dbroun@sfu.ca website Our research group studies unconventional superconductivity in materials such as cuprate high temperature superconductors, heavy fermion systems, organics and ruthenates. On the experimental side, we use microwave spectroscopy to measure superfluid density and quasiparticle dynamics and to look for order parameter collective modes and states that break time reversal symmetry. On the theoretical side, we carry out phenomenological studies of these systems using models based on realistic parameterizations of electronic structure and disorder potentials. We then use Greens function techniques to calculate experimental properties such as superfluid density and optical conductivity, allowing us to compare with experiment.
The goal of the project will be to carry out a complete investigation of a particular unconventional superconductor, using our powerful and easy-to-use dilution fridge system. The student will have the opportunity to work on subprojects that include some or all of the following: theory of superconductivity and correlated electron systems; mechanical design and construction of low temperature apparatus; microwave electronics and signal processing; experiment automation and data acquisition; and data analysis and modelling.
| 2021. Beta- and Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay Studies Using Sophisticated Radiation Detectors Corina Andreoiu corina_andreoiu@sfu.ca website We are seeking motivated candidates with a good background in science and decent computer skills to investigate exotic nuclei and their decays. The students should be genuinely interested in experimental nuclear physics and be highly motivated to learn.
Following your internship with us, we guarantee you that your CV will stand out and you gain a set of skills that are equally transferable to both academia and industry.
The prospective students will get familiar with fundamental concepts on subatomic particles, particle accelerators, radioactive/unstable beams and nuclei, radioactive decays, quantum mechanics, interaction of radiation with matter, nuclear instrumentation and detectors, computers and simulations, etc. It is expected that the students will work in collaboration with other students and postdoctoral fellows and participate in experiments at TRIUMF.
| 2122. Beta decay using radioactive beams and large spectrometers Corina Andreoiu corina_andreoiu@sfu.ca We have openings for motivated students interested in gaining experience in research in the area of experimental nuclear physics. Our projects use radiation detectors to study the nuclear decays of various beams to investigate nuclei with an unbalanced number of protons and neutron that are created in laboratory.
If you have taken quantum mechanics and particle physics courses, and have computer skills, come and work with us for a summer or a term.
| 2223. Operation of a gamma-ray CUBE spectrometer at the Nuclear Science Laboratory Krzysztof Starosta starosta@sfu.ca website The quest to develop a fundamental understanding of the nuclear interaction is aided greatly through measurements made with complex, multi-detector systems. As these systems allow for both an increase in total efficiency due to greater angular coverage as well as correlation measurements in both time and space, the information which can be probed using these detectors is greatly increased over single-detector systems.
With an increase in both number of detectors and complexity of detector systems comes challenges in data acquisition. As each detector can obtain data independently, the required throughput of the data acquisition system also increases. To address this problem, real-time event filtering can be performed on the data to only process and store events with certain characteristics. Traditional methods for event filtering require large arrays of electronics to perform logic on unprocessed data, which can be both cost and space prohibited for small laboratories in addition to being difficult to scale to larger systems.
At the Nuclear Science lab at SFU, we implement a single unit, computer controlled XLM72S universal logic module to perform real-time event filtering. Specifically, the XLM72S logic module has been implemented in the data acquisition system for the CUBE spectrometer, a detector system consisting of 6 Compton Suppressed Spectrometers at the faces of a cube. The USRA student will be working to maintain, optimize, and operate both the event filtering and CUBE detector systems in order to perform experiments. The student will develop and utilize skills in gamma ray spectroscopy, data acquisition, and general nuclear physics. Opportunities to publish experimental results may be available.
| 2324. Fun with feedback, stat phys, and thermodynamics John Bechhoefer johnb@sfu.ca Feedback can regulate the temperature of our homes or our bodies, the flow of fluid in a pipe, drive autonomous cars on a road, and more. But there are more creative uses, too: we can use feedback to create entire new dynamics for particles. Placing a small silica bead in water in a “virtual potential” created by a feedback loop gives us nearly complete freedom to implement what had been only thought experiments: Maxwell’s demon, Szilard’s engine, Landauer’s bit erasure, and more.
At SFU, we have several setups for exploring such questions. Previous undergraduate students who have visited the lab have worked on projects ranging from the technical development of new techniques for trapping to new ideas for controlling effective damping (dissipation) to new versions of the classic thought experiments described above. We also explore new ways to make the control of systems more “robust”. Depending on your interests and experience, you can work on a project that will be interesting, challenging, and fun.
| 2425. Materials Synthesis and Characterization Eundeok Mun emun@sfu.ca website Our group is focused on the discovery and synthesis of novel materials with unusual magnetic and electronic ground states as well as the coupling between them. We are particularly interested in, however not limited to, magnetism, superconductivity, and quantum criticality. Our research is more fundamental than applicable. Why is this important? Materials synthesis is a milestone, to a certain extent, because it provides objects to any further studies. If new compounds are synthesized, new properties could be found, leading towards new directions of research. Exploratory synthesis of materials and their characterizations contribute to building a large body of knowledge. Fundamental research and materials discovery ultimately affects the strength of industry and therefore the economy. From the earliest days of condensed matter physics to the latest 21st century initiatives, the pioneering ideas and technologies of materials physics have transformed every aspect of society.
Nature has many surprises and has provided an abundance of exotic properties for researchers in structurally complex materials. The exploration of phase-spaces will reveal more unexpected phenomena. The student will synthesize a range of magnetic and electronic materials, and characterize the grown samples by means of XRD, magnetization, electrical resistivity, and specific heat measurements.
| 2526. Single-molecule studies of protein and polymer mechanics Nancy Forde nforde@sfu.ca website The Forde lab specializes in molecular biophysics, specifically focused on the relationship between chemical composition and mechanical properties of biological macromolecules. We utilize a range of techniques from physics, chemistry and biochemistry to manipulate and characterize these systems.
This project focuses on collagen, the predominant structural protein building block of our connective tissues and extracellular matrices. In spite of its key importance to our physiology and health, and its wide use in a variety of biomaterials, fundamental questions remain unanswered regarding its structure and mechanics at the molecular level. Summer projects focus on characterizing the mechanics of this protein at the single-molecule level, using the imaging technique of atomic force microscopy (AFM) or with a high-throughput force spectroscopy technique, centrifuge force microscopy (CFM), both established techniques in our lab. Alternative project possibilities may involve instrumentation design and calibration of new microscopy and force spectroscopy instruments, and/or development of new image analysis algorithms.
| 2627. Magnetic interface phenomena Erol Girt egirt@sfu.ca website Students will be involved in fabrication of magnetic multilayers and micrometer size pillars and study of their structural, magnetic and electric properties.
| 2728. Theory of Quantum Materials Malcolm Kennett malcolmk@sfu.ca website My research focuses on the theory of condensed matter systems and cold atom analogues of condensed matter systems which are out of equilibrium or in which disorder plays an important role. These studies involve a broad range of analytical and numerical techniques. There are currently opportunities to investigate:
i) topological states in graphene and related Dirac materials that can arise due to strong magnetic fields and/or electron-electron interactions; ii) out of equilibrium dynamics in models of bosonic cold atoms, such as the Bose Hubbard model; iii) the interplay of magnetism and disorder in strongly correlated electron materials;
and iv) transport measurements in organic superconductors.
| 2829. Development of single ZnO nanowires for quantum information studies Simon Watkins simonw@sfu.ca website Zinc oxide is a semiconducting material that is under active
investigation for a variety of potential applications
including visible and UV LEDs and laser diodes, UV optical
detectors, gas sensors, etc. Recently it has been shown that donor spins in ZnO can be optically addressed as possible quantum bit (qubits). In order to investigate the feasibility of this approach we are studying the growth of single nanowires as a platform to ultimately address a single donor spin The candidate will assist in the growth of ZnO nanowires and their characterization by optical techniques as well as electron microscopy. Experience with data collection and analysis (e.g. Labview, Python, Matlab, IGOR etc.) are an asset. Some knowledge of basic semiconductor physics is desirable but not necessary.
| 29 30. Muon Studies of Quantum Materials Jeff Sonier jsonier@sfu.ca websiteQuantum materials are being widely explored for their novel and fascinating electronic, magnetic and optical properties that emerge from underlying exotic collective properties of electrons, and are already leading to innovative technologies and advanced applications. The use of the muon as a sensitive local probe of internal magnetic fields through a collection of techniques known as muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance (µSR) has evolved into a powerful research tool for the study of quantum materials. This project primarily involves µSR studies of quantum materials (e.g., superconductors, topological insulators, magnetically-frustrated heavy fermion systems) at TRIUMF's Centre for Molecular and Materials Science. Between scheduled experiments, preliminary sample characterization and data analysis will be worked on at SFU.
| 30 31. Quantum computing: Quantum control and qubit hardware development Stephanie Simmons s.simmons@sfu.ca websiteWe have known the laws of quantum mechanics for nearly a century, however we have yet to fully harness these physical processes to build quantum technologies. Quantum technologies such as physically-encrypted quantum communications (as opposed to todays computationally-encrypted schemes such as RSA), and powerful quantum computers (able to exponentially outperform todays computers at specific key tasks) are still under construction. The worldwide race is on. Our lab is working to build these technologies using silicon, the very material used for modern CMOS semiconductor chips. Not only is this to benefit from the large and highly successful semiconductor industry - one could readily imagine a quantum co-processor - it is also the material of choice because the quantum bits embedded in silicon are arguably the best solid-state quantum bits ("qubits") available.
Our team aims to link silicon spin qubits using photons by using carefully engineered integrated photonic circuits in silicon. There is a lot to do, and there are a number of projects that motivated students could fit into a summer which will hopefully lead to a publication. Particular projects will be chosen to match the capabilities and interests of the successful USRA applicant(s). These projects could include a selection from:
Software (simulation and application of quantum algorithms, development of our quantum control software package)
Hardware (engineering of custom cryogenic quantum equipment able to deliver pulsed and CW optical, microwave and radio quantum-control signals to the qubits, qubit measurement tools)
Design (integrated photonic circuit simulation, design, testing and analysis, chip screening, fabrication, and quality assurance).
| 3132. Lipid nanoparticle phase behaviour Jenifer Thewalt jthewalt@sfu.ca website Solid state deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance is a uniquely powerful experimental approach to the study of phospholipid structure in lipid membranes, yielding quantitative and sensitive determinations of the conformational order of lipid chains as well as the membrane topology. Cell membranes have traditionally been characterized as liquid crystalline lipid bilayers containing membrane proteins and other membrane-associating biomolecules. Membranes are effective barriers to many drugs, including those used in gene therapy, but recent advances in the design of drug delivery vehicles have been promising. Specifically, the use of small interfering RNA complexed with lipids in the form of lipid nanoparticles (LNP) has been an area of great excitement. See, for example, Figure 3 in Fougerolle et al., "Interfering with disease: a progress report on siRNA-based therapeutics" Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 6, 443-453 (2007). These lipid complexes typically contain positively charged lipids which stabilize the negatively charged RNA "cargo". Understanding how LNPs associate with endosomal membranes to eventually release the cargo into the cytoplasm requires understanding how these unusual positively charged lipids behave - how susceptible to form non-bilayer phases are they? Endosomal membranes contain a significant amount of negatively charged lipids, one of the most important being lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA). The project will determine how LBPA interacts with cationic lipids. The results of this study are expected to directly benefit researchers optimizing the design of lipidic drug delivery vehicles.
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