Publications of Elizabeth Elle

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67. Guzman, LM; Chamberlain, SA; Elle, E.  (2021)   Network robustness and structure depend on the phenological characteristics of plants and pollinators.  Ecol. Evol. 11: 13321-13334 DOI  PubMed
66. Kelly, T; Elle, E.  (2020)   Effects of community composition on plant-pollinator interaction networks across a spatial gradient of oak-savanna habitats.  Oecologia 193: 211-223 DOI  PubMed
65. Kelly, TT; Elle, E.  (2020)   Investigating bee dietary preferences along a gradient of floral resources: how does resource use align with resource availability?  Insect Sci. DOI  PubMed
64. Reilly, JR; Artz, DR; Biddinger, D; Bobiwash, K; Boyle, NK; Brittain, C; Brokaw, J; Campbell, JW; Daniels, J; Elle, E; Ellis, JD; Fleischer, SJ; Gibbs, J; Gillespie, RL; Gundersen, KB; Gut, L; Hoffman, G; Joshi, N; Lundin, O; Mason, K; McGrady, CM; Peterson, SS; Pitts-Singer, TL; Rao, S; Rothwell, N; Rowe, L; Ward, KL; Williams, NM; Wilson, JK; Isaacs, R; Winfree, R.  (2020)   Crop production in the USA is frequently limited by a lack of pollinators: Pollination limitation in US crops.  Proc. R. Soc. B-Biol. Sci. 287  Website DOI
63. Rammell, NF; Gillespie, SD; Elle, E.  (2019)   Visiting insect behaviour and pollen transport for a generalist oak-savannah wildflower, Camassia quamash (Asparagaceae).  Can. Entomol. 151 DOI
62. Toshack, M; Elle, E.  (2019)   Wild bumble bee foraging preferences and fat content in highbush blueberry agro-ecosystems.  Apidologie 50: 425-435 DOI
61. Bishop, CA; Moran, AJ; Toshack, MC; Elle, E; Maisonneuve, F; Elliott, JE.  (2018)   Hummingbirds and bumble bees exposed to neonicotinoid and organophosphate insecticides in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada.  Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 37 DOI  PubMed
60. Bobiwash, K; Uriel, Y; Elle, E.  (2018)   Pollen Foraging Differences Among Three Managed Pollinators in the Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) Agroecosystem.  J. Econ. Entomol. 111 DOI  PubMed
59. Gillespie, S; Elle, E.  (2018)   Non-native plants affect generalist pollinator diet overlap and foraging behavior indirectly, via impacts on native plant abundance.  Biol. Invasions 20 DOI
58. Gillespie, SD; Bayley, J; Elle, E.  (2017)   Native bumble bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) pollinators vary in floral resource use across an invasion gradient.  Canadian Entomologist 149: 204-213 DOI
57. Lichtenberg, EM; Kennedy, CM; Kremen, C; Batary, P; Berendse, F; Bommarco, R; Bosque-Perez, NA; Carvalheiro, LG; Snyder, WE; Williams, NM; Winfree, R; Klatt, BK; Astrom, S; Benjamin, F; Brittain, C; Chaplin-Kramer, R; Clough, Y; Danforth, B; Diekotter, T; Eigenbrode, SD; Ekroos, J; Elle, E; Freitas, BM; Fukuda, Y; Gaines-Day, HR; Grab, H; Gratton, C; Holzschuh, A; Isaacs, R; Isaia, M; Jha, S; Jonason, D; Jones, VP; Klein, AM; Krauss, J; Letourneau, DK; Macfadyen, S; Mallinger, RE; Martin, EA; Martinez, E; Memmott, J; Morandin, L; Neame, L; Otieno, M; Park, MG; Pfiffner, L; Pocock, MJO; Ponce, C; Potts, SG; Poveda, K; Ramos, M; Rosenheim, JA; Rundlof, M; Sardinas, H; Saunders, ME; Schon, NL; Sciligo, AR; Sidhu, CS; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tscharntke, T; Vesely, M; Weisser, WW; Wilson, JK; Crowder, DW.  (2017)   A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes.  Global Change Biology 23: 4946-4957 DOI
56. Moeller, DA; Runquist, RDB; Moe, AM; Geber, MA; Goodwillie, C; Cheptou, PO; Eckert, CG; Elle, E; Johnston, MO; Kalisz, S; Ree, RH; Sargent, RD; Vallejo-Marin, M; Winn, AA.  (2017)   Global biogeography of mating system variation in seed plants.  Ecology Letters 20: 375-384 DOI
55. Elwell, SL; Griswold, T; Elle, E.  (2016)   Habitat type plays a greater role than livestock grazing in structuring shrubsteppe plant-pollinator communities.  Journal of Insect Conservation 20: 515-525 DOI
54. Gibbs, J; Elle, E; Bobiwash, K; Haapalainen, T; Isaacs, R.  (2016)   Contrasting Pollinators and Pollination in Native and Non-Native Regions of Highbush Blueberry Production.  PLoS One 11 DOI
53. Kleijn, D; Winfree, R; Bartomeus, I; Carvalheiro, LG; Henry, M; Isaacs, R; Klein, AM; Kremen, C; M'Gonigle, LK; Rader, R; Ricketts, TH; Williams, NM; Adamson, NL; Ascher, JS; Baldi, A; Batary, P; Benjamin, F; Biesmeijer, JC; Blitzer, EJ; Bommarco, R; Brand, MR; Bretagnolle, V; Button, L; Cariveau, DP; Chifflet, R; Colville, JF; Danforth, BN; Elle, E; Garratt, MPD; Herzog, F; Holzschuh, A; Howlett, BG; Jauker, F; Jha, S; Knop, E; Krewenka, KM; Le Feon, V; Mandelik, Y; May, EA; Park, MG; Pisanty, G; Reemer, M; Riedinger, V; Rollin, O; Rundlof, M; Sardinas, HS; Scheper, J; Sciligo, AR; Smith, HG; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Thorp, R; Tscharntke, T; Verhulst, J; Viana, BF; Vaissiere, BE; Veldtman, R; Ward, KL; Westphal, C; Potts, SG.  (2016)   Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation (vol 6, 7414, 2015).  Nature Communications 7 DOI
52. Kleijn, D; Winfree, R; Bartomeus, I; Carvalheiro, LG; Henry, M; Isaacs, R; Klein, AM; Kremen, C; M'Gonigle, LK; Rader, R; Ricketts, TH; Williams, NM; Adamson, NL; Ascher, JS; Baldi, A; Batary, P; Benjamin, F; Biesmeijer, JC; Blitzer, EJ; Bommarco, R; Brand, MR; Bretagnolle, V; Button, L; Cariveau, DP; Chifflet, R; Colville, JF; Danforth, BN; Elle, E; Garratt, MPD; Herzog, F; Holzschuh, A; Howlett, BG; Jauker, F; Jha, S; Knop, E; Krewenka, KM; Le Feon, V; Mandelik, Y; May, EA; Park, MG; Pisanty, G; Reemer, M; Riedinger, V; Rollin, O; Rundlof, M; Sardinas, HS; Scheper, J; Sciligo, AR; Smith, HG; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Thorp, R; Tscharntke, T; Verhulst, J; Viana, BF; Vaissiere, BE; Veldtman, R; Westphal, C; Potts, SG.  (2015)   Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation.  Nature Communications 6 DOI
51. Wray, JC; Elle, E.  (2015)   Flowering phenology and nesting resources influence pollinator community composition in a fragmented ecosystem.  Landscape Ecology 30: 261-272 DOI
50. Button, L; Elle, E.  (2014)   Wild bumble bees reduce pollination deficits in a crop mostly visited by managed honey bees.  Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 197: 255-263 DOI
49. Chamberlain, S; Vazquez, DP; Carvalheiro, L; Elle, E; Vamosi, JC.  (2014)   Phylogenetic tree shape and the structure of mutualistic networks.  Journal of Ecology 102: 1234-1243 DOI
48. Chamberlain, SA; Cartar, RV; Worley, AC; Semmler, SJ; Gielens, G; Elwell, S; Evans, ME; Vamosi, JC; Elle, E.  (2014)   Traits and phylogenetic history contribute to network structure across Canadian plant-pollinator communities.  Oecologia 176: 545-556 DOI  PubMed
47. Gielens, G; Gillespie, S; Neame, L; Elle, E.  (2014)   Pollen limitation is uncommon in an endangered oak savannah ecosystem.  Botany 92: 743-748 DOI
46. Wray, JC; Neame, LA; Elle, E.  (2014)   Floral resources, body size, and surrounding landscape influence bee community assemblages in oak-savannah fragments.  Ecological Entomology 39: 83-93 DOI
45. Courcelles, DMM; Button, L; Elle, E.  (2013)   Bee visit rates vary with floral morphology among highbush blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.).  Journal of Applied Entomology 137: 693-701 DOI
44. Kennedy, CM; Lonsdorf, E; Neel, MC; Williams, NM; Ricketts, TH; Winfree, R; Bommarco, R; Brittain, C; Burley, AL; Cariveau, D; Carvalheiro, LG; Chacoff, NP; Cunningham, SA; Danforth, BN; Dudenhoffer, JH; Elle, E; Gaines, HR; Garibaldi, LA; Gratton, C; Holzschuh, A; Isaacs, R; Javorek, SK; Jha, S; Klein, AM; Krewenka, K; Mandelik, Y; Mayfield, MM; Morandin, L; Neame, LA; Otieno, M; Park, M; Potts, SG; Rundlof, M; Saez, A; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Taki, H; Viana, BF; Westphal, C; Wilson, JK; Greenleaf, SS; Kremen, C.  (2013)   A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on wild bee pollinators in agroecosystems.  Ecology Letters 16: 584-599 DOI
43. Neame, LA; Griswold, T; Elle, E.  (2013)   Pollinator nesting guilds respond differently to urban habitat fragmentation in an oak-savannah ecosystem.  Insect Conservation and Diversity 6: 57-66 DOI
42. Davila, YC; Elle, E; Vamosi, JC; Hermanutz, L; Kerr, JT; Lortie, CJ; Westwood, AR; Woodcock, TS; Worley, AC.  (2012)   Ecosystem services of pollinator diversity: a review of the relationship with pollen limitation of plant reproduction.  Botany-Botanique 90: 535-543 DOI
41. Elle, E; Elwell, SL; Gielens, GA.  (2012)   The use of pollination networks in conservation.  Botany-Botanique 90: 525-534 DOI
40. Vamosi, JC; Sargent, RD; Elle, E.  (2012)   Pollination biology research in Canada: perspectives on a mutualism at different scales.  Botany-Botanique 90: V-VI DOI
39. Tunbridge, ND; Sears, C; Elle, E.  (2011)   Variation in floral morphology and ploidy among populations of Collinsia parviflora and Collinsia grandiflora.  Botany-Botanique 89: 19-33 DOI
38. Winn, AA; Elle, E; Kalisz, S; Cheptou, PO; Eckert, CG; Goodwillie, C; Johnston, MO; Moeller, DA; Ree, RH; Sargent, RD; Vallejo-Marin, M.  (2011)   ANALYSIS OF INBREEDING DEPRESSION IN MIXED-MATING PLANTS PROVIDES EVIDENCE FOR SELECTIVE INTERFERENCE AND STABLE MIXED MATING.  Evolution 65: 3339-3359 DOI
37. Eckert, CG; Kalisz, S; Geber, MA; Sargent, R; Elle, E; Cheptou, PO; Goodwillie, C; Johnston, MO; Kelly, JK; Moeller, DA; Porcher, E; Ree, RH; Vallejo-Marin, M; Winn, AA.  (2010)   Plant mating systems in a changing world.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25: 35-43 DOI
35. Goodwillie, C; Sargent, RD; Eckert, CG; Elle, E; Geber, MA; Johnston, MO; Kalisz, S; Moeller, DA; Ree, RH; Vallejo-Marin, M; Winn, AA.  (2010)   Correlated evolution of mating system and floral display traits in flowering plants and its implications for the distribution of mating system variation.  New Phytologist 185: 311-321 DOI
34. Mayberry, RJ; Elle, E.  (2010)   Conservation of a rare plant requires different methods in different habitats: demographic lessons from Actaea elata.  Oecologia 164: 1121-1130 DOI
33. Johnston, MO; Porcher, E; Cheptou, PO; Eckert, CG; Elle, E; Geber, MA; Kalisz, S; Kelly, JK; Moeller, DA; Vallejo-Marin, M; Winn, AA.  (2009)   Correlations among Fertility Components Can Maintain Mixed Mating in Plants.  American Naturalist 173: 1-11 DOI
32. Mayberry, RJ; Elle, E.  (2009)   Effects of forest structure and microhabitat on the distribution and flowering of a rare understory plant, Actaea elata.  Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1102-1109 DOI
31. Biernaskie, JM; Elle, E.  (2008)   A theory for exaggerated secondary sexual traits in animal-pollinated plants (vol 21, pg 459, 2007).  Evolutionary Ecology 22: 817-818 DOI
30. Cahill, JF; Elle, E; Smith, GR; Shore, BH.  (2008)   Disruption of a belowground mutualism alters interactions between plants and their floral visitors.  Ecology 89: 1791-1801 DOI
29. Kennedy, BF; Elle, E.  (2008)   The reproductive assurance benefit of selfing: importance of flower size and population size.  Oecologia 155: 469-477 DOI
27. Biernaskie, JM; Elle, E.  (2007)   A theory for exaggerated secondary sexual traits in animal-pollinated plants.  Evolutionary Ecology 21: 459-472 DOI
26. Cahill, James F., Jr.; Smith, Glen R.; Shore, Bryon H.; Elle, Elizabeth.  (2007)   Disruption of a belowground mutualism alters plant-pollinator interactions.  Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts San Jose, CA, USA August 05 -10, 2007
25. Mayberry, Rachel J.; Elle, Elizabeth.  (2007)   Effects of microhabitat on the distribution and abundance of a rare understory plant, Actaea elata.  Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts San Jose, CA, USA August 05 -10, 2007
24. Vamosi, JC, SL Goring, BF Kennedy, RJ Mayberry, CM Moray, LA Neame, ND Tunbridge, E. and E Elle.  (2007)   Pollination, floral display, and the ecological correlates of polyploidy.  Functional Ecosystems and Communities 1: 1-9. (Invited Review)  PDF
23. Biernaskie, JM; Elle, E.  (2005)   Conditional strategies in an animal-pollinated plant: size-dependent adjustment of gender and rewards.  Evolutionary Ecology Research 7: 901-913
22. Parachnowitsch, AL; Elle, E.  (2005)   Insect visitation to wildflowers in the endangered Garry Oak, Quercus garryana, ecosystem of British Columbia.  Canadian Field-Naturalist 119: 245-253  Website
21. Stastny, M; Schaffner, U; Elle, E.  (2005)   Do vigour of introduced populations and escape from specialist herbivores contribute to invasiveness?  Journal of Ecology 93: 27-37 DOI
20. Elle, E.  (2004)   Floral adaptations and biotic and abiotic selection pressures.  Plant Adaptation: Molecular Genetics and Ecology 111-118 (Conference 2002 UBC Bot Garden & Ctr Plant Res, Vancouver, CANADA)
19. Hare, JD; Elle, E.  (2004)   Survival and seed production of sticky and velvety Datura wrightii in the field: A five-year study.  Ecology 85: 615-622 DOI
18. Parachnowitsch, AL; Elle, E.  (2004)   Variation in sex allocation and male-female trade-offs in six populations of Collinsia parviflora (Scrophulariaceae s.l.).  American Journal of Botany 91: 1200-1207 DOI
17. Sabara, HA; Gillespie, DR; Elle, E; Winston, ML.  (2004)   Influence of brood, vent screening, and time of year on honey bee (Hymenoptera : Apidae) pollination and fruit quality of greenhouse tomatoes.  Journal of Economic Entomology 97: 727-734 DOI
16. Elle, E; Carney, R.  (2003)   Reproductive assurance varies with flower size in Collinsia parviflora (Scrophulariaceae).  American Journal of Botany 90: 888-896 DOI
15. Hare, J. Daniel; Elle, Elizabeth.  (2003)   Survival and seed production of sticky and velvety Datura wrightii in the field.  Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts 88: 140
14. Hare, JD; Elle, E; van Dam, NM.  (2003)   Costs of glandular trichomes in Datura wrightii: A three-year study.  Evolution 57: 793-805 DOI
13. Elle, E; Hare, JD.  (2002)   Environmentally induced variation in floral traits affects the mating system in Datura wrightii.  Functional Ecology 16: 79-88 DOI
12. Hare, Daniel; Elle, Elizabeth; Van Dam, Nicole.  (2002)   Cost of glandular trichomes in Datura wrightii: A three-year study.  Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts 87: 361
11. Hare, JD; Elle, E.  (2002)   Variable impact of diverse insect herbivores on dimorphic Datura wrightii.  Ecology 83: 2711-2720 DOI
10. Hare, JD; Elle, E.  (2001)   Geographic variation in the frequencies of trichome phenotypes of Datura wrightii and correlation with annual water deficit.  Madrono 48: 33-37
9. Elle, E; Hare, JD.  (2000)   No benefit of glandular trichome production in natural populations of Datura wrightii?  Oecologia 123: 57-65 DOI
8. Elle, E; Meagher, TR.  (2000)   Sex allocation and reproductive success in the andromonoecious perennial Solanum carolinense (Solanaceae). II. Paternity and functional gender.  American Naturalist 156: 622-636 DOI
7. Elle, E.  (1999)   Sex allocation and reproductive success in the andromonoecious perennial Solanum carolinense (Solanaceae). I. Female success.  American Journal of Botany 86: 278-286 DOI
6. Elle, E; van Dam, NM; Hare, JD.  (1999)   Cost of glandular trichomes, a "resistance" character in Datura wrightii Regel (Solanaceae).  Evolution 53: 22-35 DOI
5. van Dam, NM; Hare, JD; Elle, E.  (1999)   Inheritance and distribution of trichome phenotypes in Datura wrightii.  Journal of Heredity 90: 220-227 DOI
4. Elle, E.  (1998)   The quantitative genetics of sex allocation in the andromonoecious perennial, Solanum carolinense (L.).  Heredity 80: 481-488 DOI
3. Elle, Elizabeth.  (1997)   Sex allocation, reproductive success, and the evolution of andromonoecy in Solanum carolinense.  Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 78: 83 (4 SUPPL.)
2. Elle, E.  (1996)   Reproductive trade-offs in genetically distinct clones of Vaccinium macrocarpon, the American cranberry.  Oecologia 107: 61-70 DOI
1. Elle, Elizabeth.  (1995)   Individuals with larger flowers produce fewer, smaller seeds: Evidence for a trade-off between flower size and realized fitness through female function in Solanum carolinense.  Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 76: 322 (3 SUPPL.)
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