Selected Publications of Tony Williams

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34. Husak, JF; Fuxjager, MJ; Johnson, MA; Vitousek, MN; Donald, JW; Francis, CD; Goymann, W; Hau, M; Kircher, BK; Knapp, R; Martin, LB; Miller, ET; Schoenle, LA; Williams, TD.  (2021)   Life history and environment predict variation in testosterone across vertebrates.  Evolution 75: 1003-1010 DOI  PubMed
33. Fowler, MA; Paquet, M; Legault, V; Cohen, AA; Williams, TD.  (2018)   Physiological predictors of reproductive performance in the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris).  Front. Zool. 15 DOI  PubMed
32. Hennin, HL; Dey, CJ; Bety, J; Gilchrist, HG; Legagneux, P; Williams, TD; Love, OP.  (2018)   Higher rates of prebreeding condition gain positively impacts clutch size: A mechanistic test of the condition-dependent individual optimization model.  Funct. Ecol. 32 DOI
31. Cornell, A; Gibson, KF; Williams, TD.  (2017)   Physiological maturity at a critical life-history transition and flight ability at fledging.  Functional Ecology 31: 662-670 DOI
30. Eng, ML; Bishop, CA; Crump, D; Jones, SP; Williams, TD; Drouillard, KG; Elliott, JE.  (2017)   Catbirds are the New Chickens: High Sensitivity to a Dioxin-like Compound in a Wildlife Species.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 51: 5252-5258 DOI
29. Fowler, MA; Williams, TD.  (2017)   A Physiological Signature of the Cost of Reproduction Associated with Parental Care.  Am. Nat. 190: 762-773 DOI
28. Crossin, GT; Love, OP; Cooke, SJ; Williams, TD.  (2016)   Glucocorticoid manipulations in free-living animals: considerations of dose delivery, life-history context and reproductive state.  Functional Ecology 30: 116-125 DOI
27. Hennin, HL; Bety, J; Legagneux, P; Gilchrist, HG; Williams, TD; Love, OP.  (2016)   Energetic Physiology Mediates Individual Optimization of Breeding Phenology in a Migratory Arctic Seabird.  American Naturalist 188: 434-445 DOI
26. Ryan, CP; Dawson, A; Sharp, PJ; Williams, TD.  (2015)   Uncoupling clutch size, prolactin, and luteinizing hormone using experimental egg removal.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 213: 1-8 DOI  PubMed
25. Gorman, KB; Williams, TD; Fraser, WR.  (2014)   Ecological Sexual Dimorphism and Environmental Variability within a Community of Antarctic Penguins (Genus Pygoscelis).  PLOS One 9 DOI
24. Tissier, ML; Williams, TD; Criscuolo, F.  (2014)   Maternal Effects Underlie Ageing Costs of Growth in the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata).  PLOS One 9 DOI
23. Crespi, EJ; Williams, TD; Jessop, TS; Delehanty, B.  (2013)   Life history and the ecology of stress: how do glucocorticoid hormones influence life-history variation in animals?  Functional Ecology 27: 93-106 DOI
22. Crossin, GT; Phillips, RA; Lattin, CR; Romero, LM; Williams, TD.  (2013)   Corticosterone mediated costs of reproduction link current to future breeding.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 193: 112-120 DOI
21. Eens, M; Jaspers, VLB; Van den Steen, E; Bateson, M; Carere, C; Clergeau, P; Costantini, D; Dolenec, Z; Elliott, JE; Flux, J; Gwinner, H; Halbrook, RS; Heeb, P; Mazgajski, TD; Moksnes, A; Polo, V; Soler, JJ; Sinclair, R; Veiga, JP; Williams, TD; Covaci, A; Pinxten, R.  (2013)   Can starling eggs be useful as a biomonitoring tool to study organohalogenated contaminants on a worldwide scale?  Environment International 51: 141-149 DOI
20. Eng, ML; Elliott, JE; Letcher, RJ; Williams, TD.  (2013)   Individual variation in body burden, lipid status, and reproductive investment is related to maternal transfer of a brominated diphenyl ether (BDE-99) to eggs in the zebra finch.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32: 345-352 DOI
19. Eng, ML; Williams, TD; Elliott, JE.  (2013)   Developmental exposure to a brominated flame retardant: An assessment of effects on physiology, growth, and reproduction in a songbird, the zebra finch.  Environmental Pollution 178: 343-349 DOI
18. Stein, RW; Williams, TD.  (2013)   Extreme Intraclutch Egg-Size Dimorphism in Eudyptes Penguins, an Evolutionary Response to Clutch-Size Maladaptation.  American Naturalist 182: 260-270 DOI
17. Winter, V; Elliott, JE; Letcher, RJ; Williams, TD.  (2013)   Validation of an egg-injection method for embryotoxicity studies in a small, model songbird, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).  Chemosphere 90: 125-131 DOI
16. Winter, V; Williams, TD; Elliott, JE.  (2013)   A three-generational study of In ovo exposure to PBDE-99 in the zebra finch.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32: 562-568 DOI
15. Zanette, LY; Hobson, KA; Clinchy, M; Travers, M; Williams, TD.  (2013)   Food use is affected by the experience of nest predation: implications for indirect predator effects on clutch size.  Oecologia 172: 1031-1039 DOI
14. Crossin GT, Poisbleau M, Demongin L, Chastel O, Williams TD, Eens M, Quillfeldt P.  (2012)   Migratory constraints on yolk precursors limit yolk androgen deposition and underlie a brood reduction strategy in rockhopper penguins.  Biol Lett. 2012 Dec 23;8(6):1055-8. Epub 2012 Jul 18. 8: 1055-1058 DOI
13. Crossin, GT; Dawson, A; Phillips, RA; Trathan, PN; Gorman, KB; Adlard, S; Williams, TD.  (2012)   Seasonal patterns of prolactin and corticosterone secretion in an Antarctic seabird that moults during reproduction.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 175: 74-81 DOI
12. Crossin, GT; Phillips, RA; Trathan, PN; Fox, DS; Dawson, A; Wynne-Edwards, KE; Williams, TD.  (2012)   Migratory carryover effects and endocrinological correlates of reproductive decisions and reproductive success in female albatrosses.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 176: 151-157 DOI
11. Crossin, GT; Trathan, PN; Phillips, RA; Gorman, KB; Dawson, A; Sakamoto, KQ; Williams, TD.  (2012)   Corticosterone Predicts Foraging Behavior and Parental Care in Macaroni Penguins.  American Naturalist 180: E31-E41 DOI
10. Vezina, F; Williams, TD; Piersma, T; Morrison, RIG.  (2012)   Phenotypic compromises in a long-distance migrant during the transition from migration to reproduction in the High Arctic.  Functional Ecology 26: 500-512 DOI
9. Williams, TD; Fronstin, RB; Otomo, A; Wagner, E.  (2012)   Validation of the use of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride (PHZ) for experimental manipulation of haematocrit and plasma haemoglobin in birds.  Ibis 154: 21-29 DOI
8. Love, OP; Williams, TD.  (2011)   Manipulating developmental stress reveals sex-specific effects of egg size on offspring phenotype.  Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1497-1504 DOI
7. Crossin, GT; Trathan, PN; Phillips, RA; Dawson, A; Le Bouard, F; Williams, TD.  (2010)   A Carryover Effect of Migration Underlies Individual Variation in Reproductive Readiness and Extreme Egg Size Dimorphism in Macaroni Penguins.  American Naturalist 176: 357-366 DOI
6. Travers, M; Clinchy, M; Zanette, L; Boonstra, R; Williams, TD.  (2010)   Indirect predator effects on clutch size and the cost of egg production.  Ecology Letters 13: 980-988 DOI
5. Willie, J; Travers, M; Williams, TD.  (2010)   Female Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata) Are Chronically but Not Cumulatively "Anemic" during Repeated Egg Laying in Response to Experimental Nest Predation.  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83: 119-126 DOI
4. JANSSEN, M.H., ARCESE, P., KYSER, T.K., BERTRAM, D.F., MCFARLANE TRANQUILLA, L., WILLIAMS, T.D. & NORRIS, R.D.  (2009)   Pre-breeding diet, condition, and timing of breeding in a threatened seabird, the Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus.  Marine Ornithology 37: 33-40.  PDF
3. Williams, TD.  (2008)   Individual variation in endocrine systems: moving beyond the 'tyranny of the Golden Mean'.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 363: 1687-1698 DOI
2. Wingfield, JC; Visser, ME; Williams, TD.  (2008)   Introduction. Integration of ecology and endocrinology in avian reproduction: a new synthesis.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 363: 1581-1588 DOI
1. Zera, A.J., L.G. Harshman and T.D. Williams.  (2007)   Evolutionary endocrinology: the developing synthesis between endocrinology and evolutionary genetics.  Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics
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